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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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^Excuse me--you said "wave of drunks." That being said, I really think you're exaggerating. I have yet to encounter even a "wave of drunks" at BGW, even during Food & Wine, when alcohol is even more available.


You want to see a real "wave of drunks"? Go to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal.

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And sometimes, massive waves if enthusiasts are just as annoying. We've even caused a roller coaster to be stuck mid course.


We can be bad haha.


That being said, BGE is doing their job and we should judge against them.

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Enjoying some cold beers while on the queue makes the line go way faster.


We saw a couple around my age enjoying a nice cold adult beverage while in line for Verbolten and I had wondered if it was allowed or they just slipped by the line attendant.


That is one of the silly rules that I don't like about Cedar Fair...you can get in an hour long line with a half gallon of high fructose corn syrup (or buy it in the machines whilst in line), but you can't enter with a 16 oz cup of beer?


Can't say that I have ever seen waves of staggering drunks at either BG park during any of our visits.

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I am going to Busch Gardens July 25 and the 26 which is a Saturday and Sunday. How bad are the lines at that time of the year and will I have enough time to get a pretty good amount of re-rides while also getting enough time to experience the food, shows, animals etc.

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Just some photos from my June visit...


Tempesto and Verbolten were both new to me and each had about a 45 minute wait. Verbolten was amazing , much better than I anticipated, just wish we had time for another ride. None of the other rides had wait times at all, including my favorite beast in the park , Griffin!


What cracks me up is everyone in line was conplaining about the cheesy preboarding video , but not many people could understand how to buckle their harnesseses. I thought it was cool they give fanny packs to hold your stuff.


It's small but it's fierce! -the late , great Robin Williams


Love the colors on this thing


Escape from Pompeii, the operators were cat calling ladies over the PA, other than that the theming was awesome, I remember when this was the new big ride , still great but don't sit in the front row unless you want wet shoes all day, the boat fills with water as it crests the lift.


After just riding Fury the day before, Apollo doesn't pack the punch it used to but it's still a classic in a beautiful setting


Apollos trains feature gold "finery" oooooooo


To France!


Alpengeist seems to have gotten a bit rough , but Banshee spoiled us


No line and air conditioning and I this day my favorite dark ride outside of Disney, being a former Indiane Jones ToTFE dispatcher for 6 years makes it hard to dethrone ...


Sky buckets!


Nessie is still great


I hope this coaster outlives me... I can't take another Arrow heartbreak right now, still recovering from the Wolf leaving


Majestic horsey horse


We are ready to fahrt!


Super Griffin and it's daunting lift


See? Daunting.


Cedar Point... You can rebuild it. You can make it stronger, faster, better. You have the technology.




Would love to see one of these big dive machines do a zero g roll like Baron


Down again for maintenance two years later still couldn't ride oh well always next time

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^We managed to sneak in a ride on Mach Tower last Friday night, but it was only "up" for various periods of no longer than 15 minutes; it broke down again at the end of our ride. We also rode Tempesto first thing in the morning and again late that night--I like it quite a bit.

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Anyone at the park on a regular basis?


Looking to purchase the DVD 40 Years of Fun: The Story of Busch Gardens® Williamsburg.


Please PM me if possible along with the cost. I worked at the park 1994-97 and would love to have a copy of this.



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So another website is showing images of a promotional display being built near Darkastle. The area is taped off with red Coca Cola queue tape, and a sign reads "something thrilling is coming".


What's interesting is underneath some cardboard packaging you can clearly see images of blood red coaster track on a background of a forest. The track looks realistic too, like Intamin or Mack style.


Could anyone going to the park this week gather a little Intel on this teaser?

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^ Ah, ok shame on them for showing Intaminish track. at first glance I thought it might be some kind of promotion like that for Coca-Cola for example. I was just at the park a couple of weeks ago and every time I go by Dragon fire station I think what a shame it is to leave that plot open. I believe the station is currently used for a haunt but I can see it becoming a new coaster Someday.


I try not to look too far into promos like this but I can fantasize about a maverick are blue fire style coaster coming to the park One day. Busch Gardens in Cedar point or two of the best parks in the world, any new addition to Busch Gardens is just gravy at this point.

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Not looking to stir the pot but after being at the park last week and passing the old Drachen Fire station and that plot of land, what are the chances they ever add a new country to the park? Because if anything that plot of land is the best space for one.

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Rumors about potential uses for that spot have been flying around for years--for example, adding a "Spain" section to the park, along with a new train station. But nothing has ever been confirmed.

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Rumors about potential uses for that spot have been flying around for years--for example, adding a "Spain" section to the park, along with a new train station. But nothing has ever been confirmed.


