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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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I just got back from my first ever visit to BGW.


I can definitely say that Verbolten was by far my favorite coaster in the park. I rode that baby four times.


I didn't ride Tempesto because I don't care for going backwards on a coaster.


Apollo's Chariot was ok, but the trims ruined it. Nitro is much better since it doesn't have the trims on.


Alpengeist was fun, but seemed to have quite a rattle in the back.


Loch Ness Monster is not friendly to people with long torsos. I rode it in the back and my shoulders hurt a bit when I got off.


Griffon was fun, if a bit short.


I love how clean and well-landscaped the park is as well as the level of themeing. They had a fireworks show tonight which was also very nice.

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Apollo's Chariot was ok, but the trims ruined it. Nitro is much better since it doesn't have the trims on.

*Trim* One trim, on the third hill/dive into helix. It is hardly notcieable, and I would never consider the trim to ruin it. At most it diminishes airtime on one hill, the other hills haul ass and own in the airtime department. To each their own I guess...

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Is this park ever going to build a wooden coaster? Now that RMC has proved it can build a smooth and quiet wooden coaster, do you guys think it's possible that we may see a custom topper track RMC in 2017 or 2018? The parks landscape would be perfect for a terrain RMC in my opinion!


I couldn't agree more!!! This park is just screaming for a wooden coaster. It would be the perfect fit.

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It's close between the 2 coasters. While I love the helix and 2 bunny hills at the end of Nitro, I could almost fall asleep on the first half of the coaster. ...very average. While Apollo I feel is slightly above average for most of the ride. Both are good coasters IMO, but not top 25 worthy. I think Goliath (SFOG) and Diamondback are both better, while Raging Bull and Intimidator bring up the rear when it comes to the U.S. B&M hypers.

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It's close between the 2 coasters. While I love the helix and 2 bunny hills at the end of Nitro, I could almost fall asleep on the first half of the coaster. ...very average. While Apollo I feel is slightly above average for most of the ride. Both are good coasters IMO, but not top 25 worthy. I think Goliath (SFOG) and Diamondback are both better, while Raging Bull and Intimidator bring up the rear when it comes to the U.S. B&M hypers.

I almost black out on those helixes and bunny hills. I also like the drop on Nitro better than Apollo.

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It's close between the 2 coasters. While I love the helix and 2 bunny hills at the end of Nitro, I could almost fall asleep on the first half of the coaster. ...very average. While Apollo I feel is slightly above average for most of the ride. Both are good coasters IMO, but not top 25 worthy. I think Goliath (SFOG) and Diamondback are both better, while Raging Bull and Intimidator bring up the rear when it comes to the U.S. B&M hypers.


I give the edge to Nitro over Apollo's Chariot, but it's pretty close.

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Maybe I caught Apollo on a good day, but I thought it hauled A$$ much more than Nitro


You must have. Nitro consistently provides stellar airtime for me (especially the hill after the hammerhead). If the mid brake didn't trim at all there would be ejector on the last hops on nitro. Having ridden apollo my whole life, I can say that unless you are in the very back row, the airtime and overall intensity tend to be very mild.


Also everyone raves about the one banked hill on apollos chariot, am I the only one who thinks nitros diving hills are deserve just as much if not more credit? Especially that first diving hill, it's such a high bank and a steep descent.

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BGW would be great with a woodie, but until Kingsmill goes away, or they invent a quieter wooden coaster, it won't happen. It's probably why there's no coaster on the DF site; they got constant noise complaints from morning testing, and even changed the rollback to be silent after the 1992 season.


That said, you know what might be considered acceptable noise wise? An RMC!

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Its ridicolous how they can't have a traditional wooden coaster in an historic tourist area. I get the noise complaints (actually, I think that theyre just stupid, but I'll give Kingsmilk a break for trying to preserve a peaceful enviroment), but it would be nothing short of celebrating the history of roller coasters to build a traditional woodie. After all, they didn't have all the steel back in Colonial Times, but they surely had lumber.


If BGW can afford to sand fill (or so I would assume they did) three B&M then they can afford an RMC.

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Tempesto isn't necessarily a quiet ride, it has a distinctive roar you can hear throughout the parking lot. If BGW can get away with that, they can certainly install an RMC. Though, the newer RMC trains they build themselves are quite temperamental and can make loud squeaking and grinding noises at times.

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^ the rollbacks are extemely loud on Arrows, but that didn't stop BGW from modifying Drachen Fire to be completely silent. If Busch wanted to ask a manufacturer for quiet trains with quiet rollbacks, I bet they'd get what they want. BGW has a very long tradition of insisting on non-traditional modifications to rides during the design process.

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I've never understood noise complaints with theme parks. They really are not THAT loud! And most of the "noise" is during the day time. Highways and railways are way louder and you don't hear people complaining about living near those! Ugh. Yuppies.

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I've never understood noise complaints with theme parks. They really are not THAT loud! And most of the "noise" is during the day time. Highways and railways are way louder and you don't hear people complaining about living near those! Ugh. Yuppies.


Actually, people do complain about noise from highways.



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^ Not to mention the anti-rollback is quite loud on rmcs.

It's really not (although I'm talking about IBox). I've had conversations in quiet voices on RMC lift hills. At SFOT, I could hear Titan's lift hill from NTaG's lift hill. B&M, Arrow, and Vekoma are all much louder (although Vekoma isn't really from the lift hills).

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^ Not to mention the anti-rollback is quite loud on rmcs.

It's really not (although I'm talking about IBox). I've had conversations in quiet voices on RMC lift hills. At SFOT, I could hear Titan's lift hill from NTaG's lift hill. B&M, Arrow, and Vekoma are all much louder (although Vekoma isn't really from the lift hills).

I don't remember Goliath at SFGAm being loud either, but that could just be because I was so excited and full of anticipation as I was on it that I wouldn't notice that type of thing.


If Busch can have an Arrow, then an RMC lift hill wouldn't be a problem.

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