larrygator Posted November 3, 2009 Share Posted November 3, 2009 I hear there is a SCAD Tower in Dallas! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cobra_roll06 Posted November 3, 2009 Share Posted November 3, 2009 FISH Tower? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Bat Posted November 3, 2009 Share Posted November 3, 2009 SCAD TOWER SCAD TOWER SCAD TOWER SCAD TOWER SCAD TOWER And, yes, Cobra was crap. That is all. -- Dave P.S. SCAD TOWER Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sfne2005 Posted November 4, 2009 Share Posted November 4, 2009 "They should put a scad tower on this ferry, because that would be cool. Would you want a scad tower on this ferry? Would you go on it if there was a scad tower on this ferry?".... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Divv3k Posted November 4, 2009 Author Share Posted November 4, 2009 Divv, I'm disappointed that you didn't document the awesomeness of us gently persuading Steve to go on the ghost train. I know, I'm so gutted I don't have any photos of that! I was probably just too busy laughing at the whole thing. I even went through all the other people's photos that I stole and there was nothing. They were probably too busy laughing (or gently persuading Steve) to take photos too. Thanks for the comments people! I really do hope I find that elusive SCAD TOWER in 2010! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Divv3k Posted November 4, 2009 Author Share Posted November 4, 2009 Day 7, Part One: DJURS SOMMERLAND The next park on the itinerary was one of the biggies for a lot of people - Djurs Sommerland. A biggie mostly because of the Intamin Mega-lite, Pirate, that was installed in 2008. I rode Piraten a year earlier and instantly loved it so an hour of ERT was a tantalising prospect! Whilst it wasn't running just as good this as it did for me in 2008 it was still fantastic! The sun returned today too! Very welcome after a few days of rain! The park looks fantastic in the sun too! It really does have something for everyone! Oh, and I was on the first train of Thor's Hammer ERT this morning! That makes me that bit more amazing than you and you know it. Onto some photos... Djurs Sommerland really is a fantastic park that looks to have a really bright future! I'm looking forward to going back again some day! Scottish Steve had one failed attempt and then just curled himself up here and muttered things about ghost trains. Djurs added a Triangle of Death for 2009. This was awesome although there were way too many kids for us to make a proper assault! I mean why would they let kids near a thing like this? My, my Scottish Steve. That’s hot. TPEat!!! These attacks on the other hand were just funny! These malicious and unprovoked attacks were just cruel and unwarranted. Larry confused us all by actually doing these monkey bars the way they were supposed to be done. Again leading the way is yours truly. I'm an sssault course extraordinaire (until I get to the very last obstacle usually) Assault course takeover!!! I’m not sure if the boats are supposed to be bananas or old pickles, either way they make for a safe and enjoyable journey through Chicoland! I love myself some Poachers! The ride is part Lost and part Planet of the Apes. Now for the most random but funniest ride in all of Denmark – Chico and the Poachers! Good thing Mike creamed up well this morning. Hands up if you like walking around hotels naked! Yes, they let us play with guns! This park clearly doesn’t know us! Just in case you forgot, Mike will show you how to go WIKI, WIKI WILD! Yet again, Lou and Brad’s wardrobe coordination was spot on. I really like Djurs rapids. There's a cool "surprise ending" too! I think it took about two seconds before Steve regretted saying that we was sitting out the rapids. The sun is back so today’s update is brought to you by Nivea for Men. Perfect for all your creaming up desires. Wacky, worm, worm, worm, worm, worm. Because of these WHORES! OMG, look at the line for the Wacky Worm! Why would it be so long? These people got off very lightly in my view! Hot day. Log flume. SKLOOSH. Done. TPEmo. Yes, these things are so tame that even I ride them! They’re actually a Divv-approved flat ride but for all the wrong reasons! Dave was a bit nervous, but come on, even I was riding this, should have told him everything he needed to know about a Topple Tower! Another big attraction is Djurs is the Topple Tower. At least it is for those who haven’t done one before. I want one of these stools for my flat. Good thing we did have ERT, look at the stampede heading for the ride! Or maybe they just heard that the Road Show was in town? We got a LOT of rides on Piraten this morning. We really didn’t want ERT to end, it’s so rerideable! Even being slightly sluggish it still kicks all kinds of ass! Even last year we found that the ride got better as the day went on, which was again the case today. I will say that it wasn’t running as good as it was a year ago, but I think you have to put that down to the fact that the park had been closed for a few days before we got there. Yar, it be Piraten says I. The main reason to come to Djurs is of course the piratey Intamin Mega-Lite goodness! Mike has Steve’s FLAPS-OF-POWER-GLASSES! He must be edging his way towards becoming Fudge 1 now! Hey, the Road Show’s in town again! That’ll be why there’s huge crowds building up outside. Wooo!!!! We were FIRST on Thor’s Hammer at ERT this morning! Scottish Steve, Mike, TPDave and myself all rode the coaster before anyone else, are we the greatest or what??? I mean you're a NOBODY if you somehow ended up on the second train! Special guest star for the next few days is our favourite lamp post loving friend – Dave Fudge! Everyone say "Hi Dave!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