If they ever do to decide a new country, a train station would be rather easy to place there and would make great sense since Oktoberfest doesn't have a station.

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Thanks to all those who have posted pictures of their recent trips to the park! I love BGW, and still consider it one of the few parks that rivals Cedar Point in my opinion, in spite of many less coasters, so it's great to see all these fabulous images! It's easily the most beautiful amusement park I've ever been to, and every ride and coaster is great! I haven't even been since 2001, and I still feel this way! I very much want to get back very soon - bringing my own kids, like my parents did back in 1994.


Speaking of which, my dad and I got two laps on Drachen Fire that visit, and I still contend that it was a great coaster, and didn't need to come out! Sure, my brother thought it was too rough, and only rode it once, but my dad and I both agreed that the roughness (which is present in all Arrow loopers) wasn't too bad, similar to Nessie (which is still one of the best), and the layout was fantastic!


This is probably just a pipe dream, but I keep hoping we see Drachen Fire reborn (Drachen's Revenge?) someday soon, preferably as a B&M Floorless coaster (or possibly a Wing Rider?), with a cloned layout (minus all of the rough parts.) Again, probably just the foolish hopes of a Drachen Fire nostalgist, but one can dream, right?


Oh, and RIP Big Bad Wolf... It amazes me how a park can remove two of my favorite rides, and still remain a place I have nothing but positivity for. It's certainly a testament to the awsomeness that is Busch Gardens Williamsburg!

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^All I remember about riding the original version of Drachen Fire was two very bruised shoulders, a throbbing headache, and a queasy stomach.

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Somebody freaked out when the collar came loose on Tempesto.


Busch Gardens confirmed there was an issue but the rider was in no danger.


"Tempesto’s rider safety restraint system functioned properly and this guest was secure at all times. The ride’s safety restraint system was designed by the ride’s manufacturer and meets industry standards. The collar that came loose was added to the ride at our request for guest comfort, not safety."



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^They refer to it as a "comfort collar." From a safety standpoint, it's pretty useless; it's just there to make riders "feel" more secure (the lap and shin bars are all you really need).

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Somebody freaked out when the collar came loose on Tempesto.


Busch Gardens confirmed there was an issue but the rider was in no danger.


"Tempesto’s rider safety restraint system functioned properly and this guest was secure at all times. The ride’s safety restraint system was designed by the ride’s manufacturer and meets industry standards. The collar that came loose was added to the ride at our request for guest comfort, not safety."



You should add this to the thread poking fun of the GP's ignorance. This is about as stupid as someone calling the New Texas Giant unsafe because the ride ops allowed a guest of extreme size to ride. This lady wanted attention from the sensationalist slow-day local press and now she can say that she got her 30 seconds of fame.
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Speaking of which, my dad and I got two laps on Drachen Fire that visit, and I still contend that it was a great coaster, and didn't need to come out! Sure, my brother thought it was too rough, and only rode it once, but my dad and I both agreed that the roughness (which is present in all Arrow loopers) wasn't too bad, similar to Nessie (which is still one of the best), and the layout was fantastic!


This is probably just a pipe dream, but I keep hoping we see Drachen Fire reborn (Drachen's Revenge?) someday soon, preferably as a B&M Floorless coaster (or possibly a Wing Rider?), with a cloned layout (minus all of the rough parts.) Again, probably just the foolish hopes of a Drachen Fire nostalgist, but one can dream, right?


Well, what bothers me about the DF removal is that they barely tried with it. They took a loop out in 1994 that honestly wasn't the worst part of the ride (the turn into the MCBR was). Then they considered modifying the trains after Alpengeist was built, but just said screw it. I don't think the ride should have necessarily stayed in it's current form (although I didn't mind it) but I think there were options, like perhaps FOF style lapbars, that could have saved it.


Anyhow, MANY people (myself included) would love to see a ride honoring Drachen Fire built on that site. Hell, I wouldn't mind seeing them rebuild the 1992 ride verbatim, but with heart-lined and smoother transitions, and a bogie system that keeps all wheels on the track (instead of the Arrow gap).


Unfortunately, and this is hard to believe, but this coming Saturday marks the 17th anniversary of Drachen Fire closing, so something tells me if they ever were going to cash in on that lore with a new ride, the window has probably passed :/ Still, here we are 17 years later and conversations about Drachen Fire still go on, so who knows? Between the supports, the unique layout, the unique cars, the train lights, it's short operating period, and the 4 years it stood in beautifully maintained condition SBNO, it sure does have a lot of mythos about it.

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