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Kentucky Kingdom (SFKK, KK) Discussion Thread

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That almost looks like new wood on swamp water Jack's, but it is hard to tell.


Kentucky Kingdom is very patriotic even when it is not open. There are six American flags. I wonder why that is? ;)

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Maroon.. it's just a color


Vampire (the park's Vekoma Boomerang from China*) was that color. It seemed when the park was new, every other thing there was maroon. The train on Thunder Run was maroon, too.


*There was a plaque in front of Vampire describing how people were afraid of the ride in China, so Kentucky Kingdom purchased it.


^ I did not see that color, but time will tell. When Six Flags moved the vampire, did they fix it? If they didn't how did they think just moving it would fix it? Because I heard that it got stuck pretty frequently.

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Quote from Kentucky Kingdom's Facebook page "We are doubling the size of the water park! Eight new water attractions including a multi-slide tower complex, raft slide complex, two TALL plunge slides, an adventure river, wave lagoon, expanded decking area, cabanas and an expanded food court." I wonder if the multi slide tower complex will be a drop box or not. That I would love to see because I don't believe any of their competitors have a drop box slide. Im not sure though.

Edited by sfkk
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Quote from Kentucky Kingdom's Facebook page "We are doubling the size of the water park! Eight new water attractions including a multi-slide tower complex, raft slide complex, two TALL plunge slides, an adventure river, wave lagoon, expanded decking area, cabanas and an expanded food court." I wonder if the multi slide tower complex will be a drop bos or not. That I would love to see because I don't believe any of their compedetors have a drop bax slide. Im not sure though.


Awesome! CAn't wait for KK to open!

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Quote from Kentucky Kingdom's Facebook page "We are doubling the size of the water park! Eight new water attractions including a multi-slide tower complex, raft slide complex, two TALL plunge slides, an adventure river, wave lagoon, expanded decking area, cabanas and an expanded food court." I wonder if the multi slide tower complex will be a drop bos or not. That I would love to see because I don't believe any of their compedetors have a drop bax slide. Im not sure though.


*Confused about what a "drop bos" is. Then confused about what a "drop bax" is. Also...what a "compedetor" is. Interestingly enough, my browser underlined all of those words I'm confused about.

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I'm two hours from this park and never went when it was open. My question is, was It worth it then to go and will it be worth it when it re opens? I May try and do this park and holiday world one weekend next summer.

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^It depends on who you are. If you are a major coaster enthusiast and all you look for in a park is lots of coasters, then going the first year might not be the best idea. I always liked the park because it was never crowded and i could do everything in a few hours. I'm sure that will change though when the park reopens.

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I do usually look for a lot and bigger coasters but Its really not a big deal if What coasters they have a fun and the flat rides are fun. My wife told me when she went as a kid she thought she remembered everything being rough.

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Thats funny, when I was younger I don't remember t2 being rough at all. Now when I went on another slc, it felt very rough. I think it has something to do with body weight. The more you weigh the more it jostles you around. Correct me if im wrong. Also, looking at the rides and attractions page and trip reports, lots of people seem to overlook that this park has a (3d) ? motion simulator. Those are always fun.

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^It's a theater with moving seats, and the shows were never 3D as far as I could remember. Motion simulators aren't all the rave when they've been showing the same film for years, but they can use it to have better potential now that theaters are bumping up to 4D, 5D, and yes 6D (I think I heard one was trying for 7D, which makes absolutely no sense to me).

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^It's a theater with moving seats, and the shows were never 3D as far as I could remember. Motion simulators aren't all the rave when they've been showing the same film for years, but they can use it to have better potential now that theaters are bumping up to 4D, 5D, and yes 6D (I think I heard one was trying for 7D, which makes absolutely no sense to me).


What is 6D taste? Also, it would probably be pretty easy to convert the theater to 3D if the park wanted too. It would probably just require a new projector and glasses, but i'm not sure.

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Remember the entrance work photo I posted a few pages back, well it looks like it is almost done. The photo came from Kentucky Kingdom's facebook.


I found this to be hilarious. Unlike Six Flags which would be sponsored by skittles, this is just the bank of kentucky.

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A little off-topic from the park itself. I'll try to keep it short:

So, the Kentucky State Fair is currently running until the 25th. I had the chance to go in the afternoon of the 18th and practically spent my entire time in the Thrillway area (where the rides were) due to the wristbands being the cheapest to purchase on this day, and me wanting to take advantage of it. If I wasn't riding a ride, I was filming for a video I wanted to do as well.


I haven't been back to the fair since 2011, and since then it seemed to have been toned down in terms of how many extreme rides they have set up. Rides like the Inverter, Spin Out, Remix, and the spinning Wild Maus (before that, it was a Pinfari) weren't there anymore. Instead, they were replaced with a new small drop tower called High Jacker, an extra 1001 Nachts (a Rainbow-type ride) and what was actually my favorite newest addition there, the star flyer called Vertigo.


Name at the tip-top.


The base


Rotates just like Sparkler at Holiday World.


The ride is about the same height as Sparkler at Holiday World.


The seats on this ride were actually more comfortable than Sparkler's. The biggest (and so far only) turnoff for this ride is the restraint system.


In addition to the necessary bar, they have a chest belt. Keeps riders from leaning forwards during the ride. It's good in a sense that it allows parents to be more comfortable in letting their smaller kids ride without the fear of them possibly hanging over the edge, but is a small annoyance.


What I loved here is that they took a garden hose, hooked a nozzle at the end, set it on mist spray, and hung it on the backboard to wet riders on Wipeout!


High Jacker. Didn't ride it, but looks like it gives a pretty good scare.


Vertigo doing its thing.


Almost left the fair that night and forgot to take a photo of the ferris wheel. I parked at the nearest lot and snapped a few photos. They had bright lights set up in the station of Greezed Lightnin' (the only thing still standing of the coaster other than some fences, may it rest in peace) and they pointed at the giant wheel. Like stated, it changed to a few colors very often.


(Side note: Yay for trying out the multi-file uploader for the first time! Works beautifully! )

Edited by Midgetman82
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