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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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Darkastle will probably have the longest wait. And depending on how hot it is Escape From Pompeii will have the second longest line. But nothing should be over an hour wait except for Tempesto and maybe Verbolten. Every time I've gone I've waited no more than 20 minutes for a coaster (except one time where Loch Ness Monster broke down, but even that only made it a 45 minute wait).

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Went to the park for a few hours today. Temps started out in the low 40s, and no coasters were operating--but they were all up and running by the time I left (took a spin on Apollo's Chariot and Verbolten). I understand they were testing Tempesto a bit today, but I wasn't in Festa Italia while this was going on.


Here are a few photos.




They've moved Tempesto's construction walls back a bit. Here's the flag pole in the ride's entrance plaza.




You can't ride Tempesto yet, but you can shop.




Behind the cash register.




Tempesto rode a circuit of the new ride on his bike. Totally true story!




Official ride mug.




Anyone remember this ride? One of the "historical markers" the park has put up for its 40th anniversary.




As chilly as it was, I had to try the new ice cream parlor today.




Anybody want to share a chocolate mint sundae?

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Well, it did have a lot of technical issues. I never realized it was a Vekoma ride until I read it on the sign today (always thought it was something by Huss). I didn't realize that the queue house for Apollo's Chariot was the original ride pavilion for the old Sea Dragon, either. Waste not, want not.

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Cool to see! I won't be down until later this summer. It's cool that they're showing off their old rides for the 40th anniversary! I think Gladiators Gauntlet was only in the park for two years! It was definitely gone either in or after 1992, and if I recall, it opened the same year as Questor which was I think in 1990. Hard to say now that it's been 25 years! Speaking of years, it's hard to believe that Drachen Fire has been closed for 17 years now. Did you happen to see if they put up a ride sign for it? I'd be curious what they have to say about a coaster that otherwise they seem to desperately pretend they never had I'd also love to see the ride signs for Questor and the Sea Dragon if they have them, I loved those rides!

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They dug up a number of good construction photos for those signs. There's even a sign commemorating Threadneedle Faire, which was a games area between Ireland (or Hastings) and France way back when.

Edited by cfc
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I went over to the park a bit later in the afternoon (once things were warmed up a bit!) and got quite a few pictures of Tempesto testing. They are below.


I also checked out the shows as a good way to warm up. I found Roll Out the Barrel to be fun, if nothing special. You can make it into the backstory of our heavenly pretzel shop if you want, which is cute. Anything's better than Entwined, right? Celtic Fyre has once again made insignificant changes to the dialogue that probably made someone very happy. Also, Conner (the dog) has been fired, along with the little drum band member, replaced by a live violinist. That was pretty cool. I also am finally completely convinced that the singing is live as there was a microphone problem tonight ^_^.


On a final note, the pretzel wrapped bacon is currently absent from the pretzel shop. I was tempted by the strawberry shortcake sundae, but alas, I could not brave the cold treat as Chuck did. Perhaps next time.


Anyway, the pictures...


It's testing! It actually isn't a lawn ornament!


Is this the start of the ride or the end? I forget, so no one will ever know...


Through the banner!


Crawl through the inversion...


I looked like an idiot to everyone else in Apollo's queue taking this, I hope you appreciate it


Still some railings to go in


While so much attention has been on it's new neighbor, Apollo's Chariot does have this fine new office chair.


Seeing Tempesto run with Apollo is pretty cool


Dive-bombing the old ice cream


Has there been a picture of the train yet? Do I get a prize?


I could have stopped but I knew that you'd want more.


I think this one was the start, so let's call that one before the end.


I'll add that the general consensus among people was excitement. One guy kept talking about how he absolutely had to take off work to come ride on opening day.


Kinda side view of train. The harnesses seem to come out a bit.


Only a few weeks til we can ride!


It's 40 degrees out- what better way to warm up than a ride through Pompeii?


I noticed this appear last year near battering ram. Now it's labeled as Gypsy Wagon on the wolf path. The info sign says it's made of wood, but not too much else. What's its park related history?

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I think they had some sort of "gypsy show" years ago, but I never saw it. I guess the wagon is just a prop they move around now.


I see that Tempesto's nose cone has been attached. Seemed more prominent in the concept art. Thanks for the photos. I left around 3:30 and didn't see any testing.

