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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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It's a real shame, I personally will miss the BBW. Too bad they couldn't just replace the trains as they did on Vampire at Chessington w/ SLC trains...I would rather the original arrow trains, but if it meant saving the coaster this is a legitimant idea.

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Oh Sh!t! I have never been on this coaster. They opened it the spring I moved out of the DC area. Looks like I will need to make an emergency trip to Virginia as soon as I get back from Colorado and LA. Hey Chuck, what are you doing mid week around the 20th? Looks like I will be there in your neck of the woods.

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The Bebes are so glad to have gotten a ride on BBW this year during TPT:P2.


As far as suspended coasters go, BBW was one of the better. The dive near the end was great and the scenery was very cool.


Future speculation: With BGE's B&M connection, I could see a Flying Coaster taking advantage of the same swiss village scenery that BBW used.


We will miss you BBW!!!

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The Bebes are so glad to have gotten a ride on BBW this year during TPT:P2.


As far as suspended coasters go, BBW was one of the better. The dive near the end was great and the scenery was very cool.


Future speculation: With BGE's B&M connection, I could see a Flying Coaster taking advantage of the same swiss village scenery that BBW used.


They really put that sign up!?

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The Bebes are so glad to have gotten a ride on BBW this year during TPT:P2.


As far as suspended coasters go, BBW was one of the better. The dive near the end was great and the scenery was very cool.


Future speculation: With BGE's B&M connection, I could see a Flying Coaster taking advantage of the same swiss village scenery that BBW used.


They really put that sign up!?



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The Bebes are so glad to have gotten a ride on BBW this year during TPT:P2.


As far as suspended coasters go, BBW was one of the better. The dive near the end was great and the scenery was very cool.


Future speculation: With BGE's B&M connection, I could see a Flying Coaster taking advantage of the same swiss village scenery that BBW used.


They really put that sign up!?



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So let me get this straight and correct me if I'm wrong here, but they are getting rid of BBW not because of maintenance issues, but because it has reached the end of it's "operating life"? In other words they are just scapping it for no reason right? I hardly doubt that BBW is not popular because I remember hearing discussions going on about it being a decent family coaster.

More than likely my bet is a B&M flyer since Seaworld has got one and usually when one major Busch-owned park gets one, the other one does over time.

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So let me get this straight and correct me if I'm wrong here, but they are getting rid of BBW not because of maintenance issues, but because it has reached the end of it's "operating life"? In other words they are just scapping it for no reason right? I hardly doubt that BBW is not popular because I remember hearing discussions going on about it being a decent family coaster.

More than likely my bet is a B&M flyer since Seaworld has got one and usually when one major Busch-owned park gets one, the other one does over time.


Well, it's probably incredibly difficult to get parts for and keep in repair because arrow doesn't exist anymore and there are only a handful of their suspended's around. It's probably a huge toll on the park to keep it running after 25 years. Remember 25 years for an arrow is alot. The ride type itself takes alot more stress than other types. 25 years is a good lifespan for this type and I think it's time is just about up.

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So let me get this straight and correct me if I'm wrong here, but they are getting rid of BBW not because of maintenance issues, but because it has reached the end of it's "operating life"?


I think you're reading it incorrectly. It probably is a maintenance issue, ie: too expensive/time intensive to maintain, but they need to sort of sugar coat these things for media releases. "End of operating life" is essentially just a nice way to saying "We don't want to maintain a 25 year old ride that probably has a lot of issues".

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While Not Michael Jackson, this is one of those things I just can't believe... I don't want to believe... and don't understand why


If Six Flags Great America can maintain the Wizzer why can't we maintain the Big Bad Wolf!!!


I plead that some park try and buy this and rebuild although unlikely becasue its a terrain coaster


Now BGE has no rides for the mild thrill seekers. Griffon, Alpie, and Nessie all have loops and big drops, and AC stands over 200ft.


I will miss Big Bad Wolf

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So let me get this straight and correct me if I'm wrong here, but they are getting rid of BBW not because of maintenance issues, but because it has reached the end of it's "operating life"? In other words they are just scapping it for no reason right? I hardly doubt that BBW is not popular because I remember hearing discussions going on about it being a decent family coaster.

More than likely my bet is a B&M flyer since Seaworld has got one and usually when one major Busch-owned park gets one, the other one does over time.


Well, it's probably incredibly difficult to get parts for and keep in repair because arrow doesn't exist anymore and there are only a handful of their suspended's around. It's probably a huge toll on the park to keep it running after 25 years. Remember 25 years for an arrow is alot. The ride type itself takes alot more stress than other types. 25 years is a good lifespan for this type and I think it's time is just about up.


Not really. Some parks have their own metal and welding shops to make some of the parts in-house. Now I don't know if BGE has this, but when most parks need parts for rides like this, they could search online or do what I mentioned above.

