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Mitch Hawker's Coaster Poll 2009!

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I think the shocker of this year is HRRR sitting at number 59. By no means is it a bad ride, but it just seems a little high to me. It was a middle-of-the-pack kind of coaster, IMO.

I thought RRR was FANTASTIC!


I ranked it #24 out of the 341 steel coasters I ranked on the poll. It was slightly above Manta on my list which I ranked at #26.


--Robb "I'm surprised it was so low!" Alvey

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I think the shocker of this year is HRRR sitting at number 59. By no means is it a bad ride, but it just seems a little high to me. It was a middle-of-the-pack kind of coaster, IMO.

I thought RRR was FANTASTIC!


I ranked it #24 out of the 341 steel coasters I ranked on the poll. It was slightly above Manta on my list which I ranked at #26.


--Robb "I'm surprised it was so low!" Alvey


I completely agree! I really don't understand why people (who have actually ridden HRRR) are rating the ride so poorly. Unless they are letting their pre-conceived notions of the ride get in the way. I mean it is a really fun ride, it gives better airtime than any other coaster in Florida, and it's unique. I just don't get it...


However, I have had some really rough rides on HRRR when they are running most of the trains. They still need to fix some of the kinks with those trains. Then UO will have a very solid ride.

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In my most humble opinion, HRRR was the worst of the new coasters this year (I rode Prowler, Manta, Diamondback, and HRRR, will get Terminator in March). And it wasn't even close. I may have just sat in a bad seat and had a bad experience, Lord knows it happens, but I didn't enjoy my ride AT ALL. Plus I got stuck for a good 10 minutes with the lapbar stapling me and cutting off the circulation to my lower extremities.


Maybe next time will be better?

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^ I can see that. Like I said, I have had some bad rides on HRRR, and by bad I mean... BAD. But, there are 6 trains and some of those trains were having issues when the ride opened. Whenever I would ride on one of these trains the coaster would be rough, jerky, and provide minimal airtime. Chances are that when you rode (especially if they were running more than 2 trains) you happened to get on a bad train. I would definitely give it another try, it's a fun ride!

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Since my coaster experience is limited to only California and Cedar Point, the only two top twenty coasters I've been on are Millennium Force and Maverick. Here is how my top ten list looked for the poll (with what they ended up getting):


1. Maverick-#17

2. Tatsu-#37

3. Space Mountain-#101

4. Top Thrill Dragster-#31

5. Xcelerator-#38

6. X2-#44

7. California Screamin'-#78

8. Millennium Force-#10

9. Goliath-#63

10. Riddler's Revenge-#75


It's a little funny that the four Six Flags Magic Mountain coasters ended up placing in the same order I ranked them in. I guess California's best roller coaster really is Tatsu, even though everyone seems to like X2 better. If X2 wasn't so rough, it would probably be a much better ride.

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I think the shocker of this year is HRRR sitting at number 59. By no means is it a bad ride, but it just seems a little high to me. It was a middle-of-the-pack kind of coaster, IMO.

I thought RRR was FANTASTIC!


I ranked it #24 out of the 341 steel coasters I ranked on the poll. It was slightly above Manta on my list which I ranked at #26.


--Robb "I'm surprised it was so low!" Alvey


By no means am I saying it is a bad ride, I thought it was quite fun. It was very unique, had some sweet elements, very photogenic/crowd interactive and a great addition to the park. Just in general, there are numerous other coasters I would ride "before" it. Like Skycoastin Steve, of all the new 09 coasters, it was my least favorite.


Manta is the best ever, by the way.

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To be honest I agree with most of the ratings, apart from the obvious difference in opinions across different continents.


For example Stealth is rated above Revenge Of The Mummy at Universal Studios Orlando, which is just laughable.


Glad to see Nemesis still doing so well

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I've more people complaining about Maverick's roughness than I usually do..I assume that's why it dropped. I had my best ride on it this season to put it up at my #2 steel.



My biggest complaint is the over the shoulder restraints on Maverick. If it wasn't for them, Maverick would be my #2 steel coaster this year. As it is, I still have it ranked #10.


With that said, hopefully these newer restraints on I-305 will be a major improvement. ...Then maybe CF will consider them for Maverick.

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A couple of the Aussie coasters had 12 riders, but were left out off the rankings ??

Even more surprising is our great Intamin "Superman Escape" with only 9 riders voting, whereas the very average Cyclone at Dreamworld got more votes in

I thought that was weird too....I know PKIjizzman missed Superman on his visit but got everything else in, but what other enthusiast out there would ride everything on the Gold Coast except for Superman Escape.


Still, not as bad as Jet Rescue, it only had 2 riders, and that's not even enough to calcuate the win percentage.

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Heres all the coasters I could enter into the poll, listed as top being my favourite and bottom being my least favourite, with the actual mitch hawker ranking of them on the side.


