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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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It's already Bills colors. Just repaint it red and blue. It should be renamed, though. I always thought they got as far as prying the Superman logo off the station, sat back and said, "Ah, that's good enough." It really should be renamed to something with a more local connection. The present name would work of the park were located in Lackawanna, though.

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It should be renamed, though. I always thought they got as far as prying the Superman logo off the station, sat back and said, "Ah, that's good enough." It really should be renamed to something with a more local connection. The present name would work of the park were located in Lackawanna, though.


Getting rid of the Superman logo on Ride of Steel jut isn't enough, it's like when Six Flags got rid of Tony Hawk from the "Big Spin" coasters and renamed them "Pandemonium". The ride needs a new name/theme and paint job for people to think of it less like Superman.

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Ride of Steel isn't necessarily a bad name... the steel industry was huge at one point in WNY so I think it could work. However, the colors would need to be changed to reflect a theming in that direction. I also don't understand why some people put a retheme so high on their priority list. Sure it would be nice, but its not anything new and won't affect attendance.

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Ride of Steel isn't necessarily a bad name... the steel industry was huge at one point in WNY so I think it could work. However, the colors would need to be changed to reflect a theming in that direction. I also don't understand why some people put a retheme so high on their priority list. Sure it would be nice, but its not anything new and won't affect attendance.
It would help with the overall run-down look of the place. The Superman theme they use without Superman looks tacky and run-down just like the rest of the park. Giving it a different theme would help the overall progress of the park upkeep.
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If I remember correctly, RoS plaza was one of the next areas to be worked on. That is if Herschend decides to stay.


I don't think that RoS could be rethemed anymore as most people would still call it either Superman or RoS. A paint job and freshening up of the area would be nice though.

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Yes if HFE does stick around ROS area is severly lacking. All it really has is one coaster and two shops. That area really needs a flat ride or tow and maybe even a restaurant. I am sure that if HFE sticks around, they will know what to do and will do it the right way.

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Yes HFE could have walked away from DL before this year, much like they did to Elitch Gardens. I don't think HFE really saw much potential at EG, and hence never persued ownership of the park after the one or two years managing it. On the other hand HFE may have seen lots of ownership potential at DL, and continued on with their management and persuing of ownership. If CNL is asking way too much for full ownership of the park and HFE doesn't feel the park is worth their asking price, no reason to stick around and manage something you have no chance of ever owning, so jump ship.


I truly think that the park has taken a couple of steps forward under HFE management, and I would really love for that management to continue

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As someone who went to Wild Adventures, Just because Herschend buys a park, Doesn't mean it's gonna be Silver Dollar City/Dollywood 2.0. Easily the worst employees I've ever seen for a Boomerang (Out of 28 seats, 6 were empty and none were broken), OK Food, Bugs, Lack of Shade, Lack of AC, Etc.


Granted some of this might be leftover from the Kent B. Day's but still this is bad for a Herschend park.

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And that is 100% trues as well. The only difference is that wild adventures never really had shade when it was originally built, and unfortunately trees take a very long time to grow to create that natural shade areas. DL is much more of a mature park than what wild adventures was when HFE bought them.


As with everything, is the grass greener on the other side? sometimes yes, but sometimes its brown as well. Unfortunately you never know until you get there

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Even if Darien did end up like Wild Adventures I would rather have that then sticking with CNL. Herschend would be devoted to actually spending money and upgrading parts of the park that look ratty and old.


Even if Herschend doesn't buy the park right now that doesn't mean that they still won't manage it until they were ready. Let's say that Paul Snyder buys the park back. He's gotta be near 75 or 80 by now so once he's ready to give up the park (maybe because of illness or death, god forbid) Herschend would finally be ready to buy it.

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I went yesterday for the Outbreak halloween event, and saw some odd things that have much to do with the topic of Darien Lake's future. I am now confident that over the winter, CNL is leaving. The reason is one of many reoccuring themes in business (in general). An experienced business man, if he/she were about to sell a property, would try to suck up as much profit as possible before actually selling it.The main method of cash hording, cut backs. Such actions were clear in a number of ways.


1-Outbreak itself: The walktrough attraction was the best I have seen there by far, certainly an improvement. However, the other attractions were silly excuses. Twister Possessed ran a really good (as in flippy) cycle, but the only halloween touches were just some music and lights. Also, Grim Lizzies was the same thing except a few props and some lighting. And the magician show was awful.

2-Lighting:Much less lighting.The Giant Wheel was open, but completely dark. Half of the parking lot lamps were not on. A few in the park were left off too.

3-The Emporium Fountain:There was no working fountain. No halloween props, no red water, in fact no water at all. It just sat there.

4-Not many supplies:Despite the park having an entire 6 days to prepare, my sister was the last person to get cotton candy from one stall in the park before it was completely out.The crowds were almost non-existent (I actually got two walk-on rides on Ride Of Steel) , yet within 4 hours ran out.


So while it sucks right now, the future could go either way.CNL leaves happily with their profits, but now what? Well of course we got the Hershcends as possible buyers (and most likely at this point). Six Flags already shat all over Darien Lake,so I highly doubt their return (seriously, that would be like if Six Flags bought Kentucky Kingdom back ).Cedar Fair would most likely treat Darien Lake exactly in the same fashion as Michigan's Adventure (not much better than Six Flags). And no one knows about Paul Snyder's plans. At this point, hope for the Hershends, at least they are willing to invest into the park.

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We were thinking about taking family that's coming in from out of town next weekend to this because we figured CP would be too far to drive in a day. Plus we would have to go their on a Saturday, which would most certainly be mistake without Fastlane Plus. While it sounds like there wouldn't be too much in the way of crowds, it almost sounds kinda lame.


I have been thinking perhaps Kennywood might be the better option, although a bit further to drive.

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I braved the rain today and went to Outbreak. The haunted walkthrough had a great beginning. The theming around the entrance were pretty good. I think it would have been much better if the theme had been maintained throughout the entire walkthrough. I mean, really, what was a toy room and clothes closet doing in a secret military facility overrun by zombies? The concept was great but its execution was inconsistent. I also felt the attraction should have been a little longer, especially since it was the only haunt they had this year. I'd go again next weekend as I enjoyed myself today, except for the rain. There is, however, a lot of room for improvement.

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Those are the only 2 things worth while.....


That's what I though! It seems that nobody really cares about Darien Lake's other rides. Even the water park needs improvement, Hook's Lagoon is getting old and is in need of replacing.

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Why would anyone care about a Boomerang, an SLC, a busted Arrow looper, a painful (by all accounts) wood coaster and a cloned Zamperla coaster? I live in New York state and have never bothered with this park because the coaster lineup sounds like pure torture besides Ride of Steel and the Moto Coaster. Eventually I'll go and get the credits but the coaster lineup seems really, really awful.


Again... I've never been there but the lineup isn't going to draw anyone in.

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What are we expect Darien Lake to do put in a world record breaking coaster, I don't think so. They haven't done that since 1982 with Viper. Darien Lake needs something like a custom layout B&M coaster, no park in New York has a B&M coaster.

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