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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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They've been starting HOS a little earlier each year. It's a big draw for the park, and pass-holding locals will go multiple times (and spend money on food and drinks). They've even added more spaces to overflow parking for HOS Saturday nights.

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Tree Huggers Unite LMAO



And I thought our obsession with roller coasters was odd... This is spectacular... We should all go to the next roller coaster deconstruction and do this... Unless it's a SLC...


Now I know why our power company trims trees, rather than cut them down.

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I wonder why BGW hasn't teased it or anything. With a new coaster like this, you would think they would give a week or two of teasing and then announce it. Not even an announcement date! Looks like they'll probably just announce it randomly on some day. And just FYI, I still am ok with this project happening!

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I wonder why BGW hasn't teased it or anything. With a new coaster like this, you would think they would give a week or two of teasing and then announce it. Not even an announcement date! Looks like they'll probably just announce it randomly on some day. And just FYI, I still am ok with this project happening!


Maybe since the coaster enthuasits know and they probably read the fourms, they just decided against it. The GP doesn't care. Everyone knew what Carowinds was getting and they still teased. Those teasers were good! I'll definitely head to BGW next year when I go down to Carowinds.


I just don't like the capacity issue, but I'm fine with this coaster. They somehow need to compete with Kings Dominion.

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They always announce next year's additions on passholder weekend on Saturday in the Festhaus for any passmembers who want to come, they usually raffle off some prizes too. That weekend is always a week after Labor Day, this year Septemver 6 and 7.

Edited by Homeboy23
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The scuttlebutt is that they're removing that building and the water-balloon-fight stand. The park hasn't confirmed anything yet, though.

Edited by cfc
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Update: Festa Italia Ground Clearing and Howl-o-Scream Prep


I went over the park for a few hours today to check out 1) what's been going on over by Apollo's Chariot and 2) how much of Howl-o-Scream 2014 has been set up. It's hard to believe, but HOS starts on September 12. It seems to start earlier each year--or is that just my perception? Whenever it starts, it's a big draw for the park.


HOS 2014 is going to be much like last year's event. The park is adding a new scarezone, Wendigo Woods, to New France, and the Monster Stomp show is coming back--to Ripper Row in England. (This should be good news to many locals, who were a bit annoyed when Fiends replaced Stomp over in Ireland.) No new mazes this year, but the park may have tweaked them a bit--time will tell.


I guess the keywords for this update are trees, dirt, and pirates. Let's take a look.


Beware: One side is bright sunshine . . .


. . . while the other side is terrifying darkness!


Arr! The Festa Italia bridge be all piratical now.


Meanwhile, over at Apollo's Chariot, there's been a lot of tree felling and ground clearing.


The scuttlebutt is that the building in the foreground (the arcade) will be removed.


Most likely, this will be Splashus Maximus's last season, too. We shall see.


And now, we return to the scarezone, Ports of Skull, in progress.


Ahoy, it's all about scurvy sea dogs here.


Thar be the photo-op crow's nest.


"They calls me Smiling Sam, the happy pirate!"


This was the independence grill during Star Spangled Nights.


I like how BGW re-themes these temporary food booths.


You'll be gettin' yer grog here, mates.


"They calls me Dramatic Dick, the over-demonstrative, butthurt pirate! I be sensitive, ye might say."


Another scurvy bridge.


Scurvy pirate pantaloons.


Scurvy barrel = scurvy theming.


This be a pirate port, indeed.


Over in Germany, they've started transforming the ice cream stand and gift shop into the Vampire Point Hotel, where bloodsuckers treat mortals to a sumptuous buffet--then suck them dry!


For those of you who may have missed it, these are New France's snazzy new bathrooms. They opened earlier this summer.


Soon, the huge Demon Street skull will be installed. I think.


Never noticed this before. You can buy Quick Queue or a meal plan at this kiosk next to Griffon. Wonder how long it's been here?


Naughty nurses' photo op in Ireland.


"Sorry, folks, but Europe in the Air is closed to be transformed into 13: Your Number's Up for Howl-o-Scream. The zombie moose out front should've told you.


You can see a bit of one of the haunts, Cutthroat Cove, from the train.


All sort of piratical stuff back there.


Avast! A pirate vessel is attacking the train! Prepare to repel boarders!


There's some stuff piled up in the old Drachen Fire area, but I've no idea what it's for. Could be anything.


Hello there, Scottish cows. How's your lunch?


We'll know come September 12.


And, in closing, boogie, boogie, boogie!

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^The clone (with three-car trains) is the rumor, and plans have been leaked on another site; that being said, the park hasn't announced anything. They've made big announcements during Passholder Appreciation Day in the past, so maybe we'll hear something then.

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Nice report!


I'm a little behind on speculation. It is confirmed that BGW is getting a S:UF clone? Is there any chance it could be something else? I just can't see BGW adding that type of ride for some reason...


I'm confused, are people more upset about the actual ride, or is it just a capacity issue?? SUF seems like a pretty awesome ride, and I've heard nothing but positive things about it.

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