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Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 149 - Cars Frontierland expansion, new nighttime parade, and new Villains Land announced at D23!

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Yeah, Rivers of America and Tom Sawyer Island are getting axed for these expansions.  Here's a look at the overall area where they're going.  Basically all of that green space from Tom Sawyer Island and north, stretching from east of Caribbean Way, south of Floridian Way, and west of Center Drive is in play.  I'm assuming Cars Land will be TSI and west, Villains will be north of Haunted Mansion.

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I'm a little torn on this expansion, on one hand I don't mind them removing Tom Sawyer Island and Rivers of America but I don't love the Cars property, especially in Frontierland? Thematically I don't really know how it's going to fit, but also I don't know if anyone even cares about that kind of stuff anymore. I will miss the ambiance of the river and that area in general, but if this turns into a lushly forested Grizzly Peak/Wilderness Lodge type area with a killer attraction then I don't think anyone will really miss it. 


Also after years of them teasing "what's beyond thunder mountain?" it seems kind of obvious now that that to even get to the land plots beyond you have to go straight through Rivers of America and Tom Sawyer's Island so I guess this shouldn't be that surprising.

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Out of all the times I've been to the park I went on the boat once and didn't find anything special about it. Rarely ever saw many people using Tom Sawyer Island too. They need more rides that take up a decent amount of people and the cars ride helps there. I love the cars franchise though.

Also don't care if they eventually remove the hall of presidents either. I haven't been in there since I was a kid and I have 0 interest in ever sitting through it again.

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I absolutely adore Tom Sawyer Island but I can't deny that it's not popular and the real estate will be better used for other things.  I'm just sad I never got the chance to eat at Aunt Polly's.   And Villains Land is a dream project so definitely no complaints there!

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  • 2 months later...

For the low, low price of $449 you can skip every line at Magic Kingdom, as long as you've already ponied up $1k+ on a room.

That's $150 more than I paid for a national Six Flags Platinum Flash Pass that is good for 17 months 😆


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4 hours ago, mikeykaise said:

when it takes a bank loan to go see a walking and talking mouse the business might wanna review ticket prices.... I've love to visit the SW areas and Animal Kingdom but not gonna put myself in the poor house to do it though.

I agree with this to an extent. Even with ticket prices being as high as Snoop Dogg on April 20th in a White Castle parking lot, the parks get a metric assload of visitors per day. So it's no question that a corporation would rather price some people out than lower ticket costs and cap attendance.

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Nobody is forcing LLP on the guests. This is just another easy cash grab for the company.  Yeah, a single day ticket is pricey, but compared to the price of other entertainment options these days it's actually quite reasonable.  Would I rather spend $200 for a day at Disney or spend $200 for a 2-hour Broadway show?

Disney.  No question.  I'm a friggin IATSE Journeyman stagehand and I'd rather go to Disney than support my industry.  The last Broadway show I saw was A Strange Loop two years ago and that's only because I found a balcony seat day-of for $58.  Cursed Child I spent $156 on for the second row but that was entirely funded by my per diem budget while on tour.

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I think the lightning passes are great. The prices aren't for everyone. It's for those who are willing to pay for the experience. It's not mandatory. 

If you're taking out a loan to go to Disney, then you shouldn't be going to Disney.

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