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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 377: Wild Oasis realm in Jungala announced for 2025!

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Got to ride Falcons Fury twice tonight (I work at Adventure Island). It was my very first drop tower so I was definitely nervous. BUT it was absolutely awesome! The way up feels like a life time especially when you turn and face the ground. I must say the drop is really quick and not violent at all. Well worth it for the view of Tampa alone!


ps- your legs swing freely and theres just enough space so that you can feel yourself fall as it faces you down

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The thing that makes that article great is that the "endurance coaster" is a togo stand-up.


To be more precise, I think that's actually a mirrored version of SkyRider from Wonderland (green track with blue rails). A Togo is getting relocated!!!!(joking)

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The thing that makes that article great is that the "endurance coaster" is a togo stand-up.



It would be such a random coaster to pick randomly...I hope someone at the Onion is a coaster enthusiast and picked a TOGO as the worst possible 9600 mile coaster there could be

Edited by JJLehto
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So I was doing a little bit of searching in the Tampa permit database and I found 2 surprising facts:


1) Sandstorm was to be relocated somewhere else in the park (but that permit got cancelled).


2) The City of Tampa signed off on the ride on MAY 6. It seems like the only explanation for the ride still be closed is that (when testing stopped) a major part of the ride broke. I'm sure there are parts that have never been used on a ride before so I would think that whatever broke had to be manufactured from scratch back over seas.

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It was because of a parts issue. They had to replace all of the cables that move the catch car, and I guess it took a while for them to be delivered. Not sure if this next part is official or not, but I heard that they had to be replaced because the lubrication used in the old ones was not reacting well with the Florida weather.

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