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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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Isn't the Corkscrew Hill sign physically attached to the post, and all the other signs they've put there have just been over top of it?



That was my thought, too. It was just funny that it was left uncovered for a big part of the day.

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Park is supposed to be dead tomorrow with the temps dipping below freezing. Pretty much this entire weekend was a ghost town.


- Park looks great decked out in llights. It's pretty much the same as last year with a few new Christmas trees here and there though.

- On my Festa walkthrough, I noticed half the lights were burnt out or turned off. It was strange. Oh and Busch, if you're reading this PLEASE put more effort into decorating Festa during HOS. It's a shame that the area looks amazing during CT but horrible during HOS.

- Oktoberfest's tree seems a bit smaller than last year. They added a few small ones at the base, but I preferred the one giant tree.

- Thay should bring back Catacombs for CT. Three penguin tanks doesn't really cut it for me.

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^Friday was very warm, and business was slow then, too. Even so, there was still a line to see the penguins. I think it's bit early for people to get into Christmas this weekend; I imagine it'll pick up after Thanksgiving.


Funny moment: When I was Holiday Hills, I noticed that the head of an "animatronic" snow man had been twisted backwards, so it looked like he had a broken neck. I passed Larry Giles on my way out. He was there taking notes. When I passed the snow man again, the head had been turned back the right way. So, I imagine the lighting problems in Holiday Hills will be fixed.

Edited by cfc
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Stopped by the park today to take some more pictures...here are a few if anyone is interested:


(more can be found here)



The "big ball tree" as Chuck calls it.



This way to the rest of the park...



This polar bear is looking rather thin, perhaps as a result of global warming? Not sure, it was awful cold tonight.



This is probably the most theming Festa Italia has ever seen.


Americana flamingos? Why not.




I walked into Oktoberfest and could hardly believe that Mach Tower was running. Had to have been 3 months since I saw it with people on it. I set up my tripod for this picture and watched. The car went up about 30 feet, paused, then came back down. I knew it was too good to be true. Moments later, the ride and queue were evacuated and the ride remained closed for the rest of the night. This was easily the most entertaining thing I've seen all week. (I realize the ride was most likely running earlier, I just found my timing to be extremely hilarious)


I then walked over to Verbolten and took an unhealthy amount of photos of the car. I believe I took 14, but only 3 made it online.



Alpengeist, is that you?




And with that I was gone. Thanks for lookin.

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Man....I wish I had some time to go to Christmas Town. I have a season pass and haven't been to the park since May (was planning to go more, but didn't work out). It would be nice to have a good visit to the park this year (first time got rained out, and lost my cell phone on Alpengeist the second).

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It did cause permanent brain damage for many folks, hence a lot of complaints and I believe a temp first aid station was concocted next to it for a while (similar to Son of Beast!) ... thankfully when I went on it, I knew how rough it would be ahead of time and was prepared so I didn't have a major headache and want to go home

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^^^^Also the same. It's one of those coasters I really wish I could ride. I know it was rough as hell but it definitely didn't lack originality. And am I forgetting any ride or was this the only arrow with a normal corkscrew entry? Anyway, that drop looked great and I would like to see it appearing in future rides.

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^Fantasia Special?


Anyways here's some more footage of DF.



Christmas Town looks fantastic this year from what I can see. The more pictures I see the more I'm tempted to head down. I'm hoping I get some kind of break and make a visit.

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Hit up Christmas Town again this past weekend. It was a great event. I went with a friend Friday night to see Gloria and then went Saturday night with a few TPR peeps. We were more focused on Verbolten so there wasn't much time to see all the lights/extras the park had to offer.


Quick Gloria rundown. The acting seems better than last year IMO. Something about the way they used the moving floors better or something. Last year, the moving floors seemed kinda out of place. Let's not forget the amazing actors as well.


The crappy power point imagery HAS to go though. It really only works well in one song number. I actually liked the show without all the ugly projections (the show experienced technical difficulties so the projections were out for the first few minutes of the show. That made it a lot better). If they placed more emphasis on a detailed stage like Celtic Fyre or props like Fiends, it would be that much stronger.


Still an amazing show with amazing actors and a really nice score. I plan to see Deck the Halls and Miracles later in the season. I'm hoping they've held up just as good as Gloria has.

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Drachen Fire looks interesting, too bad it was so rough. Do you think the ride would still be around if Arrow had started "heartlining" their rides with computer systems (Like B&M) in the late 80's/very early 90's?


They couldn't find a disc drive to hold a coat hanger.

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