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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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Has anyone heard yet if there is any kind of happiness guarantee for campers and lodgers?


No, not yet and I don't even camp. Maybe next year Darien Lake would have a "happiness guarantee" for campers and hotel guests!

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Thanks, Laker, but I'll keep checking here if something changes. Like I said before, campers and lodgers are already getting into the park 'for free', so that's why I questioned if the happiness guarantee would apply. Ha! I used to go to Darien Lake before you were born!

You missed out on the Darien Lake Fun Country days.

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You missed out on the Darien Lake Fun Country days.


I was born in 1988 and I didn't start going to Darien Lake until 1996, but I did missed out on a lot of rides at Darien Lake that are no longer there like Crazy Quilt, Thrillbilly, Rainbow Mountain, Cascade Canyon, Nightmare at Phantom Cave, the 3D movie theater, Floodgate Falls, Riptide Run, Hydro Force/Torpedo Rapids, Pipeline Plunge, the playground in the kiddie land boat. I only knew about some of these rides from the internet and found very little pictures of them.

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Anyone know if any of the water is heated? They said on FB that the waterpark section will be open on May 17th....I can't even imagine going if the water is straight out of a hose. Might not be able to hit the waterpark til July~

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Anyone know if any of the water is heated? They said on FB that the waterpark section will be open on May 17th....I can't even imagine going if the water is straight out of a hose. Might not be able to hit the waterpark til July~


I don't know if Daren lake keeps their pools heated or not, but I don't think so since they only have the water park open from late may util Labor Day.

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From what I have heard, it was going under an "extensive restoration" but I also heard that they scrapped the idea due to a lack of parts. The park never gave a plain black and white answer.


I don't know why Darien Lake never gave a "real" explanation about UFO's disappearance, it's not even listed on the site anymore. Maybe Darien Lake has plans for a new flat ride in UFO's place?

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The park would be better off without it. There's no need to keep pumping money into it after around 30 years of service. The pad is big enough to house a new ride such as the sidewinder idea.


You're right it was UFO's time to go, Huss no longer makes the ride and spare parts for UFO and some of the other older Huss rides that Darien Lake has, like Ranger and Corn Popper are becoming hard to find. The pad can be put to "good" use like a seating are for the nearby Subway stand or just place for people to relax and take a break from walking around and riding rides and such.

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I wonder if UFO's platform is still there like it was last year or if they fully removed it during the off season. I really liked that ride and had a feeling that it would not come back once it was removed however DL could use some newer flats.

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^You can say that again and they do really new flat rides, not used, brand spanking new flat rides! The last new flat rides that Darien Lake has got were the Hornet's Nest, and Heve Ho in 2012!


Does it make the ride worse that BlastOff isn't new? No.


I'd rather see the park get more used rides than less new rides. It's an economical way to grow the business.

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Nope. Wonderland doesn't have UFO nor anything like it, so we wouldn't need the parts either. Turning it into a Halloween attraction would be cool though. They could make some kind of a bizarre haunted carnival were all the rides are broken down and all the games are run by zombie carnies . . . what do you think?

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^Wonderland got rid of Nightmares? When did that happen?


Blast Off is actually pretty decent, with a surprising pop of airtime at the top. They just need a second tower to help with capacity.


As for using the UFO area for a Haunt, I could see that happen since that area of the park is usually either closed off or has limited access in the fall but I doubt Herschend would do it as it doesn't seem like they do Halloween events like what other parks do.


I believe that SBF Visa is still manufacturing Round Up rides.


I beleive Battech, formerly known as Dartron, still makes one but they call theirs Zero Gravity.

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^^Since when did Canada's Wonderland got rid of their Huss UFO ride (Nightmares)?


If Canada's Wonderland had gotten rid of Nightmares, they probably would have sent it to Darien Lake as spare parts for their UFO ride, but I kind of doubt it and now Huss UFO rides are now extinct from North America, or are they?

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