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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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So, some quick questions for any of you that have bought tickets online for BGT - what is the process like when you get to the park if you order a year long passport online and print it out? Do I still have to go get my picture taken or wait in some long processing line? Will I be able to take advantage of the free parking the first time I go? And perhaps most importantly, will I be able to take part in the passholder Cheetah Hunt ERT the first time I go to the park with the new pass?


Finally, on the topic of Quick Queue - how does that work once you get to the park if you have already ordered online?


(And for the record, I've researched all of these questions on the BGT website and was not able to find answers.)


As was already posted, when the tram drops you off at the gate, go to the self-serve ticket machines (you can miss them) and follow the steps. Be sure to have your passport voucher with you.


BGT does not have photos on their AP's. I have a 2 year passport and it doesn't have a photo. I remember back maybe 10 or so years ago even the FL resident FunCards had photos on them, but not anymore.


As for the parking, yes it'll still be free. Just show your passport voucher to the parking attendant. They'll take it to scan so they can print out a receipt to give you, then send you on your way.


And don't forget you get a 10% discount on food & merchandise (including on the refills if you have one of those sports bottles... totally worth the $7.99!).


Thanks for the info! What do they use to ID you without a photo? Do they still do those hand scanners? Also, how does Quick Queue work if you order online? Same as the passports - self serve terminals? I haven't been to BGT in over two years and think that I'm going to get the Quick Queue Unlimited for my first time back (I'm hoping that 'unlimited' tag really means unlimited!).

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Just got my ERT tickets for Cheetah Hunt. Apparently it includes Gwazi and Montu ERT. How nice.


Very cool. Though I don't understand how you've already got yours. I won about 4 days before you, yet I don't have mine. And it took me only 2 days to send a letter across the state where I am this entire school year. I can't wait to receive them soon!

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New Cheetah Hunt update from BGT Nation! Cheetah Run is complete! Now we await the speeds of Cheetah Hunt!




Holy cow... it was only a few days ago that it looked like a dirt pit!... its looking amazing in such a short time!... we are only ONE week away!!!... can't WAIT!!!...

Edited by jedimaster1227
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Thanks for the info! What do they use to ID you without a photo? Do they still do those hand scanners? Also, how does Quick Queue work if you order online? Same as the passports - self serve terminals? I haven't been to BGT in over two years and think that I'm going to get the Quick Queue Unlimited for my first time back (I'm hoping that 'unlimited' tag really means unlimited!).

I've never been asked to show my ID, but your name is printed on your passport. And yes they still have the finger scanners. That's what they basically use to verify you're using your pass (and not passing it along to someone else to use). Oh and your pass will be just like a regular one-day admission ticket (i.e., a flimsy paper ticket), so I I highly recommend investing in one of those passholder lanyards they sell in just about every gift shop. I like that my lanyard is different (it's beaded instead of fabric... I got it at one of the shops in the park a few years ago, but they don't sell those ones anymore).


I've never used Quick Queue, so I can't help you there. For me, if a line is too long, I just skip it. There's times I'll go to the park and not ride anything and just enjoy the atmosphere, the animals & the shows. I have a 2 year passport, so I know I have plenty of time to just come back another day.


And in other news, at work today we were told we get next Friday off (4 day Memorial Day weekend? YES PLEASE!), so I get to go to the grand opening of Cheetah Hunt! Still mad I can't go to the nighttime ERT event that night though. Grrrrr. Oh well. I would happily pay for a ticket if BGT offered a limited amount for sale.

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^RE: flimsy paper annual passes...


In recent years you could go to Guest Relations and get upgraded to a firmer, plastic card with a small donation to their conservation fund. Back in 2010 this was $5.


I never knew that... I'm going to try that next time I go... I'd gladly donate $5, if a chunk is going to the conservation fund... My "2 year" pass (which I've had for nearly 6 years, as it just keeps auto renewing) keeps fading in my wallet... I'd love to have a firmer plastic version... I'm going to check to see if they still offer this next time I go (or perhaps the time after that, as the opening of Cheetah Hunt will certainly take priority on my next visit)... thanks for the tip...

