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Help Design Club TPR's Logo & Membership Card!

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Hey N7,


I really like the new logo. It might just be me, but the logo appears to be to close to the red and blue areas of your design. I'm also wondering how a curved logo would look taking up more of the black area of the card. Keep up the good work man. I'm a fan of your designs.

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First off, my personal favorite original design:

I like the white a lot, even if it isn't traditionally "TPR." This just strikes me as a very nice, clean design. I would love to see this tweaked how Wes and others have recommended, I think it has great potential.


n7's are also fantastic, although I prefer some of his older ones versus the newer. Here are three of my favorites of his:



I really like both his original logo and the one in the third card- both do a great job of being bright but keeping the black sharp, which I don't feel the newest logo does. The new design is very nice, but a bit cluttered or unfocused to me. If nothing else, I would try removing the drop tower and maybe some other things.


And finally:

I think the single band of color across the card looks great, I think you should stick with this basic design and just tweak the bottom half as has been suggested, and you'd have a great card. Keep it up, I think this design is your best so far.


All these designs are fantastic, I really hope everybody continues to update (or clean up) their designs, I think they're continually getting better.

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- Roller Coasters in the RAW Blu-Ray


I think this may have actually changed my vote from No to joining to Yes (and then spending the credit on this).

Having said that, here is my thoughts on the work so far:


Add the Silver line with a single Gold Themeparkreview.com of this one


to this one

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Its that time again time for me to post my newest card.


I thought it might be a cool idea to have a spot on the card for a headshot.


The person purchasing the membership could send Rob a headshot of themselves and he could implant it on the card in place of my ugly mug.


Speaking of mugs I would love to see some themeparkreview coffee cups for sale in the store.


Anyway voice your opinions about this rendition let me know what ya like or don't like and I will take those comments and turn them into a new design.


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Ok, here's my first-round contribution...


Logo possibility, semi-vinyl/lacquer effect....


And the card design.


Relation to the Website design/style:


• Black and Gray background goodness!

• Highlights of color (mostly gold/yellow)

• Thin white outlines

• Corners and edges!

• Grid Structure, strong left alignment

• Uses "Coaster Expedition" Video subtitle font throughout

• Hatch pattern (nav links background at top of homepage)


Elissa mentioned a possible back for the card. I put the website there, and random info as needed. Logo is also on back for branding and variety. Magnetic strip possibility...


This is about to scale.


Let me know if I missed anything.


Ok, critique away...!

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^^ That last design is so simple, yet it really works. For me, that one is tied with:



Another thought: How difficult would it be to have a picture of a member on the face of the card? Obviously, people would have to submit an image (probably .jpg) and of a certain size, but would that significantly affect the cost of the cards?



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Another thought: How difficult would it be to have a picture of a member on the face of the card? Obviously, people would have to submit an image (probably .jpg) and of a certain size, but would that significantly affect the cost of the cards?





did you not see my card??


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Another thought: How difficult would it be to have a picture of a member on the face of the card? Obviously, people would have to submit an image (probably .jpg) and of a certain size, but would that significantly affect the cost of the cards?

It would increase the complexity. We would need to have two versions of the card, one with and without the picture. I'm sure some people would have problems with the image and quality is very subjective and it's very possible we'd end up getting in a lot of images that just wouldn't work or we would have to re-print with a better image. This isn't something we would want to do.



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Thanks for the feedback and the kind words. This project is a lot of fun, plus I'm really enjoying seeing the other concepts - some of which I think are really good. n7, I liked your revised logo. In fact, I borrowed the scalloped look for one of the layouts I'm working on... I think it adds a bit of motion to the logo - Here is that version along with the older logo set against a white background. Hoping to have another card layout or two up very soon.


Please let me know your thoughts.


revised logo with scalloped panels inspired by n7


Revised logo set against white background

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Here's a revised card layout and another card I've been working on. Again, thanks to n7 for the logo variation idea.


The revised card makes most of the changes that were recommended. I've dropped the dude in the TPR hoodie, tried to break up the white a bit, replaced the logo and switched the type around a bit. I'll post more soon.


Please let me know your thoughts.


Revised initial effort


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I feel like this version is becoming too busy, though I do like the new logo a lot. The pattern in the blue along with the vector design just seems like it's becoming too much to look at, perhaps changing all of the colored sections from patterned to gradients would help?


This one is really nice too.


There are a lot of cards I'm really starting to like now, great to see people bouncing ideas off of each other.

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^ After taking another look at all the cards submitted so far, I think those two are the best.


To Robb: Yeah, I had an idea that putting photos would increase the complexity of what should be a fairly simple thing, but I thought I'd run it past you anyway.



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