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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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While this addition sounds great for the park, and also, much needed (another family coaster)... I'm just hoping Busch learned from it's mistakes with Gwazi.


Also, I know Gwazi was built in FL, and the humidity may have had something to do with the "quick" deterioration of the ride... but it was also built by GCI... (I know, a very early GCI ride). Gwazi ran FANTASTICALLY during it's first two years of operation, providing great airtime and lateral G's, but as years went on, it just seemed that BGT didn't put enough effort in to maintaining it. Hopefully they'll do well to maintain the new ride at BGW, so it doesn't become a rough POS in the next 4 years.

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While this addition sounds great for the park, and also, much needed (another family coaster)... I'm just hoping Busch learned from it's mistakes with Gwazi.


Also, I know Gwazi was built in FL, and the humidity may have had something to do with the "quick" deterioration of the ride... but it was also built by GCI... (I know, a very early GCI ride). Gwazi ran FANTASTICALLY during it's first two years of operation, providing great airtime and lateral G's, but as years went on, it just seemed that BGT didn't put enough effort in to maintaining it. Hopefully they'll do well to maintain the new ride at BGW, so it doesn't become a rough POS in the next 4 years.


I think they'll pull a surprise on us.

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Vikings invading new territory?? I fully support BGW's choice of theme for the ride!!


But yeash, this should be a great ride! Looking at BGW's coaster collection, a wooden coaster seems to be the perfect addition for this park.

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This ride is going to be the next Phoenix.

More like the next Raven to me.

Except that GCI has never built anything as forceful or intense as Raven so I'd say it's going to be more like a ride that *wants* to be the next Raven!


Maybe I'll be proven wrong and I'm sure this will do great for the park, but I was just hoping for something a bit more exciting than a family GCI woodie, that's all. While I get their rides are VERY popular and are always crowd pleasers at parks, I'm just not a fan of their style of ride.


Hope it will at least have a 42" height restriction so that the target audience will be able to ride!

Edited by robbalvey
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