larrygator Posted November 4, 2009 Share Posted November 4, 2009 Oh I'm sorry, I didn't notice you and TPDave stuck in those tumbler nets when I kept spinning them around. My bad! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cfc Posted November 4, 2009 Share Posted November 4, 2009 ^I can vouch for that. Even while he was spinning those nets, Larry kept looking around and asking, "Where's Dave? Where's Divv? I wouldn't want them to miss the bus." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryancrash Posted November 5, 2009 Share Posted November 5, 2009 Djurs Sommerland was a blast! Piraten absolutely rocked - it may not quite have been the "best coaster on earth", as some people claimed, but it was still a truly GREAT ride - one of the best on the entire trip. And I liked the parrot in the loading station, the one saying something in Danish that sounded like "Ha ha ha... wake-up time!" I also dug Thor's Hammer - any coaster with a Viking theme is alright in my book. It was nice to see the sunshine again as well. The rain finally realized it wasn't doing anything to dampen our spirits, so it gave up and stopped trying. (The rain certainly didn't stop me from getting in LOTS of amazing rides on Lynet and Falken... Fun!) Excellent updates Divv - keep em coming! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ginzo Posted November 5, 2009 Share Posted November 5, 2009 ^Piraten was great. I think I have it as my #4 steelie right now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TPDave Posted November 5, 2009 Share Posted November 5, 2009 This park was SOOOOOOOOO fun! I adored this place, I could have spent so long here, it was basically the Toverland of the trip for me. The fact that the weather was great made the day even better! The only downside was the crowds, but then again the weather was good. Oh and it was a holiday. It was also a weekend. I think the Road Show was in town too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PKI Jizzman Posted November 5, 2009 Share Posted November 5, 2009 Another great update, Divv! Piraten looks crazy good. TPR assault courses look like to much fun, I can't wait to get on an international trip to check one out! Can't wait for more. -Zach Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rollin_n_coastin Posted November 6, 2009 Share Posted November 6, 2009 Anyone else grey out at the bottom of that drop? Divv, great update again! Thanks for keeping this up. J Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryancrash Posted November 6, 2009 Share Posted November 6, 2009 ^On my first two or three rides, I totally got the gray-out - it was awesome! After that, I think I was just used to the ride, and it didn't happen any more. But even without the gray-out, it was still an amazing ride experience. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted November 6, 2009 Share Posted November 6, 2009 Every tour there's usually one coaster... And I know for myself, Piraten was "it" for me on this tour. Arrrrrrrrrrrr. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cobra_roll06 Posted November 6, 2009 Share Posted November 6, 2009 Piraten was sheer bliss. It's amazing how much the ride changed during ERT. My first ride on it I was so underwhelmed and disappointed, then by the end of ERT it was in my top 3! Amazing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Divv3k Posted November 9, 2009 Author Share Posted November 9, 2009 Day 7, Part Two: KAROLINELUND Our last park in Denmark, Karolinelund was a brief stop for us on the way to the ferry to Sweden. The park is quite small but is nice for what it is. It really was just a credit run (well not for me since I already had the credits) and we also took a quick spin on the ghost train. It's a nice park to check out if you're nearby. Here's some photos... So that was our quick visit to Karolinelund. It’s a nice place to check out if you’re ever nearby! That’s us finished with Denmark so we can all put our DKKs away and get out our NOKKERS now! FULL FRONTAL NUDITY!!! (Shut your eyes and scroll down Steve!) My favourite ride at Karolinelund is Spogelsestoget. Or Scottish Steve’s worst nightmare. Not only does this have ghost and ghouls to frighten him it also has… As was disembarkation. Yes that is a TPKnee sticking out the car. The screams of pain were quite amusing! TPDave and Erik prefer giving themselves a bit of a challenge. Lou and Andrew do something smart and find someone on the opposite side of big to make sure they have a comfy ride. OMG, I love this! Wacky Worm with TWO TRAINS!!! Don't you think Mike does a real mean Mr. Potato Head impression? Check out everyone in the “Pinfari brace position” Can’t wait to see that Pinfari Loopers In The Raw DVD!!! Before anyone else even got in line one person had made it on and off. Quite impressive really! After the sheer enjoyment of the Boomerang the group then moved onto better things… well different things at least – the Pinfari looper! Does someone sense a lamp post in proximity? Those poor, poor souls. At least the coaster has a quality colour scheme! Here’s a closer look! Having fun Scottish Steve? Can you see the excitement on everyone’s faces??? Erik just loves being in the centre of a Vekoma beast. The big attraction at this park is the Boomerang! Glad I’ve got this credit! Today’s second park is the northern-most park in Denmark – Karolinelund! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TPDave Posted November 10, 2009 Share Posted November 10, 2009 My leg hurt for ages after that! Nice little TR Divv, i wish I could have stayed to listen to the bands that were playing, but as you said in your terrible currency joke, we had lots of SEK's to get through and we had to move on... Dave "Dicks, knockers and sex, only in Scandi!" Wilson Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moose Posted November 10, 2009 Share Posted November 10, 2009 Overloading wacky worms make them all the more wacky. Divv you managed to get me screaming on two out of three coasters... impressive. