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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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I braved the rain today and went to Outbreak. The haunted walkthrough had a great beginning. The theming around the entrance were pretty good. I think it would have been much better if the theme had been maintained throughout the entire walkthrough. I mean, really, what was a toy room and clothes closet doing in a secret military facility overrun by zombies? The concept was great but its execution was inconsistent. I also felt the attraction should have been a little longer, especially since it was the only haunt they had this year. I'd go again next weekend as I enjoyed myself today, except for the rain. There is, however, a lot of room for improvement.


How was the rest of the park in terms of theming, food stands and rides open? I see that this weekend isn't looking as bad weather-wise as originally forecasted, so there is still a slight chance that we may take the family up there. I still have my doubts about this event, but after seeing the $89/night special for a room for six at the lodge (about $200 total for the room and tickets/tax) that's not too bad.


Anyone ever stay at the lodge that can comment on the quality of the rooms?

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I'm always thinking of stuff that Darien Lake would never get or would they, like a Gerstlauer spinning coaster, a B&M coaster, new water slide to go in where 'Cuda Falls was, and some sort of dark ride/coaster for Galaxy Theater.

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^^ I've stayed once at the hotel. It is nice, but nothing to get too excited about.


The hotel itself smelled like a hospital and the rooms are unorganized making them hard to find. But the rooms are your generic hotel room. They are nice and comfy and you can get a good view of the park if you are on the right side. Nothing about the room was out of the ordinary and it is a good deal for that price.


It all depends what you like. I personally prefer a cabin or RV rental, but the hotel is overall nice and clean.

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I braved the rain today and went to Outbreak. The haunted walkthrough had a great beginning. The theming around the entrance were pretty good. I think it would have been much better if the theme had been maintained throughout the entire walkthrough. I mean, really, what was a toy room and clothes closet doing in a secret military facility overrun by zombies? The concept was great but its execution was inconsistent. I also felt the attraction should have been a little longer, especially since it was the only haunt they had this year. I'd go again next weekend as I enjoyed myself today, except for the rain. There is, however, a lot of room for improvement.


How was the rest of the park in terms of theming, food stands and rides open? I see that this weekend isn't looking as bad weather-wise as originally forecasted, so there is still a slight chance that we may take the family up there. I still have my doubts about this event, but after seeing the $89/night special for a room for six at the lodge (about $200 total for the room and tickets/tax) that's not too bad.


Anyone ever stay at the lodge that can comment on the quality of the rooms?


The entire park was open with the exception of the water rides and some food stands, but the theming was minimal. The area around the Galaxy theater was themed, which made sense because all the haunted attractions are located in that area. The Grim Lizzies turned out to be nothing more than the tombstones from that area behind ROS placed along the track of the antique cars. I was hoping they'd haunt it more like Knoebels haunts their antique car ride, but it wasn't bad for a start. We left after we went through the haunted house so I'm curious as to whether they did any more after dark. I might go back on Friday night but it depends on the weather.

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^ & ^^ Thanks for the info.


It is looking more and more like we might not go to this event, but may opt for the more ghetto Ghost Lake at Conneaut Lake park. I had no idea that they were even doing it this year (until today), plus they are having a fall festival during the day.


The fact that this is much closer to home and that Conneaut Lake is the perfect place for a haunt (because it's already creepy to begin with) will most likely trump the 1.5-2 hour drive to Darien Lake for minimal haunt theming.

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While i do agree that this is a prime spot for a new flat ride, and as you travel down that path towards rt 77 there is nothing but open space where you could build just about anything you want, i do think that there are a few holes inside the park that should get filled first. The old UFO spot is open and should get filled. I expect to see ranger removed and that spot will need filling. If they chose to get creative the could try to put a ride or two inside viper, especially where the old mini golf was

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^ & ^^ Thanks for the info.


It is looking more and more like we might not go to this event, but may opt for the more ghetto Ghost Lake at Conneaut Lake park. I had no idea that they were even doing it this year (until today), plus they are having a fall festival during the day.


The fact that this is much closer to home and that Conneaut Lake is the perfect place for a haunt (because it's already creepy to begin with) will most likely trump the 1.5-2 hour drive to Darien Lake for minimal haunt theming.


