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CARS! The Car Super Thread

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I have a 2004 Jaguar X type w/ 30,000 miles right now...


Also own a 1998 cavalier and a 2000 explore sport but the cavalier put me down 2 months ago and my mom uses the explore.


There a cleaner shot of the car w/ a hot chick on it! (yeah I took the pic lol lol)


This bad boy has all the bells and whistles!


It was a tad bit dirty the other day lol

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A 1999 Mercedes ML-320. Has over 110,000 miles on it.


What's funny was that it cost about as much as a Four-Door Ford Explorer with the options we wanted at the time. However, I'm sure the Explorer would have puttered out by now or would have had some major problems. Those things don't age well. However, this thing still runs perfectly, and we have had no problems with it.


It was my mom's, now it is mine.

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I got a 2001 Dodge Stratus SE which has about 81,000miles on it now. I love it since it's a lot more roomy and better than my crummy old car I had for a year.


I've had the stratus for almost a year now and so far it's been great


and of course my nice interior


Back of the car


Front of my car when I got it. Now it has a hole in one of the grill sections and no front plate since my sister hit a trucks trailer hitch with my car. Grrr

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  • 3 months later...
major bummer - Can you post some "real" pic's of that jeep, your only 16 your 2 young to drive unless your telling lies about your age

Not in the US...

Dad drives a '04 Pontiac Aztec, Mom drives a '97 Nissan Altima GXE, Sister drives a '01 Ford Explorer Sport Trac. If I feel like making $279,870

I'll buy a Lamborghini Murcielago Roadster in dark grey.

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Well someone who is older and hasn't driven before isn't going to have any more experience than a 15 year old just starting to drive (you can drive at 15 with a permit). But yes I agree. I live in a upper middle class area, and most of the kids around here have huge SUVs or sports cars.


It's funny, I go to a junior college, and most of the people there have really expensive cars. I wounder why their parents will buy them a Mercedes, but not pay for them to go to a good school.


I myself drive an 89' Honda Accord LX.

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This is my baby. It's a 2005 BMW 325xi - all wheel drive, with the winter package (yeah yeah why did i buy that in Miami? I needed them driving over the mountains in New Mexico and the midwest in the winter!)


These pictures were back in November 2004, when I lived for a few months on South Beach before I took an 8 month sabbatical across the country. I use it to "haul a$$" down the turnpike everyday to work.


I did all kinds of "oohs" and "ahhs" when I lifted the hood. I didn't find out until recently that the car battery is actually in the trunk! The headlights get automatically cleaned when i clean the windshield.


Here's the inside. It has a connector for my ipod, automatic/assisted gear shift, heated seats, and BMW Assist console which I used a few times for flat tires... won't people in florida secure their loads!



This is what people see in their rear view mirror before I pass them. I added a roof rack to the car before I left town.

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I would not get in a car if the driver is 21 or less, they have no knowledge or experience of driving.


No wonder they die young if their parents buy em high powered cars which they can't handle or show off to their mates.


lol. Yeah, and they always drive with their fog lights on. Whats that all about? It bugs me something awful.


Just because they see Jeremy Clarkston sliding round the track they think its easy to do it on the public roads. Its not just the young ones either. Some of the older, experienced drivers can be just as bad.

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