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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 377: Wild Oasis realm in Jungala announced for 2025!

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So they're probably going to the PR department right now, to prep for when this ride breaks down for the first time at the top when riders are stuck facing the ground at 335ft in the air hahaha. Now that will be hysterical. Start typing up that PR press release!

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Does anyone remember the restraints on the S&S space shots? They kept you firmly in place while allowing for a lot of freedom. Even in the insane mode, they were quite comfortable and didn't dig into your neck like other restraints. Better yet, they don't ratchet down on your chest during the ride like the B&M flyers and wing riders. I think S&S used the same type on the Sky Swatters as well. Hopefully Intamin can create something a bit more like those. Still can't wait to get on this mutha humpa.

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Intamin is king of drop towers...that's a fact! (dodges stones)


I've been thinking...will this really need leg restraints? With rides like sheikra dropping vertically with a pause in the vertical position and acrophopia tilting you at 15 degrees with you on nothing but a bicycle seat I don't think, in my opinion leg restraints are needed. I know concept arts and video renditions are not "tell all" but it makes me wonder if what we see is basically what you get here.

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Its not uncommon for rumors to start before the ride is planned and set on as far as design, but I think those rumors stemmed from the fact that both bush parks usually get similar attractions so it was a no brainer that a drop tower would be dropped down at bgt...it was just a matter of when at this point.

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It took them long enough to announce it. I remember hearing drop tower rumors in Feb. 2012 that it would be for this year.

I hate posts like this. Oh, gee, sorry it took them "long enough"...


Here's a thought... maybe it took so long because some of those original plans and rumors make it look like they were going to build another "Mach Tower", and when all the issues with that ride happened, they actually went back to the drawing board, looked at some of the other drop tower options, and came back with what looks like it could be the best drop tower in the world.


Personally, I'd rather wait LONGER for them to put in something that is going to KICK ALL SORTS OF ASS, than to have seen the park rush into making another mistake.


Who's with me on that?

Edited by robbalvey
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It took them long enough to announce it. I remember hearing drop tower rumors in Feb. 2012 that it would be for this year.

I hate posts like this. Oh, gee, sorry it took them "long enough"...


Here's a thought... maybe it took so long because some of those original plans and rumors make it look like they were going to build another "Mach Tower", and when all the issues with that ride happened, they actually went back to the drawing board, looked at some of the other drop tower options, and came back with what looks like it could be the best drop tower in the world.


Personally, I'd rather wait LONGER for them to put in something that is going to KICK ALL SORTS OF A$$, than to have seen the park rush into making another mistake.


Who's with me on that?

I am.

I don't get those people who just want the parks to announce a ride and not go through the teasers and pre-announcement marketing that goes along with the attraction. I mean, half of the fun is sometimes the advertisements that happen before an official announcement is released. Take Smiler, Skyrush, and whatever KI seems to be doing right now. It gets people excited and talking and really lives up to the phrase, "Half of the fun is just getting there".


Having just ridden Atmos-Fear at Knoebels a few hours ago and nearly walked off scared shatless, I could only imagine how I would be if I was over 300ft in the air and freefalling face-down! Congrats BGT!

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I'm with you on that too. Honestly they can take as long as they want and I don't mind in the least if that means getting a better ride experience.


On the other hand, I was always happy Busch didn't have a drop tower because honestly, I am terrified of them. Hopefully having one so close will help alleviate my fear of them now. Either way, I'm excited to see an exciting new addition to my home park and you bet I will be there opening day to face my fear.

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I hate posts like this. Oh, gee, sorry it took them "long enough"...


Here's a thought... maybe it took so long because some of those original plans and rumors make it look like they were going to build another "Mach Tower", and when all the issues with that ride happened, they actually went back to the drawing board, looked at some of the other drop tower options, and came back with what looks like it could be the best drop tower in the world.


Personally, I'd rather wait LONGER for them to put in something that is going to KICK ALL SORTS OF A$$, than to have seen the park rush into making another mistake.


Who's with me on that?

I agree with that 100%! I'm sure it will probably have reliability issues, too, and I'm ok with it!! Intamin's pushing the limits on this one. This thing is going to be insane, and it'll be well worth the wait for it, even if it takes a bit of time to work the "bugs" out.

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