I don't even think that I will be going to the park anymore this year. I normally go for Fright Fest once, but this year is kind of lame. The last time I was even at the park was before September for the Motley Crue concert. It's pretty unusual for me not to visit at least once every couple of weeks or so, as I have been a season pass for 10 years or so now.


I think the reason is because there isn't much of a reason to go anymore. With the water park closed, Outbreak being lame, and me having to juggle a busy schedule with work, there are more cons than pros. I hope that whatever the park decides to do during the offseason will please us after a disappointing year.

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So i was looking online earlier today at the season pass sale they have going on and noticed something very interesting that may answer some of our questions.


I think in years past, one of the perks associated with buying a season pass is discounts at other HFE properties. The current list of benefits mentions nothing of thiis benefit. Maybe HFE is pulling out, maybe they are still working out a sale or management agreement for next year still. Either way, i found it very interesting that that was left off

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No DarienLaker, I don't think the park is going to end up in the hands of Cedar Fair or whoever the heck Terry is.


It is apparent that a sale is emminent, and CNL has HFEC's balls in a vise here. Their whole business is investing in properties to get the maximum ROI, and they know HFE wants this property and is in the best position to buy it, and the longer HFEC waits the more potential they loose. You know they are asking an arm and a leg for the park and there must be some drama going on behind the scenes.


HFEC is Darien Lake's best hope. The park would be so much better under their sole ownership. Lake Monster, new theming, and much better operations are just the tip of the ice berg. If the deal falls through the place will be locked in mediocrity forever. Let's hope they figure it out soon.

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I think it's more a case of joining in on the joke and speculating what a Pegula owned Darien Lake would be like. I've already purchased by pass for next year, as I like the direction the park has been moving in and how they're slowly but surely divesting themselves of the stigma of Six Flags. It's going to take time, but I like the way the park is being run these days as opposed to how Fantasy Island has gotten. The Predator may not be as smooth or as good a design as the Silver Comet, but at least I can ride it without being stapled til my eyes bulge. Little touches like that make all the difference.

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If anything, I'd think he'd want the new stadium closer to downtown rather than further out. I thought the rumor was that he was buying the old Marine Midland tower (whatever it's called these days) with the intention of tearing it down. Whether there's anywhere near enough room for an NFL stadium in that area or not is another question I've no answer for.

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^I don't think that there would be room there if they tore down the HSBC tower...not with the huge entertainment complex that he is building across the street.


I always thought that a new stadium in the old Bethlehem Steel area of Lackawanna would be good as it's just wasted lakefront space now (save for a few windmills), but I would imagine that it might be just a bit too far from the hockey stadium and the sports complex for Pegula's tastes. That and the land is probably too polluted to build on anyway.

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If I had the money, I'd be happy to buy Darien Lake as owner and GM of the park. I would so add a Gerstlauer spinning coaster in Galaxy Theater and new slides to replace 'Cuda Falls. But I would end up screwing up Darien Lake financially and be forced to close or sell the park!


So what I was saying about my fantasy of owning Darien Lake that I don't really know how to keep the park from going bankrupt and the only that I care about is adding more stuff to the park making it less mediocre and thus making me bankrupt myself.

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HFEC is Darien Lake's best hope. The park would be so much better under their sole ownership. Lake Monster, new theming, and much better operations are just the tip of the ice berg. If the deal falls through the place will be locked in mediocrity forever. Let's hope they figure it out soon.


I have to highly agree with this. HFEC has done more for the park in the short time its operated Darien Lake than what Six Flags did all those years under their watch (which wasn't a bad thing in reality as they didn't over expand it and try to make it into something the region couldn't handle). Plus HFEC seems to actually have a vision.


I'm surprised there are plans to demolish the HSBC Tower. Granted it's not a super attractive skyscraper and seems a bit distanced from the main part of downtown Buffalo I think it would leave a hole in the skyline.

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If Terry Pegula did had an interest in buying Darien Lake his plans would involve closing the park except for the campgrounds and hotel to make for a new stadium for the Buffalo Bills NFL team!


I wish I could kick DarienLaker in the balls.

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