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I'm actually really excited for Cheetah Run as well. I wonder if they're really going to race the cheetah's with the actual coaster launch like they show in the promo video. I doubt it, but hey, you never know.


Yeah -- Cheetah Race, Cheetah Race!! Bring out the cat and the hound!

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They do still offer this. Just did it a couple weeks ago. I believe it was still $5. Much better than the paper ones where the barcodes rub off.

Wish I had seen this before I went to the park today. Well, good to know! I'll be sure to do that when I'm back next Friday for Cheetah Hunt's grand opening.


Here are some photos I got today:




Merchandise is in the Cheetah Gifts shop





Saw some new cheetah merchandise in the Caravan Crossings shop






Baby aardvark


Skyride was testing today

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^ Yeah it is odd, but at the same time, they STILL doing some construction here and there, adding finishing touches to the area. They might not be done with all that until Thursday at the very latest. I saw a bunch of workers in that area today tweaking things and working on stuff. They're working around the clock to get this ready for the grand opening.


Oh and the funny thing today was when I was taking photos, I had 2 or 3 people ask me if I knew when the coaster would be opening. Do they not see the signs and billboards all over the place stating May 27?

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Great pictures! Does anybody know of a soft opening?? Going to the park tomorrow. Do I need 50 posts to post pictures??? I hope not...my old account got messed up so I made a new one. UGH haha




You can post pictures as long as they are your own. We just like you to post at least 50 times before you post a link to another site.

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Wow. This is looking fantastic.

I'll be down there the week it opens... I'm not all that big on "opening" celebrations, would it be wise to skip the 27th and go some other day to avoid crowds? Or will an event like this not make too much of a difference?


I'm so pumped to get on this beast, despite the what everybody's saying about the "speed," she looks like a wicked fun ride!

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It's a shame of how they cant get it to soft open unlike they had Manta have it soft open 2 weeks before...not 2 days.


It's Intamin. 800 people will ride this in its first week. Maybe.


You're going to take pictures? Awesome, that'll give you something to do!

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Just recently got back from a two day trip to Tampa and here, and I have got to say that BGT is still my favorite Florida park. Cheetah Hunt is looking amazing and I cant wait to ride it sometime later this year. Also the whole Cheetah Run area looks good, especially on Friday when there were 7-8 cheetahs in the exhibit. The park itself was looking outstanding as usual, and the non ride-op staff was top notch. Ride ops, with the exception of those on the Serengeti Express, were dull, slow moving, and made no effort at all to make our day more enjoyable, with Gwazi's crew being, well Gwazi's crew. They really do live to there reputation. I started timing them for the heck of it and the fast I clocked them in was 1:07. Averagely they were closer to 2:30+. Oh well, but on the plus side the new millennium fliers were awesome and really did improve the ride tremendously. Also a minor note, there were a lot of school groups there both Thursday and Friday, so any one else going before school's end may want to keep that in mind. Overall the two days I was there were great and as usual I am looking forward to my next visit.

Anyhoo onto the pictures


Generic coaster through trees/brush over water. Ooh and awh if you please.




Needs more cheetah train


As does this one


Yay for running water.


Best pic of a train I have


0 Minute wait? Sweet


Musical Construction Workers, they were actually quite entertaining


If those guys would stop dancing and drumming, maybe they'd realize they left a piece off and finish so it could soft open.


Or not, ehh whats another week of construction, helps build hype.


My milkshake brings all the kitty's to the window. Dang right it's better than yours.


Okay so that rendition of that song is pretty terrible, but hey, there's cheetahs to make you feel better.


One last picture of cheetahs will conclude this TR. Hopefully it was bearable

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Awesome update. Glad to see the Cheetahs are in their proper enclosure now. Something that I wonder is how will the new ops be for Cheetah Hunt. I wonder if BG hired some people who will shed off the BG ride-op stereotype and work quickly and efficiently. Just a little hopeful.

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