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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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Anyone else notice how the Mind Eraser logo looks a lot like the logo for The Mask (1994 movie)?


That's no coincidence. They thought it was a nice tie-in since fans of the ride and the movie generally have overlapping interests (example: they enjoy things that suck uncontrollably).

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I know that I'm probably in the minority, I just absolutely hate Jim Carrey.


And I'm sorry that this is off topic but the alternative is talking about... well... this...


so you think beaver brothers bay is still gonna exist
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Jim Carrey isn't my favorite actor in the world, but The Mask is one of my favorite comedies I've ever seen. I know, I like it way more than most, but I always get a kick out of it

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Um, wow…. I caused a lot more discussion than I thought I would. Also, was all of that about Premier / Six Flags in the late 1990s necessary? You can all just look that up on Wikipedia.


Speaking of Mind Eraser, is it highly unlikely to see a retheme of some sort be applied to Mind Eraser?

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Anyone else notice how the Mind Eraser logo looks a lot like the logo for The Mask (1994 movie)?


That's no coincidence. They thought it was a nice tie-in since fans of the ride and the movie generally have overlapping interests (example: they enjoy things that suck uncontrollably).

Oof.... I actually enjoy Mind Eraser :0

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Um, wow…. I caused a lot more discussion than I thought I would. Also, was all of that about Premier / Six Flags in the late 1990s necessary? You can all just look that up on Wikipedia.


Speaking of Mind Eraser, is it highly unlikely to see a retheme of some sort be applied to Mind Eraser?

Maybe we will see a super man theme on the mind eraser. They could call it Superman: ride of steel, since well, it's a ride, and it's made out of steel painted somewhat red. Seems fitting to me.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Now the real question. Was Motocoaster built in honor of the 2007 Box Office smash hit, Andy Sandberg's "Hot Rod"?

With how off the rails this thread has gone I can't tell if you're joking or not. But it was actually originally built "themed" to Orange County Choppers, a show that was on Discovery channel. They gave away one chopper I think and had another on display when it first opened. Then the theming was removed a couple of a years after.

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I can't believe with all this Premier and SF talk, nobody brought up the fact that the board of directors removed the old Premier/SF CEO, Kieran Burke. So the people who control SF now really are not the old Premier Parks.


Matter of fact, the old Premier people started a new company called Premier Parks LLC, led by Kieran Burke. They actually managed DL after HFE was not renewed and were responsible for additions like Brain Drain, Rolling Thunder and Tantrum

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Now the real question. Was Motocoaster built in honor of the 2007 Box Office smash hit, Andy Sandberg's "Hot Rod"?

With how off the rails this thread has gone I can't tell if you're joking or not. But it was actually originally built "themed" to Orange County Choppers, a show that was on Discovery channel. They gave away one chopper I think and had another on display when it first opened. Then the theming was removed a couple of a years after.

Lol, yeah, i was hoping by picking such a ridiculous movie , the joke would have translated well through text only, but yes, i know its based on Orange county choppers. We can only hope with 2 months till opening day, this thread will get even worse.

Edited by Wagon127
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Orange county chompers.


Is that the show about two dentists from the Hudson Valley where the father and son used to practice dentistry together but then the son had to go be an a**hole and ended up making dentures for his own employees since nobody else would hire them because his dad made way cooler dentures and had an established brand with name recognition?


Great show...

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Orange county chompers.


Is that the show about two dentists from the Hudson Valley where the father and son used to practice dentistry together but then the son had to go be an a**hole and ended up making dentures for his own employees since nobody else would hire them because his dad made way cooler dentures and had an established brand with name recognition?


Great show...

Yes, i own the entire dvd box set at home!

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Orange county chompers.


Is that the show about two dentists from the Hudson Valley where the father and son used to practice dentistry together but then the son had to go be an a**hole and ended up making dentures for his own employees since nobody else would hire them because his dad made way cooler dentures and had an established brand with name recognition?


Great show...

Yes, i own the entire dvd box set at home!


So you're admitting you spent that much money to watch two stupid meatheads argue with one another... and repeatedly at that? This thread somehow just gets weirder and weirder.

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Orange county chompers.


Is that the show about two dentists from the Hudson Valley where the father and son used to practice dentistry together but then the son had to go be an a**hole and ended up making dentures for his own employees since nobody else would hire them because his dad made way cooler dentures and had an established brand with name recognition?


Great show...

Yes, i own the entire dvd box set at home!


So you're admitting you spent that much money to watch two stupid meatheads argue with one another... and repeatedly at that? This thread somehow just gets weirder and weirder.

I don’t even know what’s going on anymore.

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Orange county chompers.


Is that the show about two dentists from the Hudson Valley where the father and son used to practice dentistry together but then the son had to go be an a**hole and ended up making dentures for his own employees since nobody else would hire them because his dad made way cooler dentures and had an established brand with name recognition?


Great show...

Yes, i own the entire dvd box set at home!


So you're admitting you spent that much money to watch two stupid meatheads argue with one another... and repeatedly at that? This thread somehow just gets weirder and weirder.

Not meatheads.... Dentists!

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