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Divv3k Posted November 11, 2009 Author Share Posted November 11, 2009 Day 8, Part One: TUSENFRYD Well it seems that there has to be a day on each trip where I'm horribly ill. In 2008 it was that self-infflicted mess at Movie Park. This year it was at Tusenfryd but alcohol can't be blamed this time. Unfortunately a stomach problem that seems to haunt me every so often struck me today. It made the bus ride to the park hellish as I was in excruciating pain all day. Thankfully as the day wore on it subsided quite a bit but the rest of the trip I was plagued with these issues. It never got worse than this morning thankfully and I was still able to enjoy the park. Tusenfryd has a really cool setting, it's on the side of a hill and there's some really nice trees and scenery all around. The park also has some good rides. Speed Monster is the obvious one here, and it didn't disapppoint. Thunder Coaster wasn't quite as good as I expecting based on previous reports but it was definitely the of the Vekoma woodies for me. I will say that some of the operations seemed a bit lacklustre compared to what we had experienced so far on the trip but still, I've seen much worse. I didn't ride too much today so let's move onto the photos... OMG, I’m touching the track! Despite me having a horrendously sore stomach for most of the day I still liked Tusenfryd and even managed to get all the credits. I’ll need to go back some day! Now we’re done with Norway so we can get rid of those NOKKERS and get out our SEKS! Wahoo! SEE!!!! This is as far into the control room thing that I got, the geekiness was all too much for me. How geeky am I? Bet you wish you could be this geeky! Well just wait because it gets even more geeky! Behind the scenes on Speed Monster! One more look at Thunder Coaster before we move onto more cool TPR trip stuff… Although maybe that was just a bit of anticipointment. Because we did have some good rides. While I did think it was fun and definitely the best of the three it didn’t really stand out to me. The other big attraction at Tusenfryd is Thunder Coaster. Much touted as the best of the three Vekoma woodies I was interested to see how it compared to the two I’d tried a year ago. Spin Spider is Tusenfryd’s new for 2009 ride. Tusenfryd showed a lot of respect for those guests who want to try out the newest contraption by assigning ONE ride op to operate the ride! Cha-frickin-ching! It’s not a Vekoma but Erik loves himself some Teeny Weeny. We were all pretty excited to add the world’s smallest to our counts! Mike never misses an opportunity to cream up in front of lesbians. "Did you see the lesbians in the Dragons mouth?" --TPDave. TusenFryd. 15:52 Apparently an Arrow guy sneezed on the blueprints for this one which is why it’s so rough. At least that’s how Erik tells it. It’s just a(nother frickin’) Vekoma! And now for things that we wish weren’t built at all… It’s nice to see an accelerator that’s built on the side of a hill and not just a flat piece of land. Speed Monster was really good! It reminded me of Maverick quite a bit actually. Hey look, the Road Show’s in town! That’ll explain why it’s so busy today! Southern Steve loves going Zoom-Zoom! The first port of call in Tusenfryd always has to be Zoom-Zoom the ride! The first thing you see as you enter Tusenfryd is this very pretty carousel. Everyone’s excited to partake in some Intamin penetration! I was horribly ill most of this day but let’s just pretend that I wasn’t and have some fun at Tusenfryd! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SteveC Posted November 11, 2009 Share Posted November 11, 2009 Your totally great PTR's are enhanced to infinity and beyond with close ups of Scottish Steve's facial expressions. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Steve BTW! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cfc Posted November 11, 2009 Share Posted November 11, 2009 "Did you see the lesbians in the Dragons mouth?" --TPDave. TusenFryd. 15:52 What's this line from--the porn version of Excaliber? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moose Posted November 12, 2009 Share Posted November 12, 2009 Wow they had chains up at one point? When we finally went and rode SpinSpyder (I think about the time you waited for the supersplash) they decided to take down those chains to allow for easier linejumping. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ginzo Posted November 12, 2009 Share Posted November 12, 2009 Wow they had chains up at one point? When we finally went and rode SpinSpyder (I think about the time you waited for the supersplash) they decided to take down those chains to allow for easier linejumping. My favorite part of that day was when some line cutter almost started a brawl with SteveC in the Thundercoaster queue. She was convinced that it was her God-given right to waddle her fat ass out of queue, purchase a chocolate-covered waffle, then cut most of the line to reclaim her former place in line. SteveC was not as convinced of this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Divv3k Posted November 12, 2009 Author Share Posted November 12, 2009 ^ I can imagine that would have been pretty amusing! Yeah our group waited for the SuperSplash only to get turned away after waiting for ages! That went over well! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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