Agreed; suspended coasters do put a lot of stress on the track especially in the banked turns. Just look at Eagle's Fortress now.


EDIT: Thanks Wes for clearing that up.

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Ok. I am going to take some time out of my work day to give a few thoughts - and in doing so, I am going to ignore some past posts in an attempt to not be rude because some of the things that are being said are just hilarious.


I was not a "coaster enthusiast" until the Fall of 2004. After a great trip to Hersheypark and an unforgettable night right now Storm Runner, followed by a trip to Dorney Park that had me find out that Hercules had been torn down (which was followed by endless nights of searching for pictures and answers as to why it was which had me stumble across themeparkcritic), I was hooked. However, my intrigue with coasters and amusement parks started at a young age. I have to credit a couple of things - first, R.L. Stine's book The Beast, which features The Beast at King's Island. But before that, I credit Busch Gardens - I was fascinated with the Loch Ness Monster, and of course, the Big Bad Wolf.


For many years I wanted to get down to the park, and I begged my parents to take me. I saw pictures and videos of the rides in motion, and I was in awe. It was incredible.


Finally, in 2006, I had the opportunity. Tricia had taken a job in the Norfolk area. After a long couple days of apartment hunting, we decided to reward ourselves with passports to Busch Gardens, and we spent a long afternoon into the night at the park. The first ride of the day - Loch Ness. The second, and most memorable - The Big Bad Wolf. It was a wonderful day. I will always remember it.


We made about 5 trips after that during that fall, however, we did not get back to the Wolf due to it being closed, or having a long line. I figured I would get back there one day to ride it again. Alas, that is not the case.


In my mind, it is a true legend, and I am very sad to see it go. However, I can completely understand, as it is business, and sentimentality must be pushed aside.


I will always remember the ride as it was a big part of my childhood, and I credit the ride for opening my eyes to many fun experiences, old, new, and future.

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This really sucks. I'm glad I finally made it out to BGE last summer. Now I just wish I rode it more, took more pics of it, etc. Never did I think it would be gone the next year.


What's really disappointing is that the coaster, built for that plot of land, would be very hard to sell to another park. Sure, it could be retrofitted to fit in another park with a lot of hills, but I don't think anyone wants to buy a 25 year old coaster. Especially if the maintenance issues are factual.


The only saving grace is if they put this land to good use and wow us with an amazing coaster. I' hope for some sort of terrain woodie. Give me something like Boulder Dash.


Now, as far as how I would rank this Arrow Suspend ... I love the slow section at the start where you weave through the village. The last drop over the water is the best part of any suspended coaster I have been on. But the lift hill in the middle really broke up the pacing for me. People complain about the lift at the end of Ninja. I thought the lift in the middle of BBW was worse. And, Ninja is a better overall ride. I do hope that Magic Mountain hangs on to it longer than BG did with BBW.

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They really put that sign up!?






LOL!!! We didn't intend to start an Orson Welles' War of the Worlds-esque panic about the BBW sign.


We simply photoshopped an existing picture of the 25th ANNIVERSARY sign to pay homage to our soon-to-be defunkt comrade.


But thanks for the compliments on a very fast photoshop job!!!


Original photo and Photoshopped photo are below for comparison.


Anniversary vs RIP

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Aquatrax. Terrain Flyer. Busch's relationship with B&M. Giga. ringy dingy ding-a-ling dings. Drachen Fire. It won't be a _______ because ________. You suck. My friend was knighted by the Major of BGE, and he was already told what's going to replace it. I can't say anything yet. Maybe the B&M factory mislabeled the track outside their factory. Woodie. No, they would have a problem with noise. Bring the Noise was a Public Enemy hit. Intamin woodie. But InBev might not wanna pay for that. fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo. SFGADV sucks. So does Cedar Point. Millennium Force has the greatest airtime ever. A new land. Heartline roll. That joke is lame and whoever started it is a dbag. Is there an opening date set for the new coaster? I'm going to visit in May 2011, and it'd be nice if I can make the opening. I think I saw a footer being poured yesterday. Adena is on the scene, so it should go vertical soon. I liked BBW. I think I covered it all.


'Cept Lazer Snake Horse on Fire.


Seriously...this is terrible news, but I can certainly understand the reasoning. When I went there in June, I rode it thinking that it could be my last time as there were already rumors that he could be in his final year. A great ride with great theming and the drop and swing-out over the river is one of the best elements on a coaster - ever.


I will never forget how pissed I was when I rode Iron Dragon the first year they put it in at CP. After seeing the commercials for Big Bad Wolf on tv, I was expecting some really great ride but instead exited the coaster feeling like a used tramp. I'm thinking fast, over-banked turns over water, but all I got was herky-jerky slow transitions through mist...uggghhh!


So let's all look at the bright side here folks, if BBW was a maintenance nightmare, can Iron Dragon really be all that far behind???

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