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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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Thanks for the link. Interesting that it was written "no anticipated change in attendance or traffic" when asked if the change would increase traffic flow in the area that traffic safety would be endangered. Heaven forbid if a big, major coaster should ever be built at DL.

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Yes that is a very interesting link. I never knew that site even existed!


I do like that they said the ride will be oriented to run paralell to the giant wheel. I wonder if that means they are planning on doing something with the giant wheel to accentuate the look of both rides? Lights?

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If CNL were to leave and Premier Parks stayed, what roller coasters do you think they would add to Darien Lake?


I think maybe something along the lines of a family coaster for the 42" and taller crowd, like a Zamperla Skater, a Gerstlauer spinning coaster, or even a Vekoma Jr. Boomerang.

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Yes that is a very interesting link. I never knew that site even existed!


I do like that they said the ride will be oriented to run paralell to the giant wheel. I wonder if that means they are planning on doing something with the giant wheel to accetuate the look of both rides? Lights?


I wonder if it has more to do with the skyline as it means it will have less of an impact then if it was clashing with the giant wheel. Basically, it will be less noticeable to those living in the area. The traffic thing is interesting as it indicates a really large attraction which would effect traffic might have a harder time getting approved.


Something else that's interesting on that report is the projected cost of $1 million.

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I wonder if it has more to do with the skyline as it means it will have less of an impact then if it was clashing with the giant wheel. Basically, it will be less noticeable to those living in the area. The traffic thing is interesting as it indicates a really large attraction which would effect traffic might have a harder time getting approved.



Would be quite sad if the Super Loop upstages the Giant Wheel in lighting. I would think under Premier that situation will eventually be fixed and the Giant Wheel will once again light up the night.


As for having a large attraction and the effects on traffic I wonder how ROS got approved sixteen years ago or if that was added after the ride was installed.

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That part may have been added BEACUSE of ROS. The year they added that coaster, attendance was well ove 1 million, and I think it was 1.7 million or so. The roads around DL were not built to handle traffic like that, hence major concerns. It may not mean a major coaster will never be built at DL, but it may require some infrastructure improvements for a major coaster to be built

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I was looking at that same area jand thinking about the new ride just the other day as well. I am interested to see how they position the ride in that relatively small space, along with what they do for a queue area and so on. There is room to work with, it's just a matter of how they do it. To me at this point, that is the most interesting part.


As for the mini golf, they don't use it anymore, so i would remove it and put some sort of flat ride in there. Personally, I think it would make an awesome spot for a drop tower. It is relatively central in the park and there is lots of room inside viper for a queue


The white building in the bottom of the site was closed last year and was previously a souvenir shop. I would guess that might get demolished for room, however it is at a lower elevation than whats behind it.

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Thanks for the link. Interesting that it was written "no anticipated change in attendance or traffic" when asked if the change would increase traffic flow in the area that traffic safety would be endangered. Heaven forbid if a big, major coaster should ever be built at DL.


That's a standard question on the form for any project. I wouldn't read into it at all. Traffic isn't an issue in the area even when ROS was new.

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Thanks for the link. Interesting that it was written "no anticipated change in attendance or traffic" when asked if the change would increase traffic flow in the area that traffic safety would be endangered. Heaven forbid if a big, major coaster should ever be built at DL.


That's a standard question on the form for any project. I wouldn't read into it at all. Traffic isn't an issue in the area even when ROS was new.


That's what I was thinking. The county know that by now traffic for DL hovers at around 1 million visitors per year. Even if it climbs say .5 million, overall, stretched out through the whole season, it will not cause any issues.


Questions like that are standard and only cause a problem is something large will cause suburban streets to become packed, or it causes an unsafe traffic situation through a village. DL is on a large road and I don't think that the traffic will ever become a problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Do any of you think that Premier Management and CNL will ever agree to install something like an S&S El Loco, a Premier Rides compact launcher (like the Kennywood Sky Rocket or a clone of Superman from SFDK) or a Gerstlaurer Euro Fighter?


