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Thorpe Park Discussion Thread

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Mazel Tov!

Look of the size of the lift in comparison to the workers.. it's huge!


Well thats pretty much the same for most rides that are tall. For example if you stood right at the bottom of Stealths tower supports you would look tiny in comparison.

Edited by StealthFan
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Mazel Tov!

Look of the size of the lift in comparison to the workers.. it's huge!


Well thats pretty much the same for most rides that are tall. For example if you stood right at the bottom of Stealths tower supports you would look tiny in comparison.


And don't even mention Kingda Ka!

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I'm going back to Thorpe next weekend (I haven't been since Saw was built), does anyone have any idea how busy it will be? I will come back with some new construction pics...


With it being Fright Nights and the start of half term I think it will be pretty busy, but then again the weather can change that easily.

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