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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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Darien Laker, you'd be surprised where they can build a coaster these days. A coaster can be built under, over, around, through, pretty much anywhere near another coaster. At Canada's Wonderland, they built a 230ft coaster over a launch coaster, also they built a 306ft coaster over a go-cart track and a coaster like Viper. A 300ft coaster could easily be built over Viper and extend over to the old waterslide area, that would be awesome! I think they should have put MotoCoaster in the middle of Viper and kept the campground pool open. Right now, the campers don't get a pool unless they know someone staying at the hotel.

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^I haven't even thought of Darien Lake getting a regular-old swimming pool, not just for the campers, but for all guests at the park. Yeah that's what Darien Lake should put in 'Cuda Falls' place, a regular-old swimming pool would be a nice addition to the water park!

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Yeah let's waste that golden real estate for a dumpy pool. Can someone help me remember but isn't there a perfectly fine pool named crocodile isle elsewhere. If people wanted a pool so bad the park would have never built Motocoaster over the old campground pool. Whatever goes in Cuda's spot is better as the park doesn't need anymore maintenance nightmares.


EDIT: I don't know if the able comment was sarcastic or not. But seeing the poster nothing would surprise me.

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I have been in that pool, which is now filled with gravel under Motocoaster. Those who are too young or who have never been in that pool, it was exclusive for Campgrounders only. There used to be a security check point to keep the GP out of that area. That pool was not maintained by the park, it was maintained by the campground staff and it was always clean, just like the Lodge pool, always maintained and always clean. I'm sure I could find some old pictures of me and my sister enjoying that pool back in the 80's, I'll let you know if I ever come across some old pics.

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Is Darien Lake worth a visit for a credit run? I'm doing a road trip and was thinking of driving up after closing out Kennywood one night to Erie, then drive up to Darien Lake for 3 hours in the morning/afternoon of credit whoring then head back to Waldameer then on to CP in late evening.


It would be 2/3 hours out of the way each way so I'm not sure the park is worth it for a few hours of credits. But at same time I have the time available and don't mind doing the drive if it is worth it.

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Random question... Isn't this year technically Darien Lake's 50th anniversary? On most of their merchandise they have "Est. 1964" so you'd think they would acknowledge that in some way... Just putting it out there

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Technically the park opened in 1961 as a campground. I don't know where 1964 came from. The park is really fuzzy on their info. For instance they were selling postcards of a Hooks Lagoon at another park in a gift shop last year. But back on topic, the first rides were officially installed circa 1979.

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Random question... Isn't this year technically Darien Lake's 50th anniversary? On most of their merchandise they have "Est. 1964" so you'd think they would acknowledge that in some way... Just putting it out there


Technically the park opened in 1961 as a campground. I don't know where 1964 came from. The park is really fuzzy on their info. For instance they were selling postcards of a Hooks Lagoon at another park in a gift shop last year. But back on topic, the first rides were officially installed circa 1979.


This year is technically Darien Lake's 60th anniversary since the park opened in 1954 as a beach, then it became a campground, and then the theme park we know it as today when the first rides were put in circa 1979.

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^*Facepalm* now i'm confused about when Darien Lake started, some it started in 1964 and others say 1954.


The actual lake was dug and filled in '54, but started as a "campground picnic park" when Paul Snyder came in, in 1964.


Didn't Darien Lake started out as a beach on a man-made lake in 1954?

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^*Facepalm* now i'm confused about when Darien Lake started, some it started in 1964 and others say 1954.


The actual lake was dug and filled in '54, but started as a "campground picnic park" when Paul Snyder came in, in 1964.


Didn't Darien Lake started out as a beach on a man-made lake in 1954?


I believe so. Kind of like an up charge beach with a picnic area?

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O.K. so here's a chronological list of rides at Darien Lake. please note that kiddie rides (except the kiddie coaster) are not included and this (*) means the ride is closed and also years of ride opening and closures may not be accurate.


.Bear Valley Bumper Buggys (1979)

.Thrillbilly* (1979, removed in 1990?)

.UFO* (1979, removed in 2013?)

.Grand Carousel (1979)

.Lasso (1979?)

