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Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 149 - Cars Frontierland expansion, new nighttime parade, and new Villains Land announced at D23!

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Can you control the color of the ears when not at a show? I was just wondering. I just hope we never see the lights incorporated into the running medals. Then they'd start wearing them year round, instead of just for six months after a race is done.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey everyone!


We were fortunate enough to attend a very special media event at Walt Disney World today which focused on re-capping the events for the remainder of this holiday season, touching a bit upon upcoming expansions including the Seven Dwarfs Mine Car attraction and the Festival of Fantasy parade. We also heard about some Annual Pass specials for Florida residents and beyond. New holiday gift ideas and other WDW merchandise (some REALLY COOL stuff in there) and even got to have a bit of fun with the WDW Entertainment department's "Streetmosphere!"


What a great morning at the Magic Kingdom! Please watch the video below and check out the photos!



Photos by Jack Crouse. Video by Robb Alvey


Yes, I had to wake up at 4am to get to the park before sunrise for this media event, but just LOOK at these AWESOME AWESOME photos we got of Main Street USA and the castle all lit up!


Not often you can get a "postcard" pic like this of the hub totally empty!


And then still get that an hour or so later when the sunlight starts to appear and *just* light up the sky!


The park absolutely looks beautiful for Christmas. One of our favorite times of the year to visit. We wouldn't miss it! There are many different options for our local Florida residents so get down to WDW before the decorations come down!


Yup, we did do a little "Goofing Around" while at the park this morning! =)


Again, Main Street USA all decked out. Wonderful!


We spoke with Steven Miller, Merchandise Communications Manager and some amazing new holiday merchandise. Don't miss out! These items won't be around long! (Watch the video for more info!)


Loved the "It's a Small World" dolls and Duffy fans have TWO new Christmas outfits to collect!


We originally saw things like this at Tokyo Disney and were thrilled to see some of the "Disney Parks Food Magnets" make their way to the USA!


Sun is coming up, more AWESOME shots of the park! LOVE being here early in the morning before the public gets in!


Yes! Mickey & Minnie make an appearance!


Got a chance to walk around and get more angles of the castle.


Love all the little details and touches they put on all the holiday decorations around the park.


Another advantage of being at the park early is that you get photos both lit up and with the sunlight!


How often can you get this photo with virtually nobody on Main Street leading up to the castle!


Holiday Mickey & Minnie Topiary!


And of course you cannot for get the Christmas Tree as you enter main street.


The Toy Soldiers are guarding those presents under the tree! ;)


Inside the Emporium is where you can find many of the WDW holiday gifts for your family.


Got a chance to speak with Ty and Rich, the 2013/2014 Walt Disney World Ambassadors. These guys walked me through many of the holiday events and upcoming new attractions at the resort including the upcoming Seven Dwarfs Mine Train roller coaster.


Pilar from Disney Cruise Lines talked about the new renovations on the Disney Magic as well as some future destinations for the rest of the Disney Cruise Lines fleet. (Watch the video! It's in there!)


Kris talked about some of the impressive features of the new Festival of Fantasy parade coming to the Magic Kingdom in the spring. This will be the first "new" daytime parade in about ten years. (Again, check out that video!)


The "Public Works" did an awesome job of also talking up what the future has in store at Walt Disney World!


And they did it in their own "amusing" way! lol (All on that video that you should be watching!)


Ahhh!!!! I've been ATTACKED by Christmas decorations!!!


Rusty Cutlass, who plays their pirate Christmas songs during Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party was here to spread some pirate cheer!


Me and the big man hanging out! Thanks Mickey for having us out and we look forward to an awesome holiday season at Walt Disney World and lots of greatness in the months to come!

Edited by robbalvey
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Great update. There are many things I hated about working at Magic Kingdom and having to get up way too early to power up Big Thunder Mountain but seeing the sun rise over the park/castle always made up for it.


And great to see Rich in the video - we were managers together back some time ago and he has more passion (in a non-fanboy way) for Disney than any one I met.

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Love the rare shots of the castle without people milling about--just beautiful. Those new kitchen magnets look good enough to eat, and the new parade sounds great (especially because it'll be continuous).

Edited by cfc
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Even better that they are singing dolls to annoy the friend whom hates the ride ...





Great update, thanks for the share Robb - makes things much better when I have to work all over the holidays and won't get to visit WDW ...good merchandise as well for those that travel during one of the busiest times of the year there. I guess I'll look forward to a visit in 2014 or 2015 and secure some time early so I can get FAR away from work after these major projects are done.

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Great update! I wish I could get one of those It's A Small World dolls for a present for a friend who hates that ride.

I actually think they are also available online!


I'm sure they will be "re-gifted" for many years to come.

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