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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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These are small shows in the 1,200 seat Stanleyville Theater. It's not like these are supposed to be huge shows with mass appeal in Gwazi Park.


They're still terrible, also they're target audience is a bit outside of the demographic, which may actually be the point.

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Obviously it's nothing I would get excited about but they brought a lot of them back from last year so clearly it's successful for them.


Heh. You never know. I almost got arrested for drunkenly heckling Peter Noone a while back when Herman's Hermits played Ocean Grove. Highlight of that weekend.

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Obviously it's nothing I would get excited about but they brought a lot of them back from last year so clearly it's successful for them.


Heh. You never know. I almost got arrested for drunkenly heckling Peter Noone a while back when Herman's Hermits played Ocean Grove. Highlight of that weekend.


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Jesus, he looks like a I am too stupid to spell Steel Vengeance so I'll just write SteVe and pretend I'm being cool Bannon / Gary Busey love child.


... you know what, I'll just let the word filter do it's thing.




The word filter is PERFECT in this instance.

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Well, we are CONFIRMED. Found on the City of Tampa building permits website was this permit - BDE-19-0439598


Filed on behalf of SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment by general contractor "Rocky Mountain Construction"


Any normal person would've been convinced after the park explicitly teased it, but this is proof for the the weirdos who were convinced that BGT was going to give GCI a third try at the ride...


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I'm excited to see what they actually do with this thing. Will it still be two separate tracked racing/dueling coasters? converted into a single track with a single station like Colossus? Chopped up into one single long track with some of the structure removed? No idea but should be fun to see where this thing goes.


Also, will this be RMC's highest profile project to date? I guess Steel Vengeance was a pretty big deal in the coaster community, WIldfire looks amazing but is at a park that's a little off the beaten path. Busch Gardens is a year round park in the massively "visible" central Florida theme park market, probably the highest attended park to get an RMC to date. Feels like this could be a massive project for both the park and RMC.

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Also, will this be RMC's highest profile project to date?

One could argue that Rocky Mountain's highest-profile project was New Texas Giant, which immediately put them as a new company on the map.

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I'm excited to see what they actually do with this thing. Will it still be two separate tracked racing/dueling coasters? converted into a single track with a single station like Colossus? Chopped up into one single long track with some of the structure removed? No idea but should be fun to see where this thing goes.


Also, will this be RMC's highest profile project to date? I guess Steel Vengeance was a pretty big deal in the coaster community, WIldfire looks amazing but is at a park that's a little off the beaten path. Busch Gardens is a year round park in the massively "visible" central Florida theme park market, probably the highest attended park to get an RMC to date. Feels like this could be a massive project for both the park and RMC.


Yeah, it has the potential to be. Steel Vengeance had the biggest fair in the coaster community... probably since Millennium Force, but CP isn't really much of a blip on the radar for the average person run of the mill person in America who isn't an enthusiast. But most people have been to Disney World at some point, and everybody has obviously heard of Disney World. When the millions of non-coaster people visit Disney, they'll hear about what's going on in Tampa and be intrigued. Get ready for some long lines guys.

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Planning on heading to the park sometime this week. Will the line skipper pass be necessary if I want to do all the major rides?


Yes. This week is the busiest time of the year for all Florida Theme Parks.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Planning on heading to the park sometime this week. Will the line skipper pass be necessary if I want to do all the major rides?


Yes. This week is the busiest time of the year for all Florida Theme Parks.


Looking at the crowd calendars it does look like attendance drops off a cliff after New Years for the Florida parks though.

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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay has announced that in honor of the park's 60th anniversary, they will bring back complimentary beer samples for the entire year and they'll host 52 weeks of events throughout 2019!






Help us celebrate 60 years of fun and thrill rides for our 60th Anniversary! Commemorative activities and offers are planned throughout 2019 as part of Busch Gardens Tampa Bay's 60th Celebration - including the return of two complimentary beer samples included in park admission.



Join us for a #YearOfBeer in 2019! At Garden Gate Café or Serengeti Overlook Pub, guests age 21 and older can enjoy two complimentary samples each park visit in 2019, going back the park’s roots as a beer garden when it first opened in 1959.


Only valid at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay. Busch Gardens reserves the right to refuse service of any alcoholic beverage to any guest who is unable to provide proper identification or appears to be intoxicated. Legal Proof of Drinking age is required for all alcohol consumption. Not valid for any other discounts. Not valid during Howl-O-Scream.


Busch Gardens® Tampa Bay offers a unique blend of world-class roller coasters, live shows and more than 12,000 animals.



2019 Busch Gardens Tampa Bay will have more festivities than ever. A full year of fun with 52 weeks of exciting events! An Annual Pass is your best value to experience it all.

Edited by jedimaster1227
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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay has announced that in honor of the park's 60th anniversary, they will bring back complimentary beer samples for the entire year and they'll host 52 weeks of events throughout 2019!






Help us celebrate 60 years of fun and thrill rides for our 60th Anniversary! Commemorative activities and offers are planned throughout 2019 as part of Busch Gardens Tampa Bay's 60th Celebration - including the return of two complimentary beer samples included in park admission.



Join us for a #YearOfBeer in 2019! At Garden Gate Café or Serengeti Overlook Pub, guests age 21 and older can enjoy two complimentary samples each park visit in 2019, going back the park’s roots as a beer garden when it first opened in 1959.


Only valid at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay. Busch Gardens reserves the right to refuse service of any alcoholic beverage to any guest who is unable to provide proper identification or appears to be intoxicated. Legal Proof of Drinking age is required for all alcohol consumption. Not valid for any other discounts. Not valid during Howl-O-Scream.


Busch Gardens® Tampa Bay offers a unique blend of world-class roller coasters, live shows and more than 12,000 animals.



2019 Busch Gardens Tampa Bay will have more festivities than ever. A full year of fun with 52 weeks of exciting events! An Annual Pass is your best value to experience it all.


Man, I definitely love those SeaWorld parks. These and the Cedar Fair parks I think are the top two chains. Every chain has its pros and cons, but these two I think just go out of their way to make the experiences better for their customers.

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^You can bet that from a marketing approach, the new name for whatever Gwazi becomes will be something that the general public will understand... No one outside of the coaster/theme park community knows what RMC is.


STEEL GWAZI!! (I kid, I kid).

I hope they do something cool and unusual with the name, like BGT and BGW typically do.

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^You can bet that from a marketing approach, the new name for whatever Gwazi becomes will be something that the general public will understand... No one outside of the coaster/theme park community knows what RMC is.


STEEL GWAZI!! (I kid, I kid).

I hope they do something cool and unusual with the name, like BGT and BGW typically do.


They took out the trademark for Twisted Tigers, so I'm imagining that there's a pretty good chance that they'll go with that.

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And people know what a Valravn or Rougarou is?


The theming and signage surrounding those coasters at least alludes to what those creatures are... I don’t know that you could come up with some kind of themed name that integrates into Busch Gardens’ style that somehow involves RMC...


They took out the trademark for Twisted Tigers, so I'm imagining that there's a pretty good chance that they'll go with that.


That was filed at the same time as Tigris’ trademark right? When Cheetah Hunt was first being developed several cheetah-related names were trademarked (to the point that even the official announcement page had code referencing the name “Cheetaka”). I think this was more likely a title grab for Tigris than something related to the Gwazi project.

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