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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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I must admit that i am a bit sad that scrambler is going in tne spot between three point challenge and ignite the night. i always saw that as one of the few spots inside the park that would make for a grwat coaster spot. i saw a large coaster going over the lake with a cobra roll out on the point as a nice turn around. on the flip side, that is a spot in the park that is verypretty and also vry needed of something to spruce it up.


My only question is why are they doing this mid season? Adding this will not bring in more people and will most likely not increase ridership in anything or a particular area of the park

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Because they refuse to run two trains on coasters and every last ride has a long line. Then there's the fact that they keep removing rides and replacing half of them. My anger reached a peak today when I went for an exit pass, and the kid took a half an hour for "confirmation" from the ride ops at Viper that the line was long. I just stormed out without the ticket. Happiness was not guaranteed.


(Just a side note, if a park runs one train on all coasters on a busy day, the line will obviously be long. It's like running a restaurant with one chef and wondering if it will take long to serve everyone)

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My only question is why are they doing this mid season? Adding this will not bring in more people and will most likely not increase ridership in anything or a particular area of the park


I don't know either, but Darien Lake should have announced Scrambler's return before this season started!

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Because they refuse to run two trains on coasters and every last ride has a long line. Then there's the fact that they keep removing rides and replacing half of them. My anger reached a peak today when I went for an exit pass, and the kid took a half an hour for "confirmation" from the ride ops at Viper that the line was long. I just stormed out without the ticket. Happiness was not guaranteed.


(Just a side note, if a park runs one train on all coasters on a busy day, the line will obviously be long. It's like running a restaurant with one chef and wondering if it will take long to serve everyone)


You continuously complain about this, but they aren't "refusing" to use other trains. They are undergoing maintenance still, I've said it again and again, previous actions are hitting the park hard currently when it comes to upkeep of the attractions.

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I know by fact that at least Viper and RoS's are not because last season they ran the opposite trains. (Red for RoS and Orange for Viper). Those two rides have had the longest lines in the park, and are the reason why the exit passes were introduced. Everyone always puts Six Flags down, but they did introduce new rides every year, and they always ran two trains during summer months.

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I know by fact that at least Viper and RoS's are not because last season they ran the opposite trains. (Red for RoS and Orange for Viper). Those two rides have had the longest lines in the park, and are the reason why the exit passes were introduced. Everyone always puts Six Flags down, but they did introduce new rides every year, and they always ran two trains during summer months.


^From 1994 to 2002, Premier/Six Flags has added at least one new ride to Darien Lake.


1994: 'Cuda Falls water slides (RIP)

1995: Skycoaster/Redhawk

1996: Nightmare at Phantom Cave (RIP), Hook's Lagoon, and Popeye's Seaport (Now Beaver Bros. Bay)

1997: Mind Eraser

1998: Boomerang

1999: Ride of Steel

2000: Twister

2002: Shipwreck Falls and Slingshot

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First, Six Flags was 99-06. So I wouldn't included premier since there were major management changes in the purchase. Second, adding new rides doesn't equal quality. Six flags and PARC neglected all the existing rides. They could have added 10 things every year, but If they don't maintain it, it's going to fall to shit really quick.


Again, maintenance is the issue. They are basically rehabbing opposite trains each year, and yes they made a promise, and so far they haven't been able to keep it. But they are fighting an uphill battle to fix previous mistakes.

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It still doesn't make sense for them to keep doing this.


Viper now has had both trains rehabbed and has not run them.


RoS has had the red train rehabbed about three years ago and the blue was rehabbed last year.


Predators trains came from Holiday World only 4 years ago and were taken care of well.


Motocoaster and Mind Eraser only run one train due to the need of parts for others. Keep in mind it's been 3-4 years already "waiting for parts".


Most of the trains have all seen some sort of refurbishment since Six Flags left. Unless the maintenance guys beat the trains like they're piñatas every year, they should be good to go. I know a lot of the maintenance guys there, and they know what they're doing, so I'm sure there is more to it then just Six Flags and Co not caring.

