Meteornotes Posted May 21, 2007 Share Posted May 21, 2007 ^They still have the Naked Fish?!? GRRRRRR. I may have to drive over there. We both had Sierra Nevada Pale Ales today with our dinner. Not bad, but I seriously think Iron HIll and their Blueberry Wheat has spoiled me for most other beer. dt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scaparri Posted May 21, 2007 Share Posted May 21, 2007 So today, I found a place in Cincinnati (Jungle Jim's) that carries tons of microbrewery beers and international beers. Most of them are even sold as individual bottles, so I picked up a few. I was pretty psyched to find Victory HopDevil, but that'll have to wait, as will my Avery New World Porter. Today, I decided to take down a Bison Chocolate Stout that I picked up. The beer had a very strong flavor with a bit of bite, but I was slightly disappointed in the chocolate flavor. I didn't really notice it. It seemed more like a coffee taste than anything. Murphy's Irish Stout has more of a chocolate after taste than the Bison. I can't complain too much though. All in all, it was still a very tasty stout. Stronger in flavor and bite than Murphy's, but not quite the intensity of a Guinness. Good stuff. Can't wait to have my Victory HopDevil and see what the rage is all about. I love a good stout. Just wish the chocolate flavor was a little stronger. Bison Chocolate Stout. Probably the darkest beer I've ever had. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bubba83 Posted May 21, 2007 Share Posted May 21, 2007 ^^^ Nice bar picture Derek, I'm taking notes. My end to American Craft Brew Week was a pretty awesome Sunday. My cousin from Seattle was in San Francisco for a Conference this week, and he decided to come see us today. I hadn't seen him in something like 6 years! We mostly just chatted, and then we went to a cool little authentic mexican place in Mountain View. After we dropped him off at the train station so he could get back to San Francisco, I came home and hours later figured something from Stone would be a good way to wrap up American Craft Brew Week. What? No more left? Noooooooo!!!!!!!! Hey, is there anymore left down there??? My best attempt at a Heath pose. I know, I'm smiling a little too much and my dimples are a little too pronounced. But hey, can you blame me, I'm drinking something from Stone here! Beer heaven! By far my favorite IPA thus far, even though I've only had 4. It edges out Bear Republic's Racer 5 by a bit. Yep, I love it! I gotta send a thank you out to Derek for the excellent suggestions about which IPAs I should try that I'd like. Very good! Hmmm... Tastes a little citrusy, but not much, and I feel like I'm in the woods with all the pine needles i'm smelling. Hoppy! The Stone IPA, as suggested by Derek. 6.9% ABV, and a nice head! I was apprehensive about IPAs until the Racer 5, how do you think I liked this one? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlyerACE1 Posted May 21, 2007 Share Posted May 21, 2007 Derek, are you sporting a "Heath" hair-cut!!??? Dudes, I demand you two start hanging out with other people! You're even starting to look like each other now!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
niiicolaaah Posted May 21, 2007 Share Posted May 21, 2007 OMG, that's what I was thinking! Thanks for pointing that out, Adam! (although Derek claims the haircut was a dee-dee-dee accident) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DerekRx Posted May 22, 2007 Share Posted May 22, 2007 ^Yeah, next time I'll be more careful as to which clipper guard I have on before I start cutting. Anyway, today I decided to break out some more local goodies, even though American Craft Beer Week is over. Hoptastic! For more balance and some hops, time for my boy Yeah, really sweet stuff, almost like candy! First on the agenda, Dogfish Head's Midas Touch, a weird old style beer with honey and fruits Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scaparri Posted May 22, 2007 Share Posted May 22, 2007 As I mentioned earlier on the page, I was at this wicked awesome grocery store in Cincinnati that has a ton of microbrewery beers. I was stunned to actually find the TPR famous Victory HopDevil. So tonight, I finally busted open the bottle. This is definitely one heck of a beer. I like Sierra Nevada Pale Ale a lot, but this definitely surpasses that. Its very hoppy, but thats probably obvious. I will definitely be picking up more during my next visit to Cinci. On a side note, though I do love the HopDevil and other pale ales, i'm starting to realize I'm more of a stout and porter kind of guy. Any suggestions guys? That's the stuff. Finally, a taste of the Victory HopDevil. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bubba83 Posted May 22, 2007 Share Posted May 22, 2007 ^ Deschutes Black Butte Porter It's my favorite beer out of everything I've tried. I don't know how much luck you'll have finding it out there though, it's from Oregon. I was able to get it at Safeway in Arizona though, so that might be a good sign... Usually comes in six packs, I don't even think they distribute any bombers. Tonight, in honor of it no longer being American Craft Brew Week, I tried something from London, Fuller's ESB. Yummy! I liked it a lot, if you let it sit on your tongue a bit you can get a nice toffee flavor, and when you swallow you get a little bitter after-taste. Overall, I think I really like ESBs, they seem like a Brown ale with more character! This was the first ESB I've ever had. I wasn't really sure what to expect. It really wasn't bitter at all, at least compared to most pales or IPAs I've had. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DerekRx Posted May 22, 2007 Share Posted May 22, 2007 On a side note, though I do love the HopDevil and other pale ales, i'm starting to realize I'm more of a stout and porter kind of guy. Any suggestions guys? This isn't really the season for the great stouts, and I don't really know how distribution is out in the Indy/Cincin area. I'd say these are some pretty good stouts, but I don't know if you'll be able to find them around you: 1. Victory Storm King 2. Founders Breakfast Stout 3. Stone Russian Imperial Stout 4. Bell's Expedition Stout 5. Bell's Cherry Stout 6. Bell's Kalamazoo Stout 7. Rogue Shakespeare Stout 8. Rogue Chocolate Stout 9. Great Lakes Blackout Stout 10. Thirsty Dog Siberian Night Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rugged One Posted May 23, 2007 Share Posted May 23, 2007 Some random selections from the last couple of nights. Tonight it's time for some more Jew Beer! This time it's the He-Brew Genesis Ale. American Craft Beer Week may be over but we wouldn't know it. Kim went for a recent gift from Derek that came from New York courtesy of Nicole. The Ellicotville Brewing Blueberry Wheat. First up on Monday, with Spring in full swing, it's time to break out a tasty bock. In this case an Anchor Bock to be exact. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DerekRx Posted May 23, 2007 Share Posted May 23, 2007 Speaking of stouts earlier today had me in the mood for some. Luckily I got a few this past weekend! Tonight was probably one of the best for this time of season, from Matt's old friend, Bell's. Yum, just like a chocolate covered cherry, in alcoholic liquid form Bell's Cherry Stout, a great mixture of fruit and stout flavors Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scaparri Posted May 23, 2007 Share Posted May 23, 2007 Snap! I know I saw the Victory Storm King and two of the Bell's stouts this weekend in Cinci! Thanks for the suggestions, Derek. I'll be making a note of all those. I need to try and find a good store with a wide variety of beers around Bloomington (where I'm at for the summer), but unfortunately, they seem to be few and far between. At least I know where to go now during my montly visits to Cinci. Tonight, I decided to finish off the beers that I had picked up in Cinci last weekend. I saved Avery Brewing Co's New World Porter for tonight. It was a very good Porter, with a nice coffee-like flavor and a good bite to it. Not my favorite though. I'm still a big fan of Ram Brewery's Total Disorder Porter, granted, I'm still a mere newbie in the beer world. Avery Brewing Company's New World Porter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bubba83 Posted May 23, 2007 Share Posted May 23, 2007 I tried two new beers tonight. The first was a local pale ale, and the next was an Irish Stout. Ended the night with a Murphy's Irish Stout. A pretty common brand over in Ireland from what I understand. More chocolatey than Guinness. Quite good, but it didn't really stand out to me as being different from the crowd. The Poleeko Gold Pale Ale. 5.5% ABV This was a pale ale done in the american style with tons of hops, it really bordered on being an IPA for me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rugged One Posted May 23, 2007 Share Posted May 23, 2007 ^^ Try the Big Red Liquors chain in Bloomington. There are several locations in town but the best one is supposed to be at 418 N. College Ave. Hope that helps. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
saturday97 Posted May 23, 2007 Share Posted May 23, 2007 Just got back from Maui where everything is better. Tried a few local brews, all of the Kona offerings are awesome. The Maui Brewing company had some interesting beers, a few of them had a passion fruit smell and flavor. Unfortunately the pub and the food were a bit of a disappointment. Oh well. The Mehana was very good, a great red. From the Big Island, I think. Maui sampler Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rugged One Posted May 24, 2007 Share Posted May 24, 2007 ^ Nice! Tonights selection is for Matt. The Lakefront Big Easy Lager. Also known as the "Last Chance Lager" by me cuz this is the last chance I'm giving Lakefront unless this one's actually drinkable. This one was interesting. It's supposed to be a Maibock but it seems to be off the style. Very sweet and malty with a pretty pronounced profile of fruits and spices. It almost didn't even seem like a lager. So what's the final verdict? Even with it's weirdness, I still found this to be a fairly drinkable beer. Curse you Lakefront! You live to be drunk another day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DerekRx Posted May 24, 2007 Share Posted May 24, 2007 Still on a stout kick to help our readers locate some good ones around them. Next up, one of the top 100 American brews, Great Divide's Yeti Imperial Stout. Another excellent Imperial Stout. Lots of chocolate and coffee flavorings with a good hoppy finish Another Yetiball approved brew from Colorado, at 9.5%abv and 75IBUs, meaning lots of hops! