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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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Considering that they finished building Tempesto back in January, it seems odd that they'd wait until Memorial Day Weekend to open it, though I understand the move from a business perspective.

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Hard to say. You really can't tell how much work has been done on the station unless you're inside the park, and the weather here has been pretty bad over the last couple of weeks.

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I really do not understand BGW's Angle with this ride. Are they going to make this a surprise announcement on opening date? Or are they not doing any marketing whatsoever? (perhaps because of the ride's low capacity)

I guess we will have to see and wait. All about this ride seems really odd.


I agree, it does seem very odd but whatever! I guess there must be a plan behind it all. The major positive here is that BGW is getting a solid ride. We all know what it is, it's just the GP that has no clue. Let's just let this one play out! At least they aren't getting a cheapo flat that goes in circles and claiming it as a roller coasters!

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Member Preview Day is quickly approaching and we can't wait to welcome our Busch Gardens® Williamsburg 1-Park, 2-Park and Platinum Annual Pass Members. Be sure to come out and enjoy all your favorite rides and shows, plus:


- Be one of the first 750 Members at the San Marco Theatre by 11 a.m. for a special announcement by Park President, Carl Lum, and Vice President of Design & Engineering, Larry Giles.


This could be the official, official announcement, right? It's hard to see what else it could be.



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i'm making my first visit the first Saturday in June. i'm curious if anyone can answer if the crowds in early June are similar to that at Kings Island or Cedar Point where they typically are pretty light crowds for Saturdays? Also any tips for this park like special foods i may not be able to get elsewhere?

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i'm making my first visit the first Saturday in June. i'm curious if anyone can answer if the crowds in early June are similar to that at Kings Island or Cedar Point where they typically are pretty light crowds for Saturdays? Also any tips for this park like special foods i may not be able to get elsewhere?


Crowds are not usually bad there (although I mostly visit for howl-o-scream). Even so, when I do visit in May or June, I've never had bad luck with crowds. Avoid Saturdays if you can. I would hit Verbolten first, then make my way over to Griffon. There's also a shortcut to Verbolten. Head down to Scotland, go past the Loch Ness Monster, walk down the stairs, cross the floating bridge, go up another set of stirs, and you should end up in Germany. You should see it on the map. Oktoberfest is to the left of Germany, by the way. And as for food, there is this awesome homemade pretzel place right next to mach Tower. You have to go there. I hope this helped!

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Saturday is unavoidable. We are doing BGW on Saturday then going to KD Sunday. Which I also hope is a light crowd day for them because they are closing at 8 that day.

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Saturday is unavoidable. We are doing BGW on Saturday then going to KD Sunday. Which I also hope is a light crowd day for them because they are closing at 8 that day.


There's always Quick Queue at BGW and Fast Lane at KD, if you need them. KD on Sunday should be OK--just get on Volcano first thing.

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I would definitely do Quick Queue or Fast Lane but this trip is on a tight budget so that probably won't happen. Volcano first got it, should I go straight for Tempesto to as well at BGW?

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I wonder if there will be pot stickers at the Far East kiosk?


I'm also looking forward to Tempesto, as I rather like Premier coasters.

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Tempesto should be a great ride - it's just going to be a coaster that's a "must ride first" and/or only go to the park on non-crowded days to ride. So basically, Tempesto is taking Volcano's title for being the most pain-in-the-ass coaster in Virginia to get a ride on.


Also, the location of the ride is making BGW look like a Six Flags skyline from the parking lot, but I'd rather not start that conversation again.

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Read on another coaster site that Tempesto will most likely have OTSRs in addition to the lapbars (probably similar to the ones in the leaked concept art). If that is true, then there goes any hope of airtime .

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