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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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Isn't there a rumor that this ride will run with a 3 car train like full thottle for increased capacity.


This has been mentioned, but not confirmed by the park (as far as I know).

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Verbolten will remain a better coaster that has multiple launches and isn't intimidating from the outside.


Gotta say that I was disappointed a bit in Verbolten. It was fun but a bit underwhelming for a $50 million attraction. I wish they had put something in more akin to PowderKeg if Busch was trying for the exciting family ride thing.

I know a lot of enthusiasts are upset about the capacity issue but I think Diavolo looks like a lot of fun. It's obviously not trying to vie for attention as the new flagship ride in the park and looks like a great complementary addition.

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^ I liked Verbolten, but I actually prefer Superman at SFDK to it.


This ride will be fun...but offers no potential of being World Class and has a great risk of being totally average.

Why does every ride a park builds have to be a giant "world class" E-Ticket attraction? Didn't Disney prove that a good balance of E, D, C, B, and A ticket attractions makes for a great balance for a park? And why exactly would it be a bad thing if this turned out to be a solid "D-Ticket" attraction?


And like Jake said, the one thing people seem to be forgetting - it is a *GREAT* ride! it's not an "average" ride at all. What are you even talking about BlahBlahson? Have you ridden one of these before? I'm guessing the answer is "no." Well, I have. And I don't know of anyone who has been on one of these and didn't think it was a solid, fun ride. I personally LOVED the version at SFDK and questioned "Why aren't more parks building one of these?"


I'm really just sick of everyone complaining about everything. The park is building a decent attraction. Quit your annoying, pointless, irritating bitching.


Thank you.

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^ I liked Verbolten, but I actually prefer Superman at SFDK to it.


I tried to temper my expectations for Verbolten because I understood what Busch was going for when constructing it. I enjoyed it and don't think it's a bad ride. I did ride PowderKeg in August though and I think that kind of retroactively increased my disappointment

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I think most people are upset at the fact it's a clone and nothing original that we'd expect from BGW. However if it's a fun ride and it brings more people to the park, then I don't see the problem with this ride being installed. After all BGW isn't trying impress just us "coaster enthusiasts".

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I think most people are upset at the fact it's a clone and nothing original that we'd expect from BGW. However if it's a fun ride and it brings more people to the park, then I don't see the problem with this ride being installed. After all BGW isn't trying impress just us "coaster enthusiasts".


And who gives a crap if it is a clone? Most people going to BGW won't know the same ride exists in Germany, Mexico, and Northern California. The ride will be pretty unique compared to what's in other parks in Eastern United States.


Edit to add:

Also, at this point, what's really original about any of BGW's coasters except for maybe the theming and terrain? I guess Verbolten's drop-track and indoor component and maybe Griffon (since there's only one other dive coaster in the US). Even Kings Dominion (an hour away) has a family multi-launch coaster.

Edited by redfoot12
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I think most people are upset at the fact it's a clone

You're right. We should tell Disney to stop cloning Space Mountain, Thunder Mountain, and Tower of Terror at all their parks.


Just because a ride isn't "original" or a custom layout, doesn't mean it doesn't have the potential to be great.

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^ I liked Verbolten, but I actually prefer Superman at SFDK to it.


I tried to temper my expectations for Verbolten because I understood what Busch was going for when constructing it. I enjoyed it and don't think it's a bad ride. I did ride PowderKeg in August though and I think that kind of retroactively increased my disappointment


Although I like Verbolten, I also agree that Powder Keg is a better ride.

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Yeah, I don't get why people have such a big problem with clones when they're good rides. I'd understand the complaining if BGW was getting a low-quality clone like a Boomerang or a Volare, but from what I've heard, S:UF at SFDK is a great ride, and I'm sure that this coaster will be great too. After all, isn't that really all that matters?

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Yeah, I don't get why people have such a big problem with clones when they're good rides. I'd understand the complaining if BGW was getting a low-quality clone like a Boomerang or a Volare, but from what I've heard, S:UF at SFDK is a great ride, and I'm sure that this coaster will be great too. After all, isn't that really all that matters?



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^ I agree with everyone in this thread standing up for clones. I've been on several iterations of BTR at various Six Flags parks, and never once did I get in line thinking "aw shucks, here comes another clone I've already been on." It's a great ride!


I only had 3 fears with this ride at Busch, and two of them have been squashed:


1) They were going to tear out too many trees.


Turns out, they actually didn't remove very much at all, and while you will see this ride from the parking lot, the base will still be hidden, and I think it actually is turning out to work pretty nicely.


2) It's a clone of a possibly medicore ride.


Turns out, it's a great ride! So as long as they don't do something stupid, this should be awesome.


3) Capacity.


This is the only question mark up in the air, but like Chuck said, there's no use getting up in arms about "low capacity" on a ride that hasn't even been built yet.

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I think this will be a great addition to the park. Yeah, it's a clone. However, it's a really great ride. Unique, intense (ranging from crushing positive G's to powerful ejector air), and just plain fun. I've ridden Superman at SFDK at least 300 times (by my estimate), and it never gets old.