Nemesis - #7

Nemesis Inferno - #88

Colossus - #149

Shockwave - #274

Oblivion - #84

Stealth - #62

Rita - Queen of Speed - #128

Fav X SC2000/3000 - #188

Air - #96

Vampire - #194

Rage - #172

Avalanche - #235

G Force - #334

Space Invader 2 (S) - #290

Steeplechase - #170

X:\No Way Out - #357

Fav Tivoli - #332

Fav Powered `Coaster' - #319

Saw - The Ride - #117



Saw has the kind of rating I'd expect. It has it's lovers and it has it's haters. I'm part of the latter though, but seeing it above Rita still suprised me.

I still find Colossus smooth and nice, and rank it very highly, so seeing it all the way down at #149 is something I personally disagree with...

Yay Nemesis still going strong, best inverted coaster and best inverting coaster, plus the oldest operating coaster in the top 25. Nice.

And I'd also like to say I find it a little bit funny that Stealth is ranked higher than Kingda Ka

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A couple of the Aussie coasters had 12 riders, but were left out off the rankings ??

Even more surprising is our great Intamin "Superman Escape" with only 9 riders voting, whereas the very average Cyclone at Dreamworld got more votes in

I thought that was weird too....I know PKIjizzman missed Superman on his visit but got everything else in, but what other enthusiast out there would ride everything on the Gold Coast except for Superman Escape.


Still, not as bad as Jet Rescue, it only had 2 riders, and that's not even enough to calcuate the win percentage.


Hopefully a TPR trip will shed some light on AU's coasters. There's a few unique coasters and some that are pretty good!

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I feel like every year this list comes out, I just feel weirder and weirder about it. Not necessarily in a bad way. Just in a weird way. I worry about too many people voting for coasters because it's cool/not cool to vote for them. I just feel every time the list comes out, I say "yeah, that makes sense," and quickly followed by, "Wait... WTF?"

While it's still one of the best systems for calculating favorite coasters, I just worry about some of the people voting. In forum like these for example, it's easy for people to tweak their lists because the person they look up to in the forums loved that ride. While that's not the case every time, I just see it happen just a tad too much.

Overall though, the list is pretty fair, I do have to say. It's not surprising that certain coaster companies dominated the list, and I'm still happy to see some of the classics maintain their presence on today's board. I think my favorite part of these lists in the debate that follows. ("That ride was crap!" "Actually I thought the ride was smooth and fun.") That's what makes the entity of geekdom so entertaining!

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I'm thrilled to see that GASM lost out to powered coasters!


What I don't understand is how both Great Adventure's and Cedar Point's mine trains did likewise. I thought both of them were pretty nice, especially Cedar Point's which for some reason came out lowest.


I also don't understand how Batman: The Ride came out ahead of, for example, Talon. B:TR is by far my least favorite invert. Wait in a dank station to get in a tight seat and then go through the ugliest scenery on any coaster anywhere? I don't think so.

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^GASM is hardly the coaster equivalent of an orgasm unless you are seriously sick puppy.


Okay so how did the top coasters on Mitch's poll that I have actually ridden (it really shows how many quality steel coasters I have yet to ride) compare to my rankings of them:


1 Bizarro (SF New England) My ranking #2

6 Piraten (Djurs Sommerland) #1

10 Millennium Force (Cedar Point) #7

13 Behemoth (Canadas Wonderland) #6

15 Goliath (Six Flags Over Geo) #8

16 Apollo's Chariot (Busch Gardens Euro) #46

17 Maverick (Cedar Point) #4

19 Nitro (Six Flags Great Ad) #11

20 Tele2 Insane (Grona Lund) #34

25 Phantom's Revenge (Kennywood Park) #10

26 Ride of Steel (Darien Lake) #9

27 Griffon (Busch Gardens Euro) #25

30 Storm Runner (Hersheypark) #17

31 Top Thrill Dragster (Cedar Point) #5

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1 - Scooby Doo's Spooky Coaster (Unranked, not enough votes) Underrated

2 - Maverick (#17)

3 - Mystery Mine (#81)

4 - Goliath SFOG (#15)

5 - Space Mountain DL (#101)

6 - Shockwave SFOT (#102) Underrated

7 - California Screamin' (#78)

8 - Diamondback (#4)

9 - Steel Hawg (#163) Underrated

10 - Afterburn (#35)

11 - Millennium Force (#10)

12 - Mr. Freeze (#89) Underrated

13 - Tennessee Tornado (#125) Underrated

14 - Titan SFOT (#74)

15 - Raptor (#48)

16 - Flight of Fear (#166)

17 - Great White (#61) Underrated

18 - Space Mountain WDW (#155)

19 - Mindbender SFOG (#52)

20 - Top Thrill Dragster (#31)

21 - Superman Krypton Coaster (#45) Underrated

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