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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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. . .Easily the nicest I've ever been to! I hate you locals!!!!


I said the same thing after my first visit to the park. I had no idea how severely underrated Busch Gardens Williamsburg was!! I can't wait to go back!! By far one of, if not my favorite, park!


Epic report coming soon...


Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I can't wait!!

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I just wanted to say once again that I seriously applaud what they're doing here. Almost any other park would have used this as an excuse to remove Le Scoot due to it's high maintenance costs, they decided to dump a ton of money into Le Scoot and build the coaster around it which will probably end up making both rides better. Bravo Busch Gardens.

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Speaking of InvadR going "vertical," I went over the park for a while on Sunday, after Hurricane Matthew had slacked off. Brace yourselves for another InvadR update.


Let's take the train as usual, shall we?


Little footers lined up somewhere behind LeScoot, the log flume.


This is where you'll . . .


. . . take the tunnel!


This curious looking concrete slab is still serving as a table for the crew's water jug.


Here it is from the other side.


This structure is probably the station, but I can't confirm that at the moment.


There's a smaller "shed like" structure nearby.


Station? Barn? Hard to say at this point. But what's that on the left?


Yes, we can indeed confirm "verticalness."


Here's a closer look.


Here's what you can see from the Alpengeist bridge. Perhaps another tunnel?


Here's another look at the construction site by the LeScoot entrance--never mind the giant buzz-saw blade.


One last look at the newly framed InvadR buildings.


OK, I lied. Two last looks. That's all for now.

Edited by cfc
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Thanks for the update, Chuck! I for one am excited about this ride and am hoping to get back next year to ride it! I think it has the potential to be the sleeper hit of the season.

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Saw the Christmas Town announcement today. Looks like BG is adding a lot of new stuff this year. I do question the "most holiday lights in North America" line. Has Busch Gardens been waiting for the Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights to close so they can claim this title?


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2 coasters? I'm assuming that second one is the kiddie coaster?


They commented on the post that it will be Verbolten and Tempesto. Some smart A* ( ) questioned about the claim to the most lights and the answered right back that they will have 8.2 million lights this year.

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2 coasters? I'm assuming that second one is the kiddie coaster?


Believe it or not it's Tempesto! That's actually pretty awesome news. The Grover coaster is open too along with Verbolten as always.


I would so go back down if they had the B&Ms open. Come on BGW, be like Six Flags.

No no actually don't... but maybe just a tiny little bit.

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I would so go back down if they had the B&Ms open. Come on BGW, be like Six Flags.

No no actually don't... but maybe just a tiny little bit.


It's a shame that they don't have all of their coasters operating. I'm sure they can all run fine in cold temperatures.


Dollywood has no issues running all of their coasters, I don't think Arrows have a temperature limit so Loch Ness Monster would probably be fine and Great Adventure has blown any theories about low temperatures and B&M's to hell. Hell even if they did just what Dollywood does and require 40 degrees to start them and close them at 36 that's way below the average daily temperature in Williamsburg. They would probably close early some nights but the park is open from 2 to 10 during the event so they can run most of the day and at night most people will be focused on lights anyway.


Like Hershey, they're stepping up their game a little bit at a time though so that's a good sign. Hopefully increased competition causes more and more parks to run coasters in December.

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By the way I just realized that the indoor, temperature controlled Dark Ride isn't open for this event. What the hell? I mean... I get it, it's not a family friendly ride but neither is Tempesto.


Starting a petition for a Curse of the DarKastle Christmas overlay? A very Prince Ludwig Christmas? KristmasKastle?

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Yeah that's totally wack Curse of Darkastle is closed.


Seriously though heading down there for a long weekend in December, getting a hotel in Williamsburg and hitting the park a few days during their Xmas event sounds like it would be absolutely amazing....































If the B&Ms were running.

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