As for, capacity, I wouldn't worry about that. If ride operators are quick, then the ride will chew through riders. Before the seat belts were added, the Superman crew would hustle riders through the process. It was astoundingly quick. I've seen how good BGW ride operations are, so I'd personally expect a quick-moving line...as in less than a minute from hitting the brakes until the next launch. Virginia locals are in for a treat!

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3) Capacity.


This is the only question mark up in the air, but like Chuck said, there's no use getting up in arms about "low capacity" on a ride that hasn't even been built yet.


Yeah, and to be honest, we should be able to wait in a line for a good ride. I have never judged coasters on or never will by asking "Was that worth the wait?" I just find that stupid - waiting and riding are two different things.


I think we all need to remember that some parks have stopped going with the large scale, multi million dollar attractions for a variety of reasons. We need to be grateful for what we have - some parks are getting nothing this year.

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It's more of unexpected than a disappointment. It's still a ride that is quite fun, just doesn't seem like Busch Gardens to get a coaster that you would find at other parks, ESPECIALLY Six Flags. It's not a bad coaster, just an odd choice for Busch Gardens.

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^What are you talking about? Was Python a totally unique ride? How about Scorpion? Wild Maus? I agree with a previous poster, yes there might be a unique element to some of their coasters, but for the most part they are all traditional track styles with designs that can and have been duplicated elsewhere. Busch is a great company but I think the pedistol that everyone is placing their coasters on is a little high.

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^^I would expect that this ride will compete with alpengeist/AC for best in the park. Not sure where you got the information that these are average rides..


The only real detractor about this ride is the capacity. I much preferred Superman to SFMM's Yolo.


Seems to me that Busch wanted a quick throw away ride. The ride is good enough on its own, it's not really taking up any valuable real estate and I'm sure it is relatively inexpensive compared to most other coasters.

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Finally got to do a show run last Saturday. Thanks to the rain, crowds were minimal compared to pretty much every other day during the season.


- Scrooge No More was great. Not as good as Fiends or Monster Stomp but definitely a great show.

- Gloria didn't have the strong vocals it had last year. Kinda a disappointment

- Deck the Halls was good, but its kinda hard to screw up generic Christmas tunes.

- Miracles was cancelled thanks to the rain.


Tempesto is coming up nicely. Lots of work going on over there. I think its about time the ride gets announced. Once it opens, you'll be able to get some sweet upskirt shots from Apollo's queue.


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Everyone is posting their thoughts on this thing so I figure I might as well do the same.


I'll start off by saying that this is definitely a strange move by the park. Comparable to their other coasters (and others across the chain), it seems like a cheap impulse buy. Whether it be to draw in some attendance, boost pass sales, or for some other unforeseen reason, I do not know. I stand firm in my belief that Festa Italia always has been, and probably always will be the bastard child of Busch Gardens. This ride seems to be taking that one step further.


I do not have a problem with the coaster in itself. Superman and Sky Scream are very well received rides so I don't at all doubt its ability to deliver as a coaster. Dare I go as far as say it might be the best coaster in the park. My main concern with it is capacity. Given the train size it will have an output comparable to that of Alpine Express. Granted, the ride ops at BGW are more than capable of sending a train out in a timely manner, and granted, the park does not get very busy during most days in the summer. Yet, compared to rides in the park like Griffon, Verbolten, Apollo, etc, it doesn't quite match up. And of course there is always the option of not getting in line if it is too long. A lot of people don't understand that it seems.


At the moment it is obviously unclear to judge how the ride will impact the area visually when finished. I must say I'm not the biggest fan of the orange, but so be it. I do like the track color a lot. It was my hope that the ride would include an overhaul and upgrade of Festa Italia (think Pantopia), but I'm not clinging to that idea so much anymore.


In short, people should be grateful that the park is getting a ride at all, and a decent looking one at that. If you are going to hold it over for the park, don't ride it. It's that simple. And honestly, if they're going to add an eyesore of a ride (which it may end up not being even), Festa is exactly where I want it.

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-People are out here bitching about getting a "clone" of a ride which only has 3 other copies in the entire world.


- People commenting on a ride they have never ridden


- People thinking they can play the role of park GM.


Yes this sounds about right for an enthusiast forum. Every needs to calm down and enjoy the fact that BGW is adding a new quality attraction. BGW isn't known for making boneheaded mistakes when adding rides, so I highly doubt this will be a dud. We don't even know all the details yet without the announcement. Who knows how they are theming it with landscaping etc. Busch knows what they are doing, have faith.

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I'll start off by saying that this is definitely a strange move by the park. Comparable to their other coasters (and others across the chain), it seems like a cheap impulse buy. Whether it be to draw in some attendance, boost pass sales, or for some other unforeseen reason, I do not know. I stand firm in my belief that Festa Italia always has been, and probably always will be the bastard child of Busch Gardens. This ride seems to be taking that one step further.



Hmm--considering that Festa Italia is already the home of both Apollo's Chariot and Roman Rapids, I'm don't agree with your "bastard stepchild" comment. I'm am curious to see how the area will look once the new coaster is finished, though.

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