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Funfairs are better than our carnivals

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I have never been to Europe, but from what I've seen and heard from people who have, Europeans are generally not as inhibited as we are in the States when it comes to culture and celebrating. Most Europeans don't seem to be as inclined to file lawsuits over every little thing, which may be a factor in why they have some of the crazy rides that they do.


Those of us who live here in the U.S. already know that we are all but overmanaged by the government in regard to what we do.



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Also, it's been stated in some European fair TRs, that some of the rides don't even have guard rails. Ride patrons just stand freely behind a line and the ride will unload and reload with new people while it is still slowly running, and no problems arrise.


If our rides over here didn't have guardrails, people would be rushing the ride and shoving people out of the way. Also, we have idiots that would be stupid enough to try to jump on a ride while it is in full motion.

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Those of us who live here in the U.S. already know that we are all but overmanaged by the government in regard to what we do.




I agree with you somewhat, but Europeans are taxed far more than the US is.


I personally wish there was a place that was as socially liberal as Europe, but as free-market capitalist as the US.

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Those of us who live here in the U.S. already know that we are all but overmanaged by the government in regard to what we do.




I agree with you somewhat, but Europeans are taxed far more than the US is.


I personally wish there was a place that was as socially liberal as Europe, but as free-market capitalist as the US.


But just think of all the people who would just go to take advantage of the safety issues as a way to make money. Keep in mind, the park you're suggesting would (presumably) be in the U.S. The land of the greed....I mean free. ^_^



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The land of the greed....I mean free


I wouldn't say that all European funfairs are better. The UK rarely has decent funfairs, and when it does they are not exactly places that you would like to visit, despite the rides. Funfairs are more popular in Europe since most European theme parks have far greater planning restrictions than US ones.

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The UK rarely has decent funfairs, and when it does they are not exactly places that you would like to visit, despite the rides.


*sigh* that is all too true... the place where i used to live used to have an epic funfair, thats as far as it ever went


I want to go to glasgow fair but its when i am home for the summer (and possibly during the TPR Europe trip)


One day ill hit some europe fairs!

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Also, it's been stated in some European fair TRs, that some of the rides don't even have guard rails. Ride patrons just stand freely behind a line and the ride will unload and reload with new people while it is still slowly running, and no problems arrise.


If our rides over here didn't have guardrails, people would be rushing the ride and shoving people out of the way. Also, we have idiots that would be stupid enough to try to jump on a ride while it is in full motion.


Most Europeans don't seem to be as inclined to file lawsuits over every little thing




It is nearly nerve wrecking how there is nothing between you and the ride, and how you could just imagine being pushed into it while it is in motion.

Luckily, however, people here wouldn't do what people in America would do. If they jumped into the ride and tried getting money, not only would they loose, but they would just look like the stupidest person in the world. (Not that the people who do that in America aren't.)



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A lot of the major rides in europe are too heavy for U.S. highways.


Fairs here also don't make enough money to support the operation of major rides...the cost of moving and setting up a 3 or more trailer ride is ridiculous.

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^ I think they could make the money, if they operated at the same efficiency (ie 3000+pph) as the Germans strive for. Im not saying these sort of fairs could pop up in every county in America, but they could probably make it in big cities


I personally wish there was a place that was as socially liberal as Europe, but as free-market capitalist as the US.


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Jew wrote:

A lot of the major rides in europe are too heavy for U.S. highways.

Really, I'd have thought it the other way around. Many towns in Western Europe have far smaller roads due to their cultural heritage.

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^ Yes but those small roads were built "properly", as opposed to being built glass smooth and very quickly at the expense of load bearing capacity. It's an interesting point that I'd never really thought of.


It's a bit of a blanket statement to give a single reason why fun fairs aren't as big in the states. Surely things like cultural difference, litigation issues, labour costs etc. all play parts in this?


Dave "just speculating" Wilson

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