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I have ot be to the park this year yet, but do plan on going in august. My frustation would definately be very high if they promised two train operations or at least short ride lines and cannot deliver on their promises. i do remember seing a show on coasters and they went toSFMM and showed the inside of the,maintenancw barn where they had at least oneof each part for each coaster train, and when they used one would re-order. Why cant this be the case at DL? There really should be very little reason to ot be able torun all of the available trains. At this point the only rides that should have one train operation are boomerang and predator, with boomerang being obvious, and predator only really having one train

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It is true, I am at Darien Lake right now. They have a sign up saying welcome back to the scrambler.


I didn't know the park was open past midnight.


Just in case anyone wanted to see the sign - I myself prefer visuals and just figured I'd throw it out there



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The black posts near the left of the picture are for the new 3 point challenge. Scrambler isn't going behind the fence, but in the current 3 point spot. I'm guessing that by the time construction is finished, and NYS inspects it, we could see an early August opening (although the park wants it done by the end of the month). It should be a popular ride for all age groups.

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So i was looking at the park via Google maps and got to thinking. I know that scrambles returning in the area of the three point challenge. With that in mind, could Dl be telling us something about next year already? I know that last year there was a survey sent out talking about a giant frisbee. Could that possibly go next to the scramble along the lake with the proposed bbq restaurant going along the lake to go with the proposed predator Rehab?


This idea would add another real theme area to the park, and still give them the Cuba falls open area for a 2016 project.

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Could be a possibility. I remember a member stating previously in the thread that the Crossroads area was next to receive an upgrade. Scrambler and Lake Monster may be the first steps. I still think that UFO's pad is the most likely place for the giant frisbee.


I forgot to mention this before, but the locker building in front of Cuda Falls former spot was recently painted a beige color (previously teal), so it may be staying after all. Maybe it will be used as some sort of entrance to the new area or something.

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I still think that UFO's pad is the most likely place for the giant frisbee.


Not sure how that is going to work as they would have to pretty much level much of that area to make it fit. You have Subway next to it and Sleigh Ride directly behind UFO's pad and the supports alone are going to need a lot of space. Sure they could relocated Sleigh Ride but currently it seems to like they are removing rides without replacing them right away. While Sleigh Ride has seen better days, i.e. it doesn't run as fast as it used to, I'd hate to see another ride go.

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I forgot to mention this before, but the fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo building in front of Cuda Falls former spot was recently painted a beige color (previously teal), so it may be staying after all. Maybe it will be used as some sort of entrance to the new area or something.


Maybe they'll get new water slides in 2015? That area behind the fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo building was always home to a water slide with Rainbow Mountain being there first from 1981-1993, then 'Cuda Falls 1994-2014 and the bridge leading to Barracuda Bay to the water park is still there. So the former Barracuda Bay area is prime real estate for a water park expansion. So they must want the locker house converted back to an entrance to the water park.

Edited by DarienLaker
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Or they could keep the frisbee or giant frisbee idea and just have it spill over into the main walkway. If they did that, they would basically divert the foot traffic towards thunder rapids for those looking to go over by viper and pirate. This plan would use the old .fo area and create one main walkway to get over towards rowdys ridge area.


I still do not see DL using the old Cuba falls area as an area for waterway expansion. the current waterway area has more than enough room for expansions and that Cuba falls area is way too prime of a spot for a new coaster/theme area

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And just an fyi...the frisbee style ride at Cw would fit in the old Ufo area without too prime such spill over into the walkway.


I love the Google maps on android with the scale at the bottom so you can see if a ride from a different park will fit at Dl

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Huss still offers the standard Frisbee but with inward facing seats - only the giants have the outward facing seats. Zamperla, SBF Visa and Fabbri all have Frisbee style rides as well and most have the outward facing seats. I really liked Zamperla's Giant Discovery (Black Widow at Kennywood) better than the Huss giants.

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