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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 377: Wild Oasis realm in Jungala announced for 2025!

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This just looks all kinds of beautiful awesome! Truly one of a kind element that does give the impression to me of a cheetah running up a tree and around the branches. I have no idea as to whether they can or do in real life


Just sayin'


Yes they can in real life and are known as the best tree climbers of the big cat species, these cats are so powerful they can even climb up a tree with a zebra they just hunted, they usually climb up into the trees to keep other predators from stealing their meal. The even sleep on branches of trees at night for protection and to stalk prey.


IMO this figure 8 elements mimics that perfectly, it's like BGT really did their homework on these cats and has put together a ride that mimics these beautiful cats perfectly. The burst of speed(launches) the pouncing(bunnyhops) the running up into tree tops and the drop out of the figure 8 is exactly what a Cheetah does when they spot prey.


Anyways I think this coaster and the figure 8 element is a work of art it's beautiful and I hope the rides proves to be just as exciting

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^I don't think the original poster even knows for sure.


I like the looks of the "figure 8" element, myself. So what if it's making a right turn the long way? (After all, my favorite part of Apollo's Chariot is the turnaround before the train heads back to the station.)

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And the award for the longest manoeuvre to turn right goes to...


I don't understand this element at all. Personally I would much rather see a tophat go in there twisting to the right.


I'd say it's there for two reasons. The first is purely aesthetics, while the second is anticipatory setup for the big drop.

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Wouldn't it be stupid on Intamin's part if they didn't put the weight of the train on the track when they were testing the Figure 8 element. That would be a let down.


Huh? What does this even mean?


I think what he's saying is that it would be suckish if Intamin went through the trouble of building the tower back in Hungary (right?) to make sure it all held up right, but didn't apply the force of the train to make sure that it held the weight correctly.


But Intamin's not stupid.

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Wouldn't it be stupid on Intamin's part if they didn't put the weight of the train on the track when they were testing the Figure 8 element. That would be a let down.


Huh? What does this even mean?


I think what he's saying is that it would be suckish if Intamin went through the trouble of building the tower back in Hungary (right?) to make sure it all held up right, but didn't apply the force of the train to make sure that it held the weight correctly.


But Intamin's not stupid.


Nothey're not, and I'd wager a guess that the tower can hold any number of multiples of the weight experienced with a train. These machines are built to last and support far worse than they're ever going to encounter in a normal run through. This isn't a hot wheels track after all....

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Wouldn't it be stupid on Intamin's part if they didn't put the weight of the train on the track when they were testing the Figure 8 element. That would be a let down.


Huh? What does this even mean?


I think what he's saying is that it would be suckish if Intamin went through the trouble of building the tower back in Hungary (right?) to make sure it all held up right, but didn't apply the force of the train to make sure that it held the weight correctly.


But Intamin's not stupid.



Okay, so this is my second post, but I have to say I had no idea what coaster4airtime was saying and Im even more confused after coasterfreak's explanation! lol


Anyway, as I said in the SFOT thread, this coaster and TG2 are the only two new american rides that get my blood flowing. With CF building cloned rides all over and certain SF parks building small coasters to up their count, these two parks have for-sure winners on their hands. Both coasters look to be spectacular! I think BGT fans are in for a real treat! Im already looking forward to ride reviews and the track isn't even done!

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I am here to put the nail in the coffin about my post. Leave it alone after this post. When Intamin was testing their Figure 8 element, before construction on the ride started, they were testing the strength of it (stress test). How much force it could handle. I said it would have been stupid on their part if they didn't put the weight of the train on the Figure 8 when they were doing the stress test. But as Coasterfreak101 pointed out, Intamin is not stupid. They just like to push the limits of roller coasters. I hope that helped.

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^I got what you were saying!


I actually had a similar thought - like how they were going to get a train stabilized up there when they were testing it - then I realized that Intamin can just apply it and measure away. I'm sure they wouldn't forget such a thing!


And now to leave this alone and go back to being excited for this ride!!

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Are we 100% sure that the test was strength and not fit? I could see them shop assembling this complex structure to make sure all of the pieces would fit out in the field. Making a modification while everything is still in the shop is much eaiser than in the field.

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Are we 100% sure that the test was strength and not fit? I could see them shop assembling this complex structure to make sure all of the pieces would fit out in the field. Making a modification while everything is still in the shop is much eaiser than in the field.


Ding Ding Ding I think we have a winner.


We have had awesome coverage of this ride so far. Thanks to everyone , it's been fun. Probably going to get a little trickier to get good shots. Busch, it's your turn to fill in a little seeing that you have the hard hats and all. We aren't still mad about the name so help us out a little. I need to have a good shot of the drop literally the second it is completed, all the way into the trench please.


TPR has improved my spelling.

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^I personally haven't done that tour at BGT, but I've found at all of the Busch and Sea World parks you usually get a good value for the money of the tours. Make sure to post all your Cheetah Hunt construction pictures when you get back!

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