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bubba83 Posted May 24, 2007 Share Posted May 24, 2007 Tonight, I tried another new bomber from my BevMo run. Something from San Diego this time, a Ballast Point brew. Yep, still amazes me every time I take the first sip. I hope you can find this somewhere scaparri! Reposting my favorite beer that I ended the night with for scaparri, the Deschutes Black Butte Porter, 5.5% ABV. It's almost like a cross between a pale ale and a kolsch, but not as good as either of those two styles by themselves. The Ballast Point Yellowtail Pale Ale. ABV 4.6% This says it is inspired by the german style Kolsch ales, but it doesn't taste like a Kolsch to me really. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mcjaco Posted May 24, 2007 Share Posted May 24, 2007 ^ Nice! Tonights selection is for Matt. The Lakefront Big Easy Lager. Also known as the "Last Chance Lager" by me cuz this is the last chance I'm giving Lakefront unless this one's actually drinkable. This one was interesting. It's supposed to be a Maibock but it seems to be off the style. Very sweet and malty with a pretty pronounced profile of fruits and spices. It almost didn't even seem like a lager. So what's the final verdict? Yay me! I get a barely passing grade on a Lake Front selection! Seriously, I think Cream City is their best. Big Easy is OK (the wife likes the fruitiness), otherwise, I've been staying away from them. Saturday, I'm off to the alcohol store around the corner which has been ranked in the top 50 wine sellers in the nation. The beer selection ain't bad either. First TR from the new home....I think so! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Pete Posted May 24, 2007 Share Posted May 24, 2007 Just the one for me tonight, as i'm out early tomorrow. I did have Abbot Ale from Greene King at lunch time, which wasnt too bad... For afters, it was time for some tasty Rocky Road squares. Mmmmmm, nice malty aroma with an initial hoppy taste. There's also a hint of Coffee in the aftertaste. Tickle Brain from Burton Bridge Brewery. ABV - 8% Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ed Posted May 24, 2007 Share Posted May 24, 2007 I subjected myself to cider tonight. It was ok. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DerekRx Posted May 25, 2007 Share Posted May 25, 2007 Another day to mow the grass, another reward in the form of a good summer brew or two. Scratch it with some Troegs #1, the California Common Steam Lager Mowing makes me all hot and sweaty, and itchy too. Here's the cure... Best to have it with a slice of orange to cover up all that extreme blueberry taste, right Matt? First up, a return visit to the Leinie Lodge with some Sunset Wheat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bubba83 Posted May 25, 2007 Share Posted May 25, 2007 I tried a very good stout tonight, but was actually pleasantly surprised by the Hefeweizen i tried first as well. Great roasty bitterness, with a little bit of a chocolate finish. A very nice stout, infact, I believe it is now my favorite stout. Look for this one Scaparri! #55 in the world, Rogue's Shakespeare Stout. ABV 6.0% Looks really appealing, and doesn't let you down! Schneider's Weisse Original Hefeweizen. ABV 4.9% Quite citrusy with a nice sparkly kind of feel. A darker hefeweizen with lots of good flavor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yellow Jacket Posted May 25, 2007 Share Posted May 25, 2007 Well a great thing happened the other day to get me into this thread. The Monster is lonely...I need to go to the beerstore Reunion with an old friend. I had my first Hop Devil, at the brewpub in Downingtown, in 1997 the day after going to Kennywood and reigniting my love of rollercoasters. Now it is available in Atlanta. Woo Hoo! I walk into Green's and what to my wondering eyes did appear.... Victory! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rugged One Posted May 26, 2007 Share Posted May 26, 2007 ^Nice selections man. We like to see some Southern brews getting represented in here. Well with a fun filled BACT Attack of VA imminent, it's only fitting that we pre-party with some beers with some local VA flavor. Both were pretty good and nice way to end our preparedness for a weekend of VA beers. Finally it's time for the two darkest beers. The Porter and one we had actually had before, the Winter Stout. Derek says "Nut ain't no country I ever heard of!" Actually these two were kind of meh. No, these next two aren't the same two beers (although they look it). It's their American Brown Ale and Nut Brown Ale. Not bad. They were suprisingly refreshing with a nice crisp finish. First up for us the two lightest beers. The Golden Ale & Lager. A mixed variety sixer from the St. George Brewing Co. in Hampton, Va. Not too far from where we'll be this weekend. Check out that cool packaging. I like it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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