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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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For those of you who have been on Tempesto, how has the capacity been? I keep hearing that the crew was doing an awesome job with dispatches and getting people through the line, but then I keep hearing from people who I assume haven't ridden it saying it's a capacity nightmare. Are they doing better than expected or have the lines been horrible?

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For those of you who have been on Tempesto, how has the capacity been? I keep hearing that the crew was doing an awesome job with dispatches and getting people through the line, but then I keep hearing from people who I assume haven't ridden it saying it's a capacity nightmare. Are they doing better than expected or have the lines been horrible?

The crew is crazy fast. There's 6 ops managing loading (3 for each side, 1 per car) However this can't make up for the sheer lack of seats/trains. The line moved fairly well until you queue up for your desired row. Then it really takes a while. There were 12 people in front of us for front row, so 6 dispatches. It took around 15 minutes or so to ride. The crew was very fast though.

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For those of you who have been on Tempesto, how has the capacity been? I keep hearing that the crew was doing an awesome job with dispatches and getting people through the line, but then I keep hearing from people who I assume haven't ridden it saying it's a capacity nightmare. Are they doing better than expected or have the lines been horrible?


I really couldn't say. Shawn and I just got off Apollo's Chariot, noticed they were letting people in, and walked right into the station. We had a one-train wait for the second row. They were giving people temporary fanny packs for loose articles, too (in our case, ball caps). You left the fanny pack in a bin after you exited.

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For those of you who have been on Tempesto, how has the capacity been? I keep hearing that the crew was doing an awesome job with dispatches and getting people through the line, but then I keep hearing from people who I assume haven't ridden it saying it's a capacity nightmare. Are they doing better than expected or have the lines been horrible?



During the morning soft opening they were cranking out the trains quite quickly. The station is well staffed and they seem to be finding their flow during these openings.


The fanny packs are offered and don't seem to be required except if you have visible loose articles or even hats in Chuck and I's case. Since they were handing them out at the entry everyone seemed to have their articles in their fanny packs and ready to go by the station. If this continues it should help with any delays due to hats and other various things in the station.


The area looks great and Tempesto is a blast of a ride! Based on people's reactions during the two soft openings yesterday it is a win for the park. If they can keep up the dispatches and the line moving I don't see capacity being too problematic.

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So glad to hear people are loving Tempesto! My only complaint on seeing early pictures of construction was how the color scheme clashed with Apollo's Chariot, but now with the full queue set up and the area around the ride decorated with lights, it's all looking beautiful!

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^I understand that Verbolten "soft opened" before it's "official" opening, too--but up until then, soft openings were a bit unusual for BGW. I agree that it's a good way for ride staff to get used to "normal" operations (like a "dress rehearsal").


Mach Tower soft opened, too. I happened to be right nearby when the first opened it and got on one of the first rides.

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How are the restraints compared to the SFDKversion for anyone who's done both? Also, does the stretched layout make a difference?


I found both rides and restraints to be the same. I felt like Tempsto''s trains are a bit more cramped to get in and out of. The "comfort collar" doesn't hurt and seemed to not cause any problems at all for anyone.

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There's no way BGW will "just open it!" They love to do their gimmicky things/put on a show. However I think that's going down on Friday, not Saturday


Here's the verbolten opening ceremony:



There used to be a video of Drachen Fire's opening ceremony online where Dana Carvey did a standup comedy routine, but it seems to be gone now. There's about 5 seconds worth of the opening parade in this NOVA special though:



And of course, it wouldn't be right to talk about BGW ride openings without giving the honorable mention to poor Fabio's commercial!


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Report from Tempesto's Media Day


Busch Gardens "officially" showed off their new Premier launched coaster, Tempesto, to the both the "traditional" media and the theme-park blogging community during a fairly low-key event on Friday, April 24. There were no big speeches or presentations, just an opportunity to ride Tempesto and get a POV of the experience. Park executives, such as Larry Giles, were available for interviews, and members of the American Coaster Enthusiasts were there to ride, and to be interviewed. The park also provided a sample of a tasty "Tempesto Panini"--a grilled provolone and sun-dried-tomato sandwich.


As for Tempesto itself, the ride is very good, indeed. The backward launch and the second forward launch have a lot of kick; there's a great pop of airtime as you crest the vertical section; the hang time in the barrel roll is pretty cool; and you finish up with a non-inverting loop and a quick drop back into and through the station. Yes, this ride is just crazy fun, and some folks there who've ridden its older cousin at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom said that Tempesto seems to have a bit more "kick." Tempesto himself appears in the ride's safety video.


As for me, I say that parks needs more Premier Rides! This company doesn't get the press that B&M and Intamin do, but their rides are great. Looking forward to even more from Premier in the future.


Tempesto also fits in well with Festa Italia. The plaza and entrance are themed to look as though Tempesto, a famous Italian daredevil, is in town to put on an exhibition. The whole area looks like a "sideshow," complete with posters and strings of colored lights (should look great at night). I think it freshens up the whole area. But don't look for the old "Splashus Maximus" water-balloon arena. Tempesto's entrance took over that real estate.


Here are some photos of the media event--and a few other things, such as prep for the Food and Wine Festival, at the park.


Here's the official video from the media day. Check out my daredevilry!



For those of you, and you know who you are, unfamiliar with the Legend of Tempesto and his famous "Loop-the Loop" (with the curious unnecessary hyphen).


Members of the media and ACE line up to ride, and get filmed, on Tempesto.


"LOOP-THE LOOP!" (Or, "Loop-de Loop," as Robb would say.)


"My god, why did I ever agree to this?"


"Our Father, who art in . . . aghh!"


The backside of Loop-the Loop.


Hmm--unless I miss my guess, they're about 154 feet high.


How you folks doing?


"Oh, we're just f-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-n-e!"


Let's have a look at the station. Here's the inner queue.


The long corridor where you consider your fate . . .


. . . while watching this.


Here's a new view of the Apollo's Chariot queue, which was once available only to cast members. You're welcome.


The station itself.


Tempesto says, "Choking on gum could detract for your experience in performing this stunt."


I thought you might like to see the front side of Loop-the Loop, too.


As I said earlier, I like Tempesto quite a bit, and I think it's good for Festa Italia.


Let's a take a little walk and see what else is going on at Busch Gardens. This will be the Far East booth for Food and Wine when it's finished. It's right across from the Battering Ram on a brand new slab of concrete.


The Caribbean stand is looking good, mon.


It will be time for tacos at the Southwest booth in late May.


Le Scoot shows off its shiny, all new flume. I think they got new logs this year, too.


Aw, the wee little Scottish sheep aren't bothered at all by Verbolten.


Getting back to Tempesto, don't forget the merchandise! (I'm sure that SuperShawn sill be sporting this look soon. Hmm--this could very well be him in this photo.)


Busch Gardens now has six times the speed--not four, not five, but six, I tell you!


One last look at Tempesto as daredevils, once again, brave the famous Loop-the Loop.


By the way, I am now an "Official Daredevil" with my very own autographed photo of Tempesto. (You have my permission to be envious! ) I wonder who the VP in Charge of Daredevilry is? Thanks for reading.

Edited by cfc
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