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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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I rode Python for the first time ever last Thursday at Howl-o-Scream.


It's such a popular coaster that we had the entire train to ourselves!


Why would anyone want to save that ride, other than for nostalgic value? It's not even remotely good.

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Why waste the name kilimanjaro on a kiddie area? I mean, that would be a fantastic name for a coaster.


Though I guess it would sorta be similar to Disney's mountain-themed coaster deal.


And it might not fit too well with names like "SheiKra", "Montu" and "Kumba".


So nevermind.

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Wes photoshops pictures of coasters being torn down all the time, he did it during the whole "OMG SFMM is getting sold!" thing, and he posted some in the Cedar Point '07 project thread.


Python's still up and running at the moment.


lol ok, thanks for the clarification.

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Hey guys. I can tell you it is still there, as I rode it on Saturday and took a full POV from the back row. It was as rough as I remembered it two years ago (even though I have gone back since then, I neglected to ride it until now, when I wanted to get to ride it one last time before its gone forever). My dad and I both got of the ride feeling like we were run over by the Python rather than riding it. I now have hopped on the bandwagon of those who believe that the Python deserves to go after its long run at the park. I feel happy for those Orangutans that are getting a home again since they had been homeless after Sheikra was built (just for your information, that is part of the Congo plan).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems BGT has decided that the last operating day of Python is going to be October 31th, 2006. ACE Florida region was trying to put together a last ride event but looks like there is no time to arrange anything. Seems there wont be anytype of Media attention given to the closing of the ride. I hope to make it by the park for a last spin and some photos from tuesday. ACE has an impromptu meet up tomorrow (sunday) at BGT for those that are around.

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Having just got my credit on this coaster I have to say why would anyone not want it to go. Not all coasters should be saved and this definately fits in that catergory. If you love corkscrew coasters I am sure you can find one somewhere, they are not exactly an endangered species.

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Having just got my credit on this coaster I have to say why would anyone not want it to go. Not all coasters should be saved and this definately fits in that catergory. If you love corkscrew coasters I am sure you can find one somewhere, they are not exactly an endangered species.


Not saying that the Python doesn't deserve to go (because its time is definitely up), this is the first and only permanent corkscrew coaster Florida has had (I say permanent because we have had some come with fairs). Floridians are losing their one corkscrew coaster- but to me, its a needed loss.

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To me it's not really a big deal, nooffense, but..

1. I've never been to Florida

2. It's not like it's the last corkscrew coaster in the world.


And like you said, it's time is up, I just hope something cool goes there like at least a flat ride or small coaster instead of a kiddie area.

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Not only do I live in Florida, I live in the Tampa Bay area. I go to Busch probably once a month and I've ridden Python 3 times since I got my passport when I was 16. I'm now 21.


I understand the nostalgia factor, but honestly, who is going to miss it? Not me and 95% of the people I know. The Python has just become and overlooked area on the way from Sheikra and Kumba.

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So I rode it, Enjoyed it very much!


Im glad I got my credit in! Its really not going to be a sad or missed coaster! Its practically a walk on! 2 corckscrews...end ride! They will put something MUCH more entertaining in there im sure!


And since this is the only corkscrew coaster in Florida, it might have the chance of being relocated...


To Fresno?



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^I wouldn't count on something better for us 'coaster people'. I think it's been speculated that it would be either an animal or kid (same difference no?) area.


Personally I think a Huss Land of the Giant Flat Ride area is what the park needs, but I'm not expecting it!

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The latest.


TAMPA - The Python - touted as Florida's first looping steel roller coaster - will be quietly retired in a few days and dismantled, ending a 30-year run at Busch Gardens. The black-and-yellow double corkscrew will disappear behind a construction wall when the theme park closes Tuesday.


"It will not run again," said Gerard Hoeppner, park spokesman, confirming a Times report a month ago when the park took out a demolition permit for the area around the Python. "It will be replaced by an experience you won't find anywhere else, but it's going to be 2008 before the construction fences come down. This will be the biggest expansion of an area of the park we have ever done."


The Python opened as a thrill ride, but in today's can-you-top-this environment, it's considered by most coaster fanatics a tame ride down memory lane. Many coaster enthusiasts were introduced to the genre from the Python.


The ride provided enough lift to Busch attendance that the park built six more coasters, if you count Gwazi's twin mirror-image wooden tracks as two coasters.


The Python's unceremonious end comes as Busch begins an overhaul of the Congo area that includes its Claw Island white Tiger exhibit.


After renovating five other African-themed activity centers in the park as well as the parking lots and front gate, Busch officials made it clear the Congo was next for an upgrade . But they've been secretive about what's coming beyond new state-of-art habitats for the tigers and an orangutan displaced by SheiKra, Busch Gardens latest thrill ride.

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^I wouldn't count on something better for us 'coaster people'. I think it's been speculated that it would be either an animal or kid (same difference no?) area.


Personally I think a Huss Land of the Giant Flat Ride area is what the park needs, but I'm not expecting it!


A Giant Frisbee would make for an ideal anchor, but how about some kind of dark ride? It didn't hit me until my visit this past September how little the park has in the way of indoor attractions. In a rainy climate like Florida, it amazes me that the park has gone on like this for so many years!



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^Yeah I have no idea what he's talking about, I rode it last night in both front and back and thought it was fine.


But anyways, Im heading up on Tuesday for its last day, from 5-6 (close), hopefully Ill try and get the last ride EVAR on Python. If anyone else might be there, PM me.


Colin C

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