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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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A Dueling RMC would probably be the best coaster in the state of Florida. A SkyRocket would be the 5th best coaster at the park. I for one, really hope it's the former and I would be there opening day for a re-imagined Gwazi!


The dueling RMC can make up for the loss of the Dueling B&M

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I can see a scenario where they build one coaster utilizing sections of both existing layout structures and demo the unused portions for future expansions.


I can also see a scenario where they just demo the whole thing, we shall see.

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A Dueling RMC would probably be the best coaster in the state of Florida. A SkyRocket would be the 5th best coaster at the park. I for one, really hope it's the former and I would be there opening day for a re-imagined Gwazi!


The dueling RMC can make up for the loss of the Dueling B&M


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Look at how massive the size of Gwazi is. I am still of the firm belief that if they knock it down that is enough land not only for a new hamlet, but a new coaster to anchor it as well.


Even if they do RMC it, I highly doubt it will be dueling. There is enough there for one coaster as well as more attractions as stated above.


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Most sources close to the park say it will be a Skyrocket II, and it makes sense considering the success of Tempesto and soon to be Electric Eel.


Any word on who the “many sources” are?


I heard the Dip & Dots guy is out of town on Holiday.

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It seems like the thing that really got the rumor mill spinning was that blog post by Touring Central Florida where they said that. Most of the sources that are saying it seem to be saying it because of that one blog post made by someone who openly said that they were just speculating and openly skeptical of their sources. People sort of ignored that part though and now since everyone got this rumor from the same place it seems like "multiple sources" are saying the same thing.


Honestly, what they're saying is a perfectly reasonable and believable guess, but I'm pretty sure that's all it is at this point.

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Most sources close to the park say it will be a Skyrocket II, and it makes sense considering the success of Tempesto and soon to be Electric Eel.


Any word on who the “many sources” are?


I heard the Dip & Dots guy is out of town on Holiday.


It was his cousin the funnel cake guy.


I'm surprised that no one is talking about the major media event happening on the 30th (Monday). "Thrills are on tap"? What is that supposed to mean?


I bet it is beer related.

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Like I said earlier, while I do think that Touring Central Florida is essentially guessing when they suggest that a Tempesto clone is going in that spot it also seems like an entirely reasonable guess and I'm now in the boat where I have pretty much the same guess after seeing this.


That said, it's far from confirmed. They could simply be removing the ride because it's an eyesore and leaving the buildings and queue house for the "Black Spot" haunt maze which is probably already set up inside.


Regardless of the outcome, the fact that they're removing Tidal Wave is good news.

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Permits have been filed to remove Tidal Wave from the property. Interesting thing to note, the permits say that only the ride path (structure, footers, etc) will be demolished. All trees and buildings stay.


What in the world is BGT doing?

Skyrocket II confirmed.

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I really hope for a RMC Gwazi not some off the shelf clone coaster. Busch Gardens Tampa is not known for adding clone attractions. Every ride they built has been new and original. Now other parks have copied them but they have never copied other parks. So I am hoping they continue creating their own unique rides and attractions.

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I really hope for a RMC Gwazi not some off the shelf clone coaster. Busch Gardens Tampa is not known for adding clone attractions. Every ride they built has been new and original. Now other parks have copied them but they have never copied other parks.



Edited by coasterbill
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I really hope for a RMC Gwazi not some off the shelf clone coaster. Busch Gardens Tampa is not known for adding clone attractions. Every ride they built has been new and original. Now other parks have copied them but they have never copied other parks. So I am hoping they continue creating their own unique rides and attractions.

FFS Skyrocket 2s are great rides. The only bad thing is capacity but BGW is doing fine with that with Tempesto.

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I really hope for a RMC Gwazi not some off the shelf clone coaster. Busch Gardens Tampa is not known for adding clone attractions. Every ride they built has been new and original. Now other parks have copied them but they have never copied other parks. So I am hoping they continue creating their own unique rides and attractions.


If a theme park adds a "clone' of a coaster it doesn't ruin the theme park. BGW is still amazing and wonderful with Tempesto. Absolutely nobody that isn't an enthusiast gives two sh*ts if there's a "clone" of another coaster anywhere.

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If another Sky Rocket II comes to the chain, I have no problem. They pack a lot of action into a compact space and have a relatively low price tag for such a thrilling attraction.


Would I prefer a custom coaster? Yes. I think all enthusiasts would. But for 99% of park guests, this will be a unique coaster with just as much appeal so I don't blame them for possibly adding one.

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I think the Skyrocket is the reasonable choice for BGT if they decide to RMC Gwazi or put a custom design coaster in its place.


The Skyrocket is a cheap and effective coaster add while giving management the time to invest in something larger in the next few years

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My guess is that a Skyrocket 2 is coming for 2019 but it'll take two years from the start of a Gwazi RMC conversion/replacement to complete so that's your 2021/2022 addition.

Edited by ElvisLuv
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Is the Zombie themed Sky Rocket in Mexico the only one with a dual load station? A dual load station with 2 laps around the circuit seems like the way to go, wonder why more parks haven't chosen that option?


I believe so. I'd love to see the double lap, dual load version here but I have a feeling it'll be the same 3 car version as Tempesto and Electric Eel if they go this route.

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