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How did you end up at TPR?


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I was a small black child in the village of Dnugken in Ethiopia. My life was simple but our people lived well. We hunted lions and the women gathered plants and made clothing.

However, one brutal winter, my tribe sent me out on canoe to see if we could find a better place to relocate the village.

I ended up in America. Robb and & Elissa adopted me and kept me in a cage with Rattums. Soon, I learned their ways and began looking on their magic light up box. This magic box turned out to be a computer.

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Here's my lengthy TPR story!


When I was eight or nine I first came here. I just looked at all the pictures and the funny stuff. Then my interest in coasters sorta faded so I stopped coming. When it came back, I typed in Theme Park Review and got this different looking site.(I guess that's when Robb changed the heading.) So I never came back. Then I kept trying to find that "black site with the Red, Blue, Green letters". Then one day I found out that I had been seeing the "new" site. So that's how I "refound" TPR.

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I have taken a look at the site since a long time. I really liked the pictures and videos, from the many different trips. Then I started writing on Westcoaster, where Robb told me about his own new Forum, and since then I am a member. However, I also want to remain a member, if Elissa will not ban me.


--Sören "and again: sorry Elissa, for starting the random photo TR´s" Schomburg

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I used to post to Danimation/FluxD (once one of the best RCT communities on the web) and someone posted a link to the Manhattan Express video. I found all the other videos and signed up for the forum when it first came out. I didn't post much initially but I've gotten more into it now.

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I was reading an internet news article about an "incident" at a theme park...there was a link to an enthusiast's site, and when I went to it I found references to Robb and Elissa on it.... that took me to TPR, which I found infinitely more interesting that that other site. I would entertain myself at work by looking at ALL their theme park pictures over and over again. People would walk by and go "Who are those people?"


I was (and still am) glad they added the forum and chat, and it's great getting to know everybody!


Shari "The Alveys have a great sense of humor and don't take everything too seriously" Shoufler

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I just walked right in. A few tried to stop me, but I beat them into submission with my cane and threatened to run over RatTums with my ECV. They let me stay.


Plus, I help fill the quota of diabetics.



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One day long, long ago, I believe in the year 2002, I looked for pictures of SFWoA and found them, here at this very website. I liked the pictures and the captions even more and made it my main home for coaster pics and information. I stayed here for years and years, then one day they started a forum. I did not join. I did not want to take my energy and time and waste it on a forum. Then one day, I needed guidance and advice for SFMM. They served me well. I stayed for a while, ditched the place to go on a two week vacation and then, returned to make it my main coaster home. Now, all these years later, I am still a memeber of the forum. Long ago, before my TPR days, I was joined at Coaster Buzz. This is so much better. Coaster Buzz can go to hell!

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My friend Rob first showed me TPR right after the Japan update was posted. He pointed me to the page with the "please nuderstand this difference...plasure is boan here!" t-shirt on it. I thought that was hilarious, so I started reading the other updates. Once I was done with a lot of the older updates, I joined the forum.


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OK here it goes


one day I typed in "roller coaster" on google and it came up with rcdb so i found out that knotts were buldng sliver bullet and i had a look at the pitcures and alot of them were form westcoaster.net so one day i clicked on the west coaster linkaand it brought me to west coaster (duh) theh i saw some photos from japan so i clicked on it then evently i clicked on the Theme park Review lik and it brought me here then i spent a bout and hour looking at the japan up date the i singed up to the mali list then one day like 2 days after the fourms opened i decided to go to theme park review and see whats happening on here and there was these so i joined and the rest is history

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on an off-WDW messageboard, Barry H posted a thread with a link to his Dania Beach video. I downloaded the video, thought it was kinda cool, then went back to the site because I saw there were other videos. Well, I started downloading video after video and loving most of them (this was the 2004 TPR video contest). started clicking around the site some and came upon Robb and Elissa's videos and photo TRs and started looking through those. I knew there was a forum but didn't think much of it since I already frequented about 10 messageboards already. One day I just thought to myself "hey, why not. I like coasters. I like themeparks. Let's just give it a shot and see what it's like." and the rest is history..well, it's all part of creating my online legacy. 8)

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I thought Theme Park Review was actual reviews of theme parks. But I realized that these people had a sense of humor (which is odd for a coaster enthusiast), so I kept coming back. I joined the westcoaster forums because I knew Robb, Elissa, Dan, Joey etc. posted there. Then I joined here because I had nothing else to do.

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oh jeeze, it was a few years ago I found themeparkreview.com. I think in either late 2002 - early 2003 I was surfing the web and I was finding coaster sites and this one poped up. I saw that they had updates of SFNE so I read on and downloaded their videos and thought it was really cool.


Then I got to talking to Robb a bit and then started talking to Elissa intially by some mistake. (Yes Elissa, I never wanted to talk to you in the first place ) Then I joined WC and when the TPR boards opened I became their 50th member.

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