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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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Here is another video uploaded to Youtube! May 27th can't come soon enough!!!




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Edited by jedimaster1227
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I know it's been said before, but those trains are AWESOME. The cheetah face looks great... Really impressed with how this ride turned out. So jealous of everyone that will get to ride it this summer!

I agree! They are the best looking trains! I am so happy they went with the cheetah theme!

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May 7th is probably going to be just a bit early. Hope you have a good time in Florida and good luck on getting a ride. That is like 20 days from now but they said it would run 3,000 cycles before any people get to ride. Probably the week after you leave it will start running with people. You will probably get to see it test though.

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It was launched into the first trench today, second launch tomorrow probably. I wish I could go out again but I have had all my alotted fun time for the month. My next BGT trip will be on a day when softs are a possibility at least, catch some full test runs at minimum. I am placing my bets on May 15, it's a Sunday and a damn fine day to run it with guests. It could run before then but that seems like a kind of safe day. With confirmed people testing this could change abruptly. I can't wait to ride.

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^^ That's what I was thinking. But I'm guessing it would have to be a faster launch because it won't have the latent speed from the first launch. So crazy coaster lovers will be hoping for a launch failure, because it will mean a super-forceful launch up that steep incline to the figure eight

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Maybe I missed this, but has there been any discussion in terms of the restraints - specifically, if some of the restraints will be "modified" in any way to accomadate larger guests like they do with the B&M coasters? (Going down in May and hope to get some rides in)


thanks for the help!

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Maybe I missed this, but has there been any discussion in terms of the restraints - specifically, if some of the restraints will be "modified" in any way to accomadate larger guests like they do with the B&M coasters? (Going down in May and hope to get some rides in)


thanks for the help!


I have not heard anything. But if you've ridden any Intamin coaster like this, I think you may see the same thing.

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Maybe I missed this, but has there been any discussion in terms of the restraints - specifically, if some of the restraints will be "modified" in any way to accomadate larger guests like they do with the B&M coasters? (Going down in May and hope to get some rides in)


thanks for the help!


I have not heard anything. But if you've ridden any Intamin coaster like this, I think you may see the same thing.


thanks for the response - the thing is, I have done the "two seatbelt" B&M seats (but can't do the regular seats), but never been on an intamin coaster like CH so don't know if there are any special seats for us big guys!

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So to test each launch after the first one, do they pull the train back to the station every time? I'd imagine so, because that's the only way to test the launch at the correct incoming speed of the train. Or, of course, they can start from a standstill and, if the system can push the train forward from there, they know it can do it from some initial speed?

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^On sunday they were only launching it halfway up the first turn so it just rolled back. They had a crane in place with pulleys in case it got into the first trench unintentionally, just like pull through. While testing the second launch they will probably be very careful not to shoot it all the way into the tower. That would be a real pain to drag it back from the MCBR. As far as testing the trains rolling into the launches, someone real good at math is gonna figure all that out but I can't see them dragging it back to the beginning that often, if ever, unless it valleys.


Softs will always be a gamble but I have rolled the dice and won before. I am betting on the 15th.

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I suspect it wont be ready for a soft opening anytime soon as Busch do not really do this for their rides(Can anyone correct me on this if I am wrong?? YES I know the new trains on Gwazi were completed ahead of schedule and opened slighty earlier than planned, but that still doesnt really count) Of course I would love them to do it just once(please Busch,Please ) as I am going to Florida in 2 weeks and the day I am looking to go to BGT will be 5th or 6th May(As late as possible for any small chance of a soft opening) I think I am only really getting my hopes up, so I am trying not to really think about the ride because I know it probably wont happen. It will be cool to hopefully see the ride in testing though(even though it would be torture knowing I cant ride)

Suppose I can always look forward to SheiKra Floorless(only ridden it with the floor when it opened), and the new kiddie coaster Air Grover, yay and Gwazi's new trains, so it will still be a fun day, and then Cheetah Chase can be something new to look forward too next time

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