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Cedar Fair Corporate Development Discussion Thread (FUN)

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This was posted in the CGA thread, but likely would have interest here as well for those not following that one.


The park has filed plans with the city for "Archictural Review of new 100' tall roller coaster".




That seems to indicate that it wouldn't be a standard Intamin Impulse.


Very interesting, but 100' seems a bit short for an Impulse...


This makes me wonder when the city of Buena Park will review Knotts plans?

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Maybe this 100-foot coaster is the "completely new type of coaster" since that is definitely a little small for an Impulse? And maybe Knott's is getting the Intamin after all? Interesting...


The options seem open at this point.


Also, is it weird that somebody misspelled architectural as "Archictural" in that permit listing?

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Maybe this 100-foot coaster is the "completely new type of coaster" since that is definitely a little small for an Impulse? And maybe Knott's is getting the Intamin after all? Interesting...


Knott's has the highest attendance in the chain, far outpacing CGA, and it's near Disneyland which is going to draw huge crowds in 2018 for Star Wars Land. It makes sense for CF to have something new and exiting at nearby Knott's to draw some of those people across town. If, and that's a big speculative if, the coaster they are talking about is a Raptor/T-Rex then that would certainly do the trick.


But even without all that I still just don't see CGA getting the brand spanking new innovative coaster over Knotts. It doesn't make sense. Especially when CF choose Knott's to get the very first Accelerator coaster back in the day.


The CGA plans called for an Intamin impulse coaster at one point but maybe those have changed to a mega-lite or blitiz coaster since then.

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But even without all that I still just don't see CGA getting the brand spanking new innovative coaster over Knotts. It doesn't make sense.



At the ACE preview for CGA a few months ago, they mentioned that Cedar Fair was more excited to exploit the potential of CGA than any other CF park currently.

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So what if we've had it all backwards this entire time, speculating that KBF would get another first of its kind when it could be CGA. Also, just because the picture of an impulse on the master plan doesn't necessarily mean we'd be getting an impulse.

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So what if we've had it all backwards this entire time, speculating that KBF would get another first of its kind when it could be CGA. Also, just because the picture of an impulse on the master plan doesn't necessarily mean we'd be getting an impulse.


THIS IS THE COMMENT I'VE BEEN WAITING TO SEE! You make a good point! Everyone is so focused on KBF getting the "new type" of coaster, when it might be CGA. Yes, the drawing may have an impulse in that spot...BUT HELLO...PLANS CHANGE! At this point, all we can do is assume and throw guesses. No one is wrong because we're all coaster and theme park junkies who's looking for that "coaster high." Whatever is coming, I'm thankful 2018 is going to be a great coaster year all over the world!

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Exploiting potential vs capitalizing on success. I beieve what they mean is CGA has the best potential of all the small CF parks to become a big park like Knott's, Wonderland, Cedar Point and the Kings. The first step is prove itself whatever that means. If that means getting a RMC cool. If Knott's gets stuck with a dive coaster or a mega-lite or blitz I'll be fine with that too.

Edited by WestCoasterKing
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Imagine Knotts getting a B&M 4d cosater. A large scale 4d like X2 but with B&M's design team. Would be first of its kind.


Arrow went bankrupt making X2. Wait a second MAKE THIS HAPPEN.

Yes, because we want one of the major players in the coaster industry to go bankrupt so that every coaster provides extreme ejector air and breaks down on a frequent basis.

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Imagine Knotts getting a B&M 4d cosater. A large scale 4d like X2 but with B&M's design team. Would be first of its kind.


Arrow went bankrupt making X2. Wait a second MAKE THIS HAPPEN.

Yes, because we want one of the major players in the coaster industry to go bankrupt so that every coaster provides extreme ejector air and breaks down on a frequent basis.


Don't feed the Intamin trolls

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Knotts is obviously small physically but it makes more money than even CP I believe.


That graphic right there is exactly why I think Knott's gets the innovative cool new hotness. CGA still has a long way to go before it's earned such a distinction.


But still, that's just a graph. Yes, it shows that some parks bring in more money than others. But, who's to say that they're not trying to make CGA a better park. They've been throwing a lot of money in our general direction in recent years. So why can't it be CGA getting the new hotness, I mean there's already a filing for Putting in a 100' coaster at CGA.

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It's always amazed me that the park that operates 7 days a week, year round has a lower EBITDA than a park that only operates from the second week of May to the end of October where the last 2 months of the season are weekend only operation.

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