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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 377: Wild Oasis realm in Jungala announced for 2025!

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^Concept Art for Cheetah Hunt (found in the ride's exit a few years ago) indicates that spinning trains were definitely considered... Or that at least Euro-Mir's drop from the tower was an inspiration for the Windcatcher Tower.

Seeing that make's me realise that the tower on cheetah hunt would be more fitting on a spinning coaster, more so than it is now.

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I got an idea for what Busch Gardens Tampa should put in where Gwazi was, a Gerstlauer spinning coaster!


Man, you really like those coasters, don't you?


As for a Gwazi replacement, I vote for anything Intamin. BGT has the best B&M line-up ever, and a newer B&M would be overshadowed by the awesome old-school B&M goodness the park already has to offer.


I know this is constantly used to joke around, but I legitimately think an AquaTrax would be a nice addition with some cool theming.

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We now have Gwazi fanboys


Nothing wrong with people liking a coaster.


I'm planning on going to BGT in March so it sucks I can't ride Gwazi. I have never been on it and I was looking forward to it. I hope RMC gets their hands on Gwazi because I think they can turn it into a world class ride. Fingers crossed.

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I rode both sides a bunch in 1999 when it opened, rode the one open side the first year they got the Millennium Flyers as a courtesy and and will be back just in time to try it again before it closes. Total fluke I guess. I don't remember Gwazi being anything memorable or particularly bad. Montu memories must have suppressed Gwazi lol.

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It would be amazing if Gwazi got the RMC treatment. However, I do not exactly see that happening in this park.


Though, the Busch/Seaworld chain has been full of surprised the past few years. For nearly two decades, this park chain bought almost all their big coasters from B&M. Excluding Steel Eel, every coaster that was built in the 90's and 00's in one of their parks is either a B&M, or a coaster type that B&M does not make (water coasters, wood coasters, etc.) Then, between 2010 and 2012, the chain bought three different launch coasters from three different companies. They further surprised us with the construction of a Premier Skyloop. So, maybe they could surprise us again with an RMC Gwazi?

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So I have to ask, when I rode this ride 7 years ago, I enjoyed it, it was rough but not as bad as some are taking it be now. Has it gone to hell in the last 7 years? From all of the post and excitement around it closing, it left me wondering.

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Does SeaWorld/Busch Gardens think that wooden roller coasters are "obsolete"?
Thinking that in a serious business like amusement parks, and the huge surge and success of RMC is around, they would be idiotic to think wooden coasters are obsolete.
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