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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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Back at Busch Gardens today (Sunday) for another visit. The train(s) were running, so I was able to see the construction status. As I said yesterday, lot's of green track and yellow supports in a lot near Adventure Island. There was a crane near the boarding area for Cheetah Hunt, but didn't erect any steel today. I do understand it is Sunday, a day of rest. I even went on Rhino Rally to see the progress from there. Not much to speak of so far. Lot's of sand still needs to be moved beyond Rhino Rally. That seems to be approximately where they stopped "the hunt" as of now.


As I headed for Montu for the first train out (total of 3 riders counting me) the construction gate was open. There is a trailer with supports on it near the crane I spoke of.


I'll be back for a few days after Christmas to ride and see the progress - I hope.

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Now that the ride has gone vertical, do we have anyone from TPR who can do regular updates? At least once per week and post them to this forum?


Please let me know. If you post a great update I'll make sure it appears on the front page of this site and sent in to Screamscape!


Thank you!



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Made my way over to Busch today. And look what I found! Track is now up! I will be back after Thanksgiving to see how much further the construction has gone.


Track is up!!!


Looks like either a temp bridge. But who knows!


Overview of the station.


Overview of Cheetah Run.


The transfer track has been finished it seems.


You can see that the transfer track turns underneath the skyride section.


Wood. All over my trench! How rude. (Ok, so it's not my trench)


Track in the overflow parking.

Edited by ernierocker
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Hmm, I wonder what happened to RCPro? They had an update that I got to check out last night, and I have to say I'm in love with the support design for this coaster. There is no denying BG went the extra mile with the overall theming experience for this ride. It's starting to look incredible .

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To Hold you over until my Physics Day Construction Update Spectacular....

-I've Posted some pictures of our BGT Coaster Physics work...which includes layouts of the some of Busch Gardens Coasters! http://themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=57202

The Coaster Engineering Expeditions of Loren and Zach





p.s- First Post from my new MacBook Pro!

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