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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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^Go directly to Cheetah Hunt if you get there at opening. If you don't get there at opening, give the line some time to die down and go later in the afternoon. The rest of the rides won't have a wait longer than 15-20 (if that), so you can take your time exploring the rest of the park. If you're going to be there all day, I highly, highly, highly recommend getting the all-day dining pass. It's a hell of a deal. Make sure you see Iceploration, and make sure you visit the kangaroos at feeding time.


Oh yes, the all day dining deal is an extremely good deal. We used it for just waters and got our money's worth!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll be doing BGT and SWO on a last minute trip to FL in a couple weeks. I've already come up with an attack plan and also plan on meeting up with a few TPR members. Here's what I've planned so far.


Opening/rope drop head straight to Cheetah Hunt, hit Montu, head to Timbuktu for Rhino Rally, Wild Maus, and Scorpion, head toward the back to ride Kumba/Congo, head back to the front hitting bumper cars, water rides, and SheiKra, Gwazi would be the last "new" ride I plan on hitting.


I also plan on adding skyride, maybe train, a few animal exhibits, and Iceploration to the mix. Any other rides I should hit or does that pretty much cover the entire park?


I hear Kumba's been pretty temperamental lately. Any word on if the coaster is going down for maintenance in the coming weeks? Kumba's definitely at the top of my must-ride list and if it's down, I'd be disappointed.


Will Sunday crowds be manageable? I know BGW's crowds are pretty light on Sundays, but does it compare?

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I was there 2 weeks ago and Kumba was running great as always.


I was there yesterday. Kumba was running friggin amazing!! Gwazi Tiger was running great. Gwazi Lion was closed. Lion has been the tempermental coaster. All others have been running great!

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I went last week and all the coasters were awesome! With Kumba I got to ride the train with the black restraints and I must say, I didn't really notice a big difference other then my head not banging around as much.


Also I discovered that Cheetah Hunt is my new favorite coaster. The launches are great, it's smooth, and its quiet. We would just hear screams and not hear the coaster.

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^^ Great news about Tiger. I have all but given up on that ride. Damn shame to have all that GCI suck so bad. I have actually only found TIger open a few times so I have very few rides on that side.

Kumba has always been great on my visits, it really is a great ride.

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I dunno what the problem is with Gwazi... We rode it multiple times on our trip, primarily because of the first half and how crazy it was! I had been on it before with the PTCs, and I can't remember much about how it was, though I don't remember hating it like everyone on here does. But with the Flyers I definitely enjoyed it, and it wasn't nearly as rough as everyone complains about it being.

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I've been to the park 5 times this year and still haven't been on Gwazi. Actually, I think I've only been on the coaster once since the MF were put in.


It's definitely a good time to go now. I was there this past Tuesday and everything was a walk-on. I was able to get 2 front row rides in on Cheetah Hunt before any of the crowds came in. Heck, I had 2 solo rides on Kumba before any of the GP reached the back of the park.

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Has anyone heard anything to go along with rumors about Gwazi possibly getting track work similar to texas Giant? Screamscape reported a rumor about parts of Gwazi getting this track work since it is still having issues despite the new flyer trains.

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I don't think it was rumored to be a complete transformation like the Texas Giant, but more like a refurbishing of the current track by the same company. Gwazi has potential because I know it used to be great and I still like it. It used to be quick and even disorienting towards the end, but last time I rode Lion it really lacked the airtime I felt either side used to deliver, and it felt rickety and sluggish...the new trains had done little yet, so track refurbishment sounds like the next option and it really could do wonders for this ride.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New tower name?


ParkRumors did a little digging in the Trademark database and discovered a new filing from SeaWorld Entertainment for the name “Desert Dive” for a new ride. They have also purchased the DesertDive.com URL as well. I’m agree with what they’re thinking… that this is the new intended name for the 2013 drop tower ride.

Still… sounds a bit goofy to me. Desert Dive would be a great name for a Egyptian themed flume ride, wouldn’t it? Just seems to be lacking as a drop tower name.

- http://screamscape.com/html/busch_gardens_tampa.htm


On May 2nd, SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment, the owners/operators of Busch Gardens Tampa, filed a new trademark application for the name Desert Dive and registered the domain name DesertDive.com. Since the park’s new drop tower planned for 2013 will be going into the Timbuktu section of the park, it would only seem logical that these registrations are for the new attraction.


However, just because the park has trademarked the name doesn’t mean it’s the final name they’ve chosen for the attraction. We saw an excellent example of this back in 2010 when SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment registered the name “Cheetaka“. This was widely believed to be the final name for Busch Garden’s new Cheetah themed roller coaster, but it was changed at the last minute to “Cheetah Hunt“.


Below is a screenshot of the trademark application. What do you think of the name? Do you think it should change, or will this be the name of the 2013 drop tower? Let us know in the comments below, or on our forums!

- parkrumors.com/desert-dive-busch-gardens-2013/


I dunno. I hope that BG is making the rumored name a bit boring so it can make a slightly better name for the drop tower.

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^^ Agreed.


Honestly, Seaworld Parks and Entertainment haven't been making good ride name choices...I hope it's not Desert Dive but then again I shouldn't judge something just on its name. Honestly, when would I ever dive in a desert? If that was ever to be a water ride name...when do you see water in a desert? Come one BGT!!!

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I really don't care if the name is Desert Dive (though it does bring up a thought of diving into a desert oasis?), but after the freak out by people over Cheetaka/Cheetah Hunt (enthusiasts and GP alike!) I would hope they either stick with this or get a popular poll done. I think getting poll done would be better for public approval, but getting the rights for the name later may be more difficult.

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I'm convinced the naming people at Busch are on crack!


When I think of the word 'Dive' I think of two things; water and head first. Neither of which will be involved in a desert themed drop tower.


I really don't care, I just think it's amusing!

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I'm convinced the naming people at Busch are on crack!


When I think of the word 'Dive' I think of two things; water and head first. Neither of which will be involved in a desert themed drop tower.


I really don't care, I just think it's amusing!


It's simple, theme the ride to an oasis, surround the ride platform with water and tilting seats for the "dive" off of a giant Palm Tree.


Nah they're on crack.

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I'm convinced the naming people at Busch are on crack!


When I think of the word 'Dive' I think of two things; water and head first. Neither of which will be involved in a desert themed drop tower.


I really don't care, I just think it's amusing!



I think you have hit the nail on the head here, its going to be the world's first head first drop tower!

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