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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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Psh, whenever I'm at an attraction with assigned rows, I always just keep letting people in front of me until they fill the whole train. Then I always get the front!

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I can imagine that Verbolten won't be such an issue with a cramped station or too many people in line at once. There's five trains, and the ride is pretty quick. And I remember when riding wicked at lagoon, it was very quick load/unload.

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Might be making a trip down to BGW in early june(not 100% certain yet) & would like to know what the admission costs are this year & if there are any discounts available?


Havn't been to the park since way back in 97 so I havn't gotten a chance to ride any of the B&M's there but of course mourn the loss of the two Arrow's that have since been removed especially BBW.

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I know this is a bit far-fetched but I think it would be amazing if Drachen Fire has a "return" in where they built a blue-tracked, grey-supported B&M Wing Ride coaster in the same location and name it Drachen Fire.

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Might be making a trip down to BGW in early june(not 100% certain yet) & would like to know what the admission costs are this year & if there are any discounts available?


Havn't been to the park since way back in 97 so I havn't gotten a chance to ride any of the B&M's there but of course mourn the loss of the two Arrow's that have since been removed especially BBW.


And speaking of BGW discounts, this was in this morning's Daily Press:


As Busch Gardens heads into high tourism season, the discount opportunities for locals are fewer. But if you missed out on the deals available this spring, there are a few new ways to shave off a few dollars from your admission ticket.


Chick-fil-A restaurants in Hampton Roads and Richmond have coupons for $12 off a single-day admission to Busch Gardens or Water Country USA. The offer ends June 30.


Enter the code BGWFOODLION on the Busch Gardens website to receive a $12 discount on single-day admission.


Coupons for $12 off a single-day admission also are available at Food Lion grocery stores. Park visitors also can show their Food Lion MVP card at the park admission window for the $12 discount.


If a flash sale on theme park tickets occurs (usually announced on the Busch Gardens Twitter account), I will send a text alert. To sign up for mobile alerts, visit dailypress.com/textalerts. Choose DPFREE.

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^Looked on the BGW site & can't believe that it's $66.99 per person this year!! Man is that steep but I hope I can get the discounts at local food lion stores in the DC metro area as that'll bring the price down to around $55.00 instead should we happen to visit the park as planned on june 1st.

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^It is expensive compared to parks in the area, but not bad when compared to its sister park down in Florida.


Did I read that right that you get unlimited visits for the same price as a one-day ticket through the end of the summer with that Fun Pass??? That sounds insanely awesome!

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^That is a super deal.


The Fun Pass is an awesome deal for either the Florida parks or BGW. Before I had the platinum passport for these parks I did the Fun Pass and it was perfect. Definitely worthwhile if you think you will visit more than once but not often enough to warrant and passport.


And $67 for BGW really isn't a bad deal at all considering the park. I'd gladly pay that any day to visit there.

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Park fans mourned the loss of Big Bad Wolf, the beloved suspended coaster that Busch Gardens Williamsburg removed in 2009. Verbolten, the ride that will take its place in 2012, will be highly themed, have some compelling features (including a world's first), and just may be able to fill the paws of its predecessor.


Coaster Stats


Location: Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, Virginia

Type of coaster: LSM (magnetic) Launched

Drop: 88 feet

Top speed: 53 mph

Track length: 2835 feet

Height requirement: 48 inches


Enter the Forbidden Forest. What Could Go Wrong?


Located in the Germany/Octoberfest section of the European-themed park, Verbolten features Gerta and Gunter, the proprietors of a Bavarian touring and rental agency. In the ride's queue and loading station, passengers will be introduced to the siblings and learn about the forbidden Black Forest, a strange place where the agency's rental cars -- and the renters -- keep disappearing. With that reassuring overture, riders make their way to Gerta's and Gunter's roadsters (the coaster trains) and head into the forest.


The launch system will send the trains Verbolting out of the station. Multi-channel onboard audio will enhance the ride experience and support the story. After winding their way through the forest, the trains will enter a special effects building and come to a stop. This is where the ride will distinguish itself.


Achtung! SPOILER ALERT. Busch Gardens has incorporated some unique as well as pretty nifty effects and elements into the coaster. If you would prefer to remain in the dark (literally and figuratively) until you ride Verbolten, read no further.


Using props, set pieces, ultraviolet paint, strobe lights, and other effects, one of three different stories will take place during the indoor part of the ride. The multiple story lines are a first for a themed coaster and should help boost its popularity as passengers return for repeat rides to experience all three sequences, which will include:


  • Lightening Storm: A fierce storm will engulf the train and threaten to destroy it.
  • Spirit of the Forest: A spirit will lull passengers with a pleasant-sounding voice, but then turn malevolent and attempt to ensnare them in the forest.
  • Wolf Attack: In homage to the Big Bad Wolf, a red-eyed pack of creatures will stalk the train.

A Wolf in Roadster's Clothing


Regardless of the story, they will all have the same ending. In total darkness, the train, along with its passengers and section of track, will freefall 16 feet straight down. This is the second coaster to incorporate a vertical freefall element (the first was Thirteen, which opened in 2010 at Alton Towers in England). The effect, which combines a drop tower ride (albeit in condensed form) such as the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror and Busch Gardens' own Mach Tower, with a coaster, should be startling, especially to unsuspecting passengers.


When it hits the lower level of the building, the train will lurch and squeal as it attempts to escape the dangerous situation. A second magnetic launch will send it hightailing out of the forest. For its finale, the train will soar 80 feet down over the park's Rhine River, which mimics the ending of the Big Bad Wolf.


There aren't a heck of a lot of coasters that double as a dark ride and attempt to tell a coherent story. Some, such as Revenge of the Mummy at Universal Studios in Orlando and Hollywood handle it with aplomb. It remains to be seen whether Verbolten can pull it off. But with its dual launches, vertical drop element, multiple story lines, and strong finish, Busch Gardens certainly has me howling in anticipation. Awooo!

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I have to admit, this is looking like BGW did their homework- and did it right. I've been waiting for years for a park to take the concept that is put forth in Verbolten, and it really looks amazing at this point.


As much as I miss BBW (For nostalgic reasons more than anything else), I think the finesse they're putting into the ride really shows a true spirit of the ride. The BBW 'effects show' will be, for me at least, a wonderful tribute to the ride that previously operated on that site.

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On-board audio? I recall the leaked plans calling for speakers mounted at various points in the event building. Not sure which to believe. If it is on board audio there's potentially a lot of electronics to charge up in the station: On board video equipment for the souvenir videos, on-board audio system, and potentially working headlights.


The alternate storyline aspect just got me more excited than ever about this ride, that's enough to keep me in line all day next Friday to try and experience them all!

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