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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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^ Track tones are warnings that play before a roller coaster starts operations warning workers to clear the track area for moving trains.


Verbolten's is pretty amusing. In the voice of Gerta: "Get outzen ze vay! Verbolten ist drivink!"

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The park posted on Facebook that the three outdoor mazes--Cut Throat Cove, Cornered, and Lumberhack--will not be open tonight due to the bad weather, and that they will be watching Hurricane Joaquin closely this weekend to ensure the safety of their guests and staff.


Just a heads up in anyone was thinking of going to the park tonight (personally, I wouldn't recommend it).

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The park posted on Facebook that the three outdoor mazes--Cut Throat Cove, Cornered, and Lumberhack--will not be open tonight due to the bad weather, and that they will be watching Hurricane Joaquin closely this weekend to ensure the safety of their guests and staff.


Just a heads up in anyone was thinking of going to the park tonight (personally, I wouldn't recommend it).



I am going to try for tonight, I have a "bring a friend" pass that is going to expire and its the last night I can use it. Weather does not look good, but it might work out.

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^^What is the final remark (goodbye, I think?) after every dispatch?


I just started editing my photos. Today, I imported 400 photos from the trip. Oh noes!


Are you thinking of when she says: "Auf Wieeeeederseeeehen!" ??

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^^What is the final remark (goodbye, I think?) after every dispatch?


I just started editing my photos. Today, I imported 400 photos from the trip. Oh noes!


Are you thinking of when she says: "Auf Wieeeeederseeeehen!" ??


I think so actually. I believe it could be when she ends the loading spiel.

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I went over during the wind and drizzle last night. All the outdoor mazes were closed, but the indoor mazes were open, and all the TERROR-tories were going, despite the small crowd. One of the staff there told me that even on Saturday night, when conditions were worse, Catacombs and Unearthed still had one-hour lines. The only wait for me was for the latter (about 15 minutes), while other mazes had short lines, at best. Verbolten was also a walk on, unless you wanted the front row.

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^ Track tones are warnings that play before a roller coaster starts operations warning workers to clear the track area for moving trains.


Verbolten's is pretty amusing. In the voice of Gerta: "Get outzen ze vay! Verbolten ist drivink!"


That's awesome! I actually have never heard the Verbolten track tones since it was built after my time, and I don't make it to the park but once a year these days. I wonder if they even bothered with Tempesto track tones! I could see that ride not really needing it, but then again, they are an EXTREMELY safety oriented park.

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Planning a trip to the park this weekend (Sunday). I've only been twice in my life: 2000 and 2009.


What advice can you guys give me? Best place to eat? (we'll have lunch there, but probably not dinner). Any other great advice would be awesome.

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^If you're into Howl-o-Scream, you might want to try the Blood Banquet in Germany. They put out a pretty good spread (particularly the roast beef, pork loin, and chocolate tarts), if you can handle the silly show they put on every hour. If that's not your thing, I recommend the brisket at the Smokehouse or the sausage sampler at the Festhaus.


It was really busy last Sunday from mid-afternoon and into Howl-o-Scream. You might want to spring for Quick Queue. I also suggest that you get there early and ride Tempesto first.

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^ Thank you.


We probably won't do much of the Hallow Scream stuff... we are mostly there to ride... if it gets busy, we'll try to get on what we can early. Are there any major rides shut down this late in the season? (besides water rides... it's looking to be 57 degrees)


Also, I looked at the website... what is the cost on parking? Can you use a credit card there?

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It was really busy last Sunday from mid-afternoon and into Howl-o-Scream. You might want to spring for Quick Queue. I also suggest that you get there early and ride Tempesto first.


Awesome report Chuck! I am guessing that Saturday night crowds (this Saturday for example) will be pretty heavy right? Debating quick queue for when my girlfriend and I go. Thanks in advance for any tips.

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^On Saturday, Quick Queue is a must--it's also more expensive on Saturday and Sunday than it is on Friday.


Sounds good. Ya saw that its $60 for one time use, which I think will be enough. I'll be there during the day so the ride ones will be used as re-rides and the Haunt ones once.

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^If you get there before opening, you can probably squeeze in all the coasters without too much trouble. It will get crazier in the afternoon, and I'd recommend seeing the Howl-o-Scream shows then (they run them during the day).


We used the "one-time" Quick Queue last Sunday and got in all the mazes, plus night rides on Apollo's Chariot and Verbolten.

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The park is showing an opening of 10:00am for Sunday.... is that a set-in-stone time or do they open even earlier than that? I want to say I got into the park at 9:30 back in 2009, now granted, that was Labor Day weekend... we came down for final rides on BBW.

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They used to open the countries in stages, where you could get into Scotland and England early, and the advertised opening was when the WHOLE park opened. However, I don't know if they still do this. I don't see any harm in showing up a bit early, but maybe someone from the area knows the "for sure" times. It used to be 8:30 for england, 9:30 for italy/france, and 10 for germany/oktoberfest.

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The Quick Queue was VERY much needed as you mentioned. We were on Appolo around the time in the news post and saw the traffic coming into the park and it makes sense now. Place was rammed with people and right when the event kicked off Catacombs was already posted at 105min wait. The quick queue lines were on average 20-30min for the mazes but the ride quick queues weren't too bad.


Highlights from the event would be Catacombs, Unearthed: Scarlett's Revenge and Deadline. The worst maze of the night, and potentially one of the worst mazes I've ever walked through would be Cut Throat Cove.


Thanks again Chuck for your tips about Quick Queue as we were able to get all the houses done by about 10pm cause of it.

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^Cut Throat Cove is particularly weak this year. It was neutered the first year they did it, thanks to, of all things, ISIS. The maze featured a collection of severed pirate heads (there were severed heads on display in the vampire scarezone, too), but there was a uproar on Facebook over them when the ISIS beheading videos started hitting the Internet; the heads were then removed. They used to have a pirate in the "armory" section who would "shoot" at people as they exited the room, but he's gone now.


I've always liked Catacombs due to its atmosphere. No other park does a maze quite like that one. The oldest maze is Bitten, with Catacombs the second oldest.

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