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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

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Kentucky Kingdom is probably the least photogenic park I've visited, but it still holds a special place in my heart for being the park that got me into riding roller coasters. I hope they're able to get Twisted Twins back up and running, oh and T2 (which I honestly didn't think was that bad when I rode it in the very back seat).

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In regards to same colors as the pirate ship...maybe these two are linked into a newly themed area.

Not yet announced by the park, at this time? Just a guess.


I just hope they keep up the maintenance on T2. It was my very first SLC back in May 1995, and actually

I believe at the time, the first two-seat-across SLC in North America! My first SLC love - not my only one

now, thanks to Kumali in FlamingoLand, Black Mamba in PhantasiaLand... But still, T2 was my first.

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It appears that the "main" area of the coaster is completed. All that's left is the brake/station/lift area.


As others have said, I LOVE how there are no gimmicks with this; it's just a classic steel coaster. I hope more of these pop up around the U.S. (Knott's Berry Farm, maybe?).

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This morning while sipping my coffee and watching the local morning news before heading to work, I about pee'd my pants when I saw the first KK commercial advertising season passes.... so excited, its almost here.... 2 more months!

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It's so pretty! This is a perfect addition to the park. I hope a few more of these pop up somewhere (preferably in Texas). I particularly like the reverse-bank (not sure what to call it) before it gets all twistyyyyy on the ground. It's very similar to Iron Rattlers reverse over bank except that it isn't over banked, but that element on Iron Rattler is actually one if the most Interesting points of the ride.

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Is Alan Schilke involved in Lightning Run other than the train design? I noticed a lot of elements have RMC coaster's influence. From the POV the first drop and the twist afterwards looks exactly like Outlaw Run and some of the twisty elements look like Iron Rattler's. Even the way the train moves looks like an RMC coaster.


But that only means it's AWESOME.

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Is Alan Schilke involved in Lightning Run other than the train design? I noticed a lot of elements have RMC coaster's influence. From the POV the first drop and the twist afterwards looks exactly like Outlaw Run and some of the twisty elements look like Iron Rattler's. Even the way the train moves looks like an RMC coaster.


But that only means it's AWESOME.

I hadn't thought about that but now that I've re-watched the POV and offirde shots there might be something to that. Interesting...

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