That could be a possibility if Premier and CNL play their cards right, we could an S&S El Looco, a Premier Rides compact launch coaster (possibly a clone of the Superman coaster at SFDK), a compact Gerstlauer Eurofighter, or a Gerstlauer spinning coaster in the future.

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Of those things, my best guess would be the EuroFighter or premier compact launched coaster. i am not sure why I think this, but I do. The EuroFighter coasters seem very popular these days, and fit nicely into a compact space and look to pack a decent punch for thrills. The Premier compact coasters are the same. Plus, my guess is that the overall costs are not that terrible compared to a brand new B&M mega looper that would cost 25 million or more.

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Do any of you think that Premier Management and CNL will ever agree to install something like an S&S El Loco, a Premier Rides compact launcher (like the Kennywood Sky Rocket or a clone of Superman from SFDK) or a Gerstlaurer Euro Fighter?


That could be a possibility if Premier and CNL play their cards right, we could an S&S El Looco, a Premier Rides compact launch coaster (possibly a clone of the Superman coaster at SFDK), a compact Gerstlauer Eurofighter, or a Gerstlauer spinning coaster in the future.


Why did you repeat what he just said?

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Darien Lake is expected to announce their new additions tomorrow.... however, the Super Loop is not the only thing that will be announced. Channel 7 just said that the park will be announcing a large capital investment that is more then just one ride. This is very interesting. As far as I know, no new permits were filed with the town, but I would imagine that if it isn't vertically built then no other permits would be needed. Any ideas on what it could be?


Today has been a really exciting news day for Buffalo. First the Sabres trades, then Jon Stewart is retiring (which is sad), now this.


Edit: After some more research, I found out that it is not lights going on the Giant Wheel or anything to do with the Cuda Falls plot, so this mystery is even more interesting going into tomorrow.

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Darien Lake is expected to announce their new additions tomorrow.... however, the Super Loop is not the only thing that will be announced. Channel 7 just said that the park will be announcing a large capital investment that is more then just one ride. This is very interesting. As far as I know, no new permits were filed with the town, but I would imagine that if it isn't vertically built then no other permits would be needed. Any ideas on what it could be?


After some more research, I found out that it is not lights going on the Giant Wheel or anything to do with the Cuda Falls plot, so this mystery is even more interesting going into tomorrow.


Maybe they'll announce that they're adding more lockers towards the Motocoaster/Twister area, a repaint of Mind Eraser and/or Ride of Steel, and the fate of Ranger.

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Channel 2 leaked the news early, apparently they're adding more fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo, repainting both Mind Eraser and Ride of Steel, and Ranger is headed to the scrap yard.



Disappointed to hear the giant wheel will be left in the dark for another season...

DougMJr tell your boss to get on this matter asap!

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Darien Lake is expected to announce their new additions tomorrow.... however, the Super Loop is not the only thing that will be announced. Channel 7 just said that the park will be announcing a large capital investment that is more then just one ride. This is very interesting. As far as I know, no new permits were filed with the town, but I would imagine that if it isn't vertically built then no other permits would be needed. Any ideas on what it could be?


After some more research, I found out that it is not lights going on the Giant Wheel or anything to do with the Cuda Falls plot, so this mystery is even more interesting going into tomorrow.


Maybe they'll announce that they're adding more fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo towards the Motocoaster/Twister area, a repaint of Mind Eraser and/or Ride of Steel, and the fate of Ranger.

So you heard the news was leaked early, posted what you heard, but worded it as speculation? If this is the case, mind if I ask why?

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^I checked the link there was nothing about Darien Lake adding a new major water park attraction and I don't think channels 2 and/or 7 leaked anything about Darien Lake's plans for 2015.


I guess we'll wait until tomorrow for an announcement from the park about the possible Super Loop ride and any other stuff besides that!

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