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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 377: Wild Oasis realm in Jungala announced for 2025!

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  • 1 month later...

Serengeti Flyer has re-opened. There was a sign at the train stations on Friday night that they are planning to re-open it soon as they are still dealing with damage from the hurricane.

It was also a nice surprise to see the Skyride operating until park closing at 8:00. Usually it closes a few hours before the rest of the park.  Montu and Sheikra were also running 2 trains, I can't remember the last time I saw Montu running 2 trains on a weekday.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Kumba has been closed for a few weeks now, Montu and Cheetah Hunt are now on the closed rides list:


To have 3 major coasters down right as it's about to be the most crowded time of the year is going to be interesting. That leaves a total of 10 rides open in the entire park that aren't kiddie rides. Unfortunately, they aren't adjusting operations to run the open rides at a higher capacity. There could have been more than a few hundred cars in the lot this afternoon yet Sheikra still was close to a 40 minute wait because they were only running 1 train.

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It’s sad the way BGT and SWO have been run in the past few years and how they are currently run. The only thing they care about are the quarterly profit results. Yes they are a business and need to make money but the damage done to the brand and reputation is going to hurt them in the long run. Both parks have so much potential and yet they are operated with little care for the guest experience from the moment you get through the parking toll. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree, it gets frustrating to visit both parks because of the operations and lack of rides. I was recently looking at BGW's ride collection and saw they had almost twice as many rides (not counting kids rides) as BGT.  BGT could use some flats and a dark ride to help spread out crowds.

Kumba and Congo River Rapids are still closed and not supposed to be reopening anytime soon (rumor is Kumba has a broken lift motor and the rapids needs a new pump) and now Sheikra and the log flume are having their annual maintenance with both supposedly closed until March. Even with those 2 rides open until today, these past few weeks had some of the highest wait times ever for some coasters with Cheetah Hunt and Iron Gwazi both having up to 4 hour posted waits.


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