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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

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Word is the 2nd T3 train is on the way...


Where'd you here that?

Asked a maintenance worker while the park.


Do they have any idea when it will open? Idk why they changed the brakes so late or these trains came so late, but it means that the ride will open after a month of it's scheduled opening and it's pretty disappointing whenever I plan to go and it's still not open. And considering it's the main thing they advertise in commercials and at the front gate and I'm pretty sure they're not making the GP happy.


My only logical guess for all the delays is because they seemed to focus on the other 7 new rides first. I'm not trying to bash on the park as I in fact love where it's going but it just seems like T3 won't get enough enjoyment from the GP before they start hyping over RMC Twisted Twins, cuz if they announce it late July that would be less than a month after their newest coaster opens (or reopens). It seems strange doesn't it?

Edited by undercoverunicorn13
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Word is the 2nd T3 train is on the way...


Where'd you here that?

Asked a maintenance worker while the park.


Do they have any idea when it will open? Idk why they changed the brakes so late or these trains came so late, but it means that the ride will open after a month of it's scheduled opening and it's pretty disappointing whenever I plan to go and it's still not open. And considering it's the main thing they advertise in commercials and at the front gate and I'm pretty sure they're not making the GP happy.


My only logical guess for all the delays is because they seemed to focus on the other 7 new rides first. I'm not trying to bash on the park as I in fact love where it's going but it just seems like T3 won't get enough enjoyment from the GP before they start hyping over RMC Twisted Twins, cuz if they announce it late July that would be less than a month after their newest coaster opens (or reopens). It seems strange doesn't it?

That's the first thing I asked he said he's not allowed to say...... I asked this week he looked around and said if testing goes good but you didn't hear that from me.

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I can't believe that any enthusiasts really care about the T3 opening.


It's probably cuz it's opening in a park that has only 2 other big coasters, neither of which invert.


That's the first thing I asked he said he's not allowed to say...... I asked this week he looked around and said if testing goes good but you didn't hear that from me.


Why wouldn't they be allowed to tell?

Edited by undercoverunicorn13
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I can't believe that any enthusiasts really care about the T3 opening.

It's the lowest hanging fruit to pay attention to until we can start totally focusing on Twisted Twins' makeover. Also exactly because of what undercoverunicorn13 said.

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That's the first thing I asked he said he's not allowed to say...... I asked this week he looked around and said if testing goes good but you didn't hear that from me.


Why wouldn't they be allowed to tell?



Who knows I guess they don't want to make anymore opening dates and it not open....

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I will be visiting the park this sunday as part of a big trip, and plan to visit holiday world on the following monday. I was planning on arriving at opening time but was wondering if this park has enough to entertain for a full day, or if I would be better driving to holiday world in the afternoon (they do discounted tickets after 3pm) and having a day a half there instead of just a single day. also, if anyone fancies meeting up on sunday or monday at either park it would be nice to meet some other enthusiasts.

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I can't believe that any enthusiasts really care about the T3 opening.


It's probably cuz it's opening in a park that has only 2 other big coasters, neither of which invert.


That still doesn't explain why an enthusiast would care. The general public might care about an inverting coaster, but enthusiasts should not be enthused by an SLC to be point of clamoring about an opening date.

Edited by larrygator
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I can't believe that any enthusiasts really care about the T3 opening.


It's probably cuz it's opening in a park that has only 2 other big coasters, neither of which invert.


That still doesn't explain why an enthusiast would care. The general public might care about an inverting coaster, but enthusiasts should not be enthused by an SLC to be point of clamoring about an opening date.


Personally, I'm curious to see how it rides with the new trains and new restraints. While I'm not completely interested in this ride, I am curious to see how well it does with the new trains and the public at Kentucky Kingdom.


Also, some enthusiasts might want the coaster to open so they can get the credit if they already didn't ride T2

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I can't believe that any enthusiasts really care about the T3 opening.


It's probably cuz it's opening in a park that has only 2 other big coasters, neither of which invert.


That still doesn't explain why an enthusiast would care. The general public might care about an inverting coaster, but enthusiasts should not be enthused by an SLC to be point of clamoring about an opening date.


There are a few enthusiasts on here from the area around KK that want to see the park succeed. I, for one, see T3 as a key part in the immediate success, as the complaint by many people in the GP claim the park doesn't have big rides. In order for the park to be able to invest in the mind blowing, cutting edge, "OMFG AMAZING!!!!" rides that drive everyone wild on TPR, the park has to have the finances. I've seen numerous threads on TPR get excited about restaurants or flats designed for children; I think it's okay for amusement park enthusiasts to care about the reopening of a large coaster with new trains that will attract local guests.

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I can't believe that any enthusiasts really care about the T3 opening.


It's probably cuz it's opening in a park that has only 2 other big coasters, neither of which invert.


That still doesn't explain why an enthusiast would care. The general public might care about an inverting coaster, but enthusiasts should not be enthused by an SLC to be point of clamoring about an opening date.


Who are you to tell people what they should and shouldn't look forward to? Quit being a dick about it an accept the fact that people.. oh I'm sorry... "Enthusiasts" are actually excited about it. No one cares that you don't think it's "cool" that we're interested in seeing how the old head banger rides with new trains.


We're all freaking nerds for liking this hobby anyway. Quit trying to be the exclusionary nerd, because someone doesn't nerd the same way you nerd.

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^ I don't know what the policy is exactly, but I do know that the park will run most of their rides (Lightning Run doubtful) if it's just drizzling or it's moderate rain. Obviously if it thunders or lightning, they will close the rides for a certain amount of time, and if it's constant plus pouring down rain like it was for me a couple weeks ago than it's possible that they might close down the park.


The water at the waterpark has really warmed up with this hot summer... Nothing to worry about there, it's fine after a few minutes and most of the time at the park you'd rather be in the water than out of it.

Edited by undercoverunicorn13
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^Thank you so much! Hopefully my trip tomorrow goes well! Lightning Run is something I definitely want to do as well as some water park slides.


I hope your trip goes well! I was at the park yesterday and Deep Water Dive kept getting disabled plus Tornado was closed... So I hope you're lucky and they are both open when you get there! You especially don't want to miss Deep Water Dive! You'll love Lightning Run too!


PS. Don't trust Kentucky weather

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