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Walt Disney World Monorail Crash. One person dead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK so if there is a computer system installed with light or radio frequency positioning why didn't the computer have capability to shut down power to that section of the ride??? This system is probably state of the art as with almost all Disney rides and attractions so it should have a 2nd and 3rd backup system. I don't know how this could happen on a attraction that is one of the safest people movers in the world....

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  • 3 months later...

Funny it's called Monorail "Teal." It looks more like baby blue to me. The fact that they had to put that strip of white on it to differentiate it makes me wonder---there wasn't actual teal colored paint in stock?


Regardless, it's good that they were able to salvage enough of the two crashed trains to create a new one. I wonder if there's a memorial plaque somewhere to Austin Wuennenberg?



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  • 1 month later...

A little update.


The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration cited Disney for one "serious" safety violation that contributed to the July 5 accident, which occurred as one of Disney's trains was driving in reverse during a botched track switch and backed into another train, killing driver Austin Wuennenberg of Kissimmee.


The agency said Disney failed to recognize the potential hazards of driving the trains in reverse, noting, for instance, that resort did not follow a 20-year-old operating guide written by the train's manufacturer, Bombardier Inc., which recommended that, any time a train is reversing, an observer be positioned watching the opposite end. Disney on Sunday began requiring spotters when a train is backing up.


The fine for the one violation related to accident was $7,000, but they found others that added up to a total fine of $44,000. The original article is from the Sun Sentinel, and can be found HERE

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I'm really amazed that the monorail trains aren't equipped with a rear camera, mirrors, or something to watch behind when a train is backing up. Even putting someone back there with a walkie talkie would have been better.



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^ I understand your apprehension about going where people have died, but remember that people have died on most major highways. Are you going to avoid certain stretches of roads because of that? Are you going to avoid riding any rides where people have died? People die where they die.


Just saying...



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^Sometimes. With other rides where people died on them It's iffy like i ride Timberwolf at WoF every year and I dont mind becuase that girl died on the ground next to the ride, not on the ride itself. But...on the other hand, I wont ride BTMRat Disneyland (but I've never been there) in the front car of what is it #3? because thats where the person died and I would ride anywhere else on the train because they died there and I'm here. I don't think about roads because am I in the car that they died in? No. I'm in a different car.


I'm weird. I have come to face the fact.

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A little off topic...but when I go next summer, I'll wait for another train if the teal one shows up. I don't like going places where people died (hospitals and retirement homes especially) but I'm fine with cemeteries.


Sounds like you may have a pretty uneventful visit.


People have died on, or as a result of riding:


Space Mountain, The Haunted Mansion, the Monorail, Mission: Space, Soarin', Rock `n' Roller Coaster, Expedition Everest, Primeval Whirl, POTC, Splash Mountain, the Wave Pool at Typhoon Lagoon (and probably etc. etc. etc.). Thankfully for you, the Skyway is no longer there...... but still, watch where you step in Fantasyland.

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I know but most of them weren't caused by the rides but by some disease or condition a rider had and shouldn't have ridden or been allowed to ride. As said, it's very iffy and why I won't ride that car on BTMR at Disneyland. The cars weight killed that person not a disorder. That's why. But I'd probably ride those anyway the credit whore that I am who has an embarrassing coaster count.


This is getting off topic.

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^ At this rate, I'm sure the seat that Marcelo Torres died in has since been replaced, as well as that entire car. I saw photos from the crash site on the internet a year or so ago, and there's no way that exact car is in service. It had to be entirely rebuilt for that thing to roll the rails again.


There's really no way around this issue. People die. And they die where they die, as said above. Folks fail to realize that you are, in fact, taking a risk by hoping on an amusement ride. No matter how flashy it is, the thing is still a machines. Machines break, no matter what we do to prevent it. The circle of life. So you can cower about what has (and possibly could) happen, or you can realize that the chance of you dying a theme park death is very, very minimal. You're more likely to die in a car crash or from food poisining.



Back on topic, I agree that more posts should be added to the lines if this is a true issue. Rear-facing cameras/personnel should have been done already, in my opinion.

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I really don't see why everyone is badgering the guy about his fear. We all have fears, and a lot of times, those fears are irrational and make no sense at all. No sense is trying to talk him out of his fear; it's something he has to deal with on his own.


Anyways, yea, back on topic...cameras or a pilot in the last car should be something they look into. That, or following the manual.

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