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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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Lame name but an amazing looking ride Imo


This ride looks like it has just about everything you could want in a coaster from ride to theme it looks like it will be an awesome experience.


So now does this mean no other park in the US can build another Intamin mutiple launch coaster

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^^I actually have a good concept/idea for whatever the multi-launched coaster might be at BGW in 2012 (or at least what I think would be awesome), but this isn't the thread for it, so I'll just introduce it later.


Please post soon. I don't really have a guess at what it will do. The only things I have been able to guess at would be 4500 feet, a dive to the Rhine, three launches, below the tree line...


I actually hope that BGE is NOT like BGT's coaster... I would prefer an iSpeed style coaster BUT! I can tell they are looking for a family audience for these coasters thus the 48" height limit.


A suitable replacement for both Python and BBW.

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This looks fantastic - and it'll be even better in person. This is definitely going to be one of those rides that we can't judge from the animations (remember the big surprise Maverick was?) and that's going to make for a great surprise when it opens next year!


January 2012 (and Spring, for BGW's) can't come soon enough!


Oh, and Cheetah Hunt? Really? I didn't really expect something so generic to come from the guys who came up with Kumba, Montu, Alpengeist, and so on. But oh well!

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While it is odd that they would name it Cheetah Hunt when they already have Cheetah Chase and they are completely different kinds of rides which may be confusing, THIS RIDE IS SICK!!! The theming looks incredible and the first launch area is really cool! Well done BGT!

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I actually hope that BGE is NOT like BGT's coaster... I would prefer an iSpeed style coaster BUT! I can tell they are looking for a family audience for these coasters thus the 48" height limit.

I think if BGW's was more like iSpeed that would be a huge mistake. If what they are getting to replace Big Bad Wolf is similar to Cheetah Hunt then they are replacing what used to be a 42" height restriction ride with one that is 48", which is already quite a large difference. But replacing that ride with yet another 52" or 54" height restriction coaster, which is what rides like Maverick, iSpeed, Storm Runner, Fahrenheit are, would be a big mistake to me.


BGW *needs* another coaster that more families can ride together. Remember, they took out the 42" Wild Maus, took out the 42" Big Bad Wolf, and while they did replace the Wild Mouse with the 42" DarKastle, they recently have gotten the 54" Griffon for older kids and the Sesame Street area for toddlers. So they are still down one "inbetween" ride. BGW currently has a need for a major attraction than attracts families.



Edited by robbalvey
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On the subject of lap bars - doesn't Intamin refer to their shoulder restraints as overhead lap bars?


I just can't comprehend taking a zero-g roll with just a lap bar (keeping in mind that Blue Fire and the X-car coasters have their restraint at the hip).

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^^I actually have a good concept/idea for whatever the multi-launched coaster might be at BGW in 2012 (or at least what I think would be awesome), but this isn't the thread for it, so I'll just introduce it later.


Please post soon. I don't really have a guess at what it will do. The only things I have been able to guess at would be 4500 feet, a dive to the Rhine, three launches, below the tree line...


I actually hope that BGE is NOT like BGT's coaster... I would prefer an iSpeed style coaster BUT! I can tell they are looking for a family audience for these coasters thus the 48" height limit.


A suitable replacement for both Python and BBW.

It's not really a serious idea based on any info, it's more like my Der Fallinfast idea, only more entertaining!

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I'm not feeling the name at all. It's very bland whereas the other big coasters in the park have a uniqueness with their names and interesting stories behind them.


That said, the coaster looks great and I can't wait to ride it next year!

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BGW *needs* another coaster that more families can ride together.


Agreed. Even though I don't personally have children, parks with nothing but thrill rides and toddler rides quickly bore me. I want variety. Which is why I think it's great that Busch Gardens are going with Intamin rather than another B&M. And the lapbar thing positively has me elated.


I wonder if the new owners want more easily pronounced/understood names? Isn't BGW's new drop tower called, like Drop_Tower_1 or something?

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BGW *needs* another coaster that more families can ride together. Remember, they took out the 42" Wild Maus, took out the 42" Big Bad Wolf, and while they did replace the Wild Mouse with the 42" DarKastle, they recently have gotten the 54" Griffon for older kids and the Sesame Street area for toddlers. So they are still down one "inbetween" ride. BGW currently has a need for a major attraction than attracts families.




I agree with this--lack of a "true family" coaster was the biggest complaint among people in the Williamsburg area when BBW was removed (riding it was sort of a "rite of passage" for local kids).


If Ted Nugent sponsored this ride, you'd have to hunt cheetah with a bow and arrow. I'm hoping for "I-305 style" restraints.

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I'm hoping for "I-305 style" restraints.


Instead of lapbars??


Actually, I think they would be more accomodating for larger riders, but I missed any mention of the restraints . . . but let's not get into that again.

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I just can't comprehend taking a zero-g roll with just a lap bar (keeping in mind that Blue Fire and the X-car coasters have their restraint at the hip).

I assume it wouldn't be much different than when Chiller had lap bars? It seemed fine to me...and FUN!

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