.Hydro Force/Torpedo Rapids* (1979?, removed in 1986, returned in 1990 then removed again in 1999)

.Raging Seas* (1981, removed in 2013)

.Hoot 'n Holler (1981)

.Pirate ship (1981)

.Crazy Quilt* (1981, removed in 1999)

.Thunder Rapids (1981)

.Sleigh Ride (1981)

.Silver Bullet (1981)

.Haymaker (1981)

.Rainbow Mountain* (1981, removed in 1994)

.Floodgate Falls* (1981, closed in 2008)

.Ranger (1982)

.Viper (1982)

.Cascade Canyon* (1982, removed in 2002)

.Corn Popper (1983)

.Giant Wheel (1983)

.Grand Prix Speedway (1987)

.Grizzly Run (1989)

.Predator (1990)

.Riptide Run* (1990, removed in 1999)

.Pipeline Plunge* (1990, removed in 1999)

.'Cuda Falls* (1994, removed in 2014)

.Redhawk (1995)

.Nightmare at Phantom Cave* (1996, removed in 1999)

.Hook's Lagoon (1996)

.Crocodile Isle (1997)

.Mind Eraser (1997)

.Boomerang (1998)

.Ride of Steel (1999)

.Scrambler* (1999, removed in 2012)

.Slingshot (2002)

Shipwreck Falls (2002)

.Tornado (2005)

.Big Kahuna (2006)

.Motocoaster (2008)

.Flotation Station (2010)

.Swirl City (2010)

.Hornet's Nest (2012)

.Heave Ho! (2012)

.Moose on the Loose (2012)

.Blast Off! (2013)

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Darien Lake might have become a true theme park in 1979, but I know my first trip to Darien Lake Fun Country was before I was 11 and I know they had a few "carnival" style rides before 1979 at the campground. 1979 was the first time you could call it a theme park, but not the first time they had some rides.

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Well it looks like the park is paying attention to the little details this year as I just received a voucher in the mail with some exciting new guarantees. As well as the weather guarantee there are ride service guarantees as well. I also included a schedule of events happening in May that was also in the voucher.







I hope that the pictures are readable as I was using my phone. If you can't see some words it is basically saying that if a ride is down for more than 4 hours you get a free ticket even if you are a pass holder. This doesn't apply for all rides, as it says "select rides".


Nik Wallenda will also be doing a special stunt on May 24th.


Edit: The website does not yet mention the rides that are eligible for the guarantees.

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The website does not yet mention the rides that are eligible for the guarantees.


I'm going to take a wild guess on the rides that would be eligible for the short line guarantee


.Ride of Steel

.Mind Eraser



.Shipwreck Falls




.Swirl City

.Grizzly Run

.Thunder Rapids

.Giant Wheel

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I'm going to take a wild guess on the rides that would be eligible for the ride service guarantee


.All water rides (including the water park ones)


.Ride of Steel


.Blast Off!

.Sleigh Ride

.Corn Popper


.Tin Lizzys



.Mind Eraser


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Could backfire if guests expect a guarantee for every ride, if it's select rides only, they need to print a list on the sign. Also if too many passes are handed out the lines will still be just as long. But hopefully those 2-3 hour waits for ROS will be gone this year.


Does this mean no rides will be closed, that would be great since last year there were like 4 rides completely down when I was there.

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Could backfire if guests expect a guarantee for every ride, if it's select rides only, they need to print a list on the sign. Also if too many passes are handed out the lines will still be just as long. But hopefully those 2-3 hour waits for ROS will be gone this year.


Does this mean no rides will be closed, that would be great since last year there were like 4 rides completely down when I was there.


It all depends on weather or not a certain ride needs to be worked, so the whole "ride service guarantee" doesn't mean that there will no rides closed this season. The "ride service guarantee" only applies to certain rides that often have maintenance issues that are closed for 4 or more hours that day and you could go to the guest service center to get a ticket to go another day this season.

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There are catches. For instance if it rains, it needs to be constant rain for at least 90 mins and some rides need to be closed. As for the ride service guarantee, I feel like for instance if Ranger blows a hydraulic valve and is down for the season, the guarantee may not count. Maybe it will, but then people would ask for a free ticket every visit.

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