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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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Read on another coaster site that Tempesto will most likely have OTSRs in addition to the lapbars (probably similar to the ones in the leaked concept art). If that is true, then there goes any hope of airtime .

Two things.

1) Its concept art and speculation. Wait and see.

2) Airtime is not determined by restraints in the least. By that logic, Maverick has no airtime. "Airtime" simply means the sensation of negative g-force, not physically coming out of your seat. Does El Toro not have airtime when you're stapled, which is every time?

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Read on another coaster site that Tempesto will most likely have OTSRs in addition to the lapbars (probably similar to the ones in the leaked concept art). If that is true, then there goes any hope of airtime .

Two things.

1) Its concept art and speculation. Wait and see.

2) Airtime is not determined by restraints in the least. By that logic, Maverick has no airtime. "Airtime" simply means the sensation of negative g-force, not physically coming out of your seat. Does El Toro not have airtime when you're stapled, which is every time?

Yeah, I guess it'll still have airtime, but I don't see the point of OTSRs on this coaster since all the other clones have done just fine with only lap bars.

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I think it's weird that they still haven't made an official announcement after finishing construction on it over a month ago. Maybe they have some big plot twist in store for us. Hmmmmmmm...

Plot twist! It isn't a coaster after all!

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Yeah, I guess it'll still have airtime, but I don't see the point of OTSRs on this coaster since all the other clones have done just fine with only lap bars.

Maybe they don't want to use the standard train design. Maybe having a particular kind of shoulder harness will lower the height restriction. Who knows?


We'll probably see Premier's usual setup, but in an industry that continues to innovate, you can never assume that things will always be the same based on previous installations.

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I just can't get over this. If your company is bleeding money and you build a new coaster that doesn't fit in at all as an attempt to stop the bleeding a little why would you not advertise it ahead of time? Look at what Carowinds is doing... they're having a special preview event to get people to buy season passes, they're getting all the news stations to hype the crap out of it for weeks leading up to opening day and they're probably spending some actual money on more traditional advertising methods too.


If you spend millions of dollars on a coaster you need to hype it up and let people know it exists or you'll never see a return on investment. I'm not saying I can run the marketing department at Busch Gardens or anything but this is simple, simple stuff.

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I just can't get over this. If your company is bleeding money and you build a new coaster that doesn't fit in at all as an attempt to stop the bleeding a little why would you not advertise it ahead of time? Look at what Carowinds is doing... they're having a special preview event to get people to buy season passes, they're getting all the news stations to hype the crap out of it for weeks leading up to opening day and they're probably spending some actual money on more traditional advertising methods too.


If you spend millions of dollars on a coaster you need to hype it up and let people know it exists or you'll never see a return on investment. I'm not saying I can run the marketing department at Busch Gardens or anything but this is simple, simple stuff.


It's not that simple. For starters the scale of the installation at Carowinds is much bigger. Fury 325 can be promoted and accepted by the public as a signature ride. Carowinds is also generally a long way from maximizing park attendance on any particular day.


The promotional and public relations routes are much more cost effective in getting the message out there versus solely advertising.


A new ride like Fury 325 is going to sell a lot more incremental tickets than Tempesto no matter how Tempesto is promoted.

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