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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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It has been awhile since I posted on this (and other) forum sites due to conflicts of interests/contractual agreements (park). Now that some of those issues have been resolved or completed I want to say a special thanks to ALL of those who posted pic/video updates-Kudos!


I noticed that the "green" wheels on the test video is the supposedly new wheel material test compond(s). That would possibly explain part of the reason for the appearance of the increased speed. Perhaps since the weather was warmer also. I also noticed how fast that Griffon's trains engaged up the lift-I hope that speed comes into use during normal operation (and not stacking of trains-which appears to be the norm for the BGE coaster crews past couple of years


Look how much more open the wheel carriers and bogey system is exposed since the trains are floorless. That certainly takes a bit of getting used to. I also believe that the stadium seating is going to catch some people by surprise!! The reason being is....look at some of those photos of the third row and the height of those seat riser blocks...No more looking at the back of someones head(s)..Yeah!


Anyone else notice those boxbeam blocks for the splashdown effects? They look like a huge wart-hanging from the chassis like that. I think a couple of good photo's showed variations/perforations within each train that will surely explain the different splash patterns. Is SheiKra's trains going with different splash patterns when BGT convert to floorless trains also? Just curious.


May 25 is looking more exciting for (Chuck's)-Euroburg


Thanks again for the vid/pic updates Ferg and others!

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If you watched the Tatsu special on discovery, you'd see that they ship the coaster out w/ a certain type of wheel. These wheels make the coaster go faster than normal. They time the coaster and switch a couple of wheels out and time it again until they get to the perfect time.


Goliath @ sfog was the same way

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yeah man, that thing is haulin'! especially around that final turn... that appears to be quicker than i thought it would be.


Well remember the water isn't there yet for the Water Splash element. So after the pool is filled, the water will slow down the train a bit for the final turn.

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I just uploaded a video on the videographer forum of the footage I got today of Griffon testing... for those of you who might be interested.


Of course the cloudiness that lingers around me was also present, and it makes the video a little less dramatic than it should be. However, I didn't take the footage with my cell phone, and I did not include any music so you can hear all the wonderfully muffled sounds that Griffon makes throughout the course of the ride.



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I have to say, the watersplash finale looks phenomenal and is much more impressive in person than any photo or video of SheiKra I was able to find. Not saying SheiKra's is any less impressive...it's just not the same until you actually see it right in front of you and feel the ensuing spray of mist.


The reaction from passersby who weren't expecting it was priceless

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I got off work early on Friday, and couldn't think of a better use of time than to go down to Busch Gardens for the evening and take some pictures. I didn't think it would be necessary to post a separate TR, so I'll add the Griffon update on here.


They were doing lots of work in the area and didn't start testing the ride until around 7:30 right as it was getting dark, so I don't have any good pictures of the trains. I was playing around with the shutter speed at first trying to get a good shot of the water splash, but most of them are not very impressive. I also got a sneak look into the entrance area while the construction crew was leaving. A couple of the guys saw I was taking pictures and offered to let me into the gate for a minute to get some shots, so I got a short preview of the bridge progress and it looks like it's coming along well.


Couple other things I caught were the mesh nets being put up around the final turnaround (boooo ). Also they were testing the evacuation car on the lift all afternoon just moving it up and down. So basically things are getting ready. And I got some pretty sweet distant shots at night from one of the bridges (can't remember the name off hand) near BBW.



Loch Ness and Griffon from across the park.


Had to use a little photoshop to get some color in this shot


Water splash. Unfortunately it was a lot darker than it looks in the picture and that's about the only shot I could get


Landscaping by the first drop


These guys are my new friends


Thankfully I was able to zoom in and see what he was up to... hey, that's not right :)


Evacuation car on the lift. What's that guy doing up there anyway?


If you are looking for someone to blame for the article nets, send complaints to this guy.


Loose article nets being installed. Bad for photographers, but good for people eating right next to the track

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