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Hah, the nose cone is... interesting... I would think it would be larger and lower on the train. When I first saw it on the hardhat video, it reminded me of the Drachen Fire trains, and I thought maybe they were going for something similar. But as it is now, it sorta looks weird. Overall the trains look great though, and it's neat seeing a three trained version of these guys!


Also yeah the wagon was for the traveling gypsie show back in the days of Hastings.

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The thing that has bothered me about Tempesto since they started building it is how ugly the supports are... and how out of character that is for this park. But I like the "banners" that they have hanging from it. I hope they put a few more up, or otherwise hide the supports somehow. That would make for a better looking ride, and a more interesting ride experience!

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^ I could type volumes on the issues I take with this addition, but I'll simply agree that compared with the simple elegance of Apollo's Chariot, Tempesto's supports fare poorly. Offensive as a shoehored-in clone for this park may be, at least it's a clone people have faith will deliver a solid ride.

Edited by Derek_Zoolander
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The thing that has bothered me about Tempesto since they started building it is how ugly the supports are... and how out of character that is for this park. But I like the "banners" that they have hanging from it. I hope they put a few more up, or otherwise hide the supports somehow. That would make for a better looking ride, and a more interesting ride experience!



I agree that the banner does give it a nice touch. Honestly I thought they would've added more to the ride than just one.

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^ I could type volumes on the issues I take with this addition, but I'll simply agree that compared with the simple elegance of Apollo's Chariot, Tempesto's supports fare poorly.


Honestly I've always thought Apollo's Chariot is one of the ugliest rides I've ever seen, all due to the purple track and yellow supports. Each color on its own might not have looked so bad but the combination just looks bad to me. At first I hated Tempesto's color scheme but it's started growing on me and I like the structure of the supports. However the juxtaposition of Tempesto and Apollo's Chariot in the same picture makes both rides look even uglier and out of place to me. Maybe I'm too harsh but I think all these vibrant colors in one place don't blend well and look very unnatural/tacky in a park so focused on beauty and landscaping

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Festa Italia was originally meant as a "celebration" of Marco Polo's journey to China; thus, it has a "carnival" theme, which accounts for all the vibrant colors. I have no problem with Tempesto's placement there or with its color scheme. I think it's giving Festa Italia a needed shot in the arm.

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Honestly I've always thought Apollo's Chariot is one of the ugliest rides I've ever seen, all due to the purple track and yellow supports.


Objectively color science would disagree with you. One look at a color wheel, and some of the schemes chosen for the more vibrant/striking coasters start to make more sense. I think the fact that AC is faded and has simple supports and Tempesto is vibrant/new and has a more dense structure is where the visual complaints come from. Also, as has been mentioned - it's about context. I'd have no criticisms to offer if this were being installed at a Six Flags park!

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I don't mind the placement of the ride itself and think Tempesto is a solid addition, my only problem is the color combinations themselves. I understand the carnevale/festa theming should have bright vibrant colors but there are better ways to do that than making rides with clashing supports and tracks (both purple-yellow and teal-orange are considered color opposites). For me it's all a bit too much. I definitely agree about context though as I hold much higher visual standards for Busch

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Yeah, this thing combined with Apollo's lift in the background is just stunningly messy. Had it gone in a space more toward the back of Festa Italia things might be a lot nicer, but with the two of them practically on top of each other it just looks plain tacky and not at all up to that Busch standard you'd expect.

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Yeah, this thing combined with Apollo's lift in the background is just stunningly messy. Had it gone in a space more toward the back of Festa Italia things might be a lot nicer, but with the two of them practically on top of each other it just looks plain tacky and not at all up to that Busch standard you'd expect.


I have to agree - if I had one word to describe this entire project it would be 'sloppy'. I too hold Busch parks to a higher standard than most and this just feels uninspired/thrown together. I hate to be a Negative Nancy but this is how I feel. That said, there's not a thing any of us can do about it and I do plan to ride it when I visit this summer, I just wish they would have been more creative with the location.

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For me, in all honesty, I actually like the color schemes of Tempesto and Apollo's Chariot. I don't mind them. I don't like judging roller coasters by their colors...but rather the ride experience itself after I have ridden it. Perhaps this isn't the best location...perhaps this isn't the Busch standard...perhaps their announcement on Tempesto wasn't the greatest...perhaps would you rather have nothing? I'm looking forward to riding a great looking launch coaster